Chapter 2: The temptations of peace

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"Jackson!" She came running to me with a smile that always lit up my day.

"I did it, I did it!" She was practically beaming. She threw herself into my arms, causing me to stumble backward as I tried to catch her.

"Did what?" I asked, regaining my balance.

"Remember when I told you that I'd create something revolutionary?" She said, her eyes sparkling.

She was struggling to hold her tongue, barely giving me time to remember.

I seemed to recall such an event, though the blurry details made me question whether or not my mind was playing tricks on me.

"Uhh... yeah?" I answered

"Well, I actually managed to create an advanced, sentient form of AI!" Her words came out in rapid succession.

I found myself laughing, my expression matching hers. Her happiness really was contagious.

"Is that good?" I asked her, clueless on anything to do with technology.

"It's wonderful." She deliberated on the word.

She was bouncing with energy as she continued.

"Not only is it the greatest invention of the millennia, but it can also help -"

I was awoken by the sound of rubble crashing to the ground. A wet feeling ran down my cheeks. My hand traveled to my cheeks, and I was met with a damp sensation.

"Tears?" I questioned, unfamiliar with the concept since so long ago.

"Was I dreami--"

I was immediately snapped awake from my stupor. I looked around everywhere, my vision still hazy. A cloud of dust rose in the air east from where I was sleeping, yet I found no sign or sound of those machines

'It's only gravity,' I thought to myself after a few seconds of silence.

'Maybe I'm just paranoi---'

My thoughts were interrupted again by the sound of explosions.

'That's definitely not gravity.' I thought as I pulled myself up.

The explosions became louder and more frequent the longer I listened. Grabbing my bag, I ran quickly in the opposite direction.

I looked to the side. Behind a few blocks was empty grasslands, the border of Utopia. I couldn't go through yesterday because I didn't want to risk being spotted without cover.

The explosions continued to get nearer, and I looked for whatever I could use to hide. The streets were littered with rocks, but none suitable enough as a hiding spot. They acted more like obstacles, slowing me down in my path to get the hell away from that thing.

I jumped over a tree trunk. My ears rang from the proximity of the explosions behind me. Rubble flew past me as the explosions got nearer.

'It's seen me.' I lamented at my weak body, beckoning my legs to run faster.

I didn't dare turn around, unwilling to see how close it was behind me. My legs began giving out as I ran further, quickly depleting of energy.

Ahead, the road was completely torn apart, with rubble from nearby buildings forming a makeshift border.

'There!' I forced my legs to run faster, trying to hide under the large rocks.

'Almost there...'

I could feel myself becoming slower, my legs burning from the workout.

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