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Will's revelation about the upcoming wedding set off a flurry of activity, with Jackie and Thalia immersing themselves in a week-long commitment to coordinating every minute detail.

"Blondie, I've barely seen you this week," Isaac observed, approaching Thalia.

Caught up in the meticulous planning essential for the flawless execution of every aspect, Thalia acknowledged the limited time she had spent with Isaac. Her attention had been entirely devoted to orchestrating the impending nuptials.

Isaac, noting Thalia's preoccupation, tilted his head with a mix of curiosity and concern. "You seem lost in the whirlwind of wedding preparations. Is everything alright?"

Thalia, momentarily lifting her gaze from the color-coded wedding binder, exhibited a fleeting weariness before summoning a determined smile. "Oh, Isaac, it's just the chaos of making this day unforgettable. But, truth be told, I've missed our moments together."

Understanding the pressure she was under, Isaac reassured her, saying, "Well, don't stress yourself too much."

Thalia smiled sincerely. "I'll stop stressing myself once this wedding is done." She sighed softly.

Isaac grinned, "I have an idea about what we can do to help you relax..." He winked, leaning in for a kiss.

"Gross," Lee, seated in the kitchen, mimicked the sound of throwing up.

Isaac rolled his eyes at his brother's comment, attempting to resume the interrupted kiss. Thalia, feigning a jokingly exaggerated frown, quipped, "Stop distracting me." She emphasized before excusing herself to check on the progress of the flowers.

"What's your favorite thing about this place?" Will asked, his eyes scanning the landscape. The warm glow of the setting sun played on Jackie's features as she responded with a smile, "That's easy—the sky." Simultaneously, Thalia chimed in, "Your cousin," her tone casual, as if stating the obvious.

Will and Jackie exchanged puzzled glances, eyebrows furrowing. "Okay, fine... The sky is in second place," Thalia admitted, her gaze wandering briefly before meeting theirs.

"If I have to be honest, this place is like nowhere else in the world," Thalia continued, her eyes reflecting a mixture of appreciation and nostalgia. A smile graced her lips as she absorbed the breathtaking view. "It's special; I think you can see that right away," Jackie added, a touch of sentimentality coloring her words. "Why?" she pressed, curiosity etched on her face.

Will's response came in the form of a simple, enigmatic smile. Thalia, ever perceptive, sensed an underlying plan, a potential strategy to safeguard this place from impending sale.

As they stepped into the house, Thalia's focus shifted momentarily to a phone call, her expression shifting from the intensity of the conversation to a more neutral demeanor. Jackie, seizing the moment, announced, "Okay, great, you're all here."

"Not for long," Isaac remarked, a hint of restlessness in his posture. Nathan swiftly intervened, grabbing him by the shirt, quashing any attempts to leave. "I think I'm gonna go take a walk," Thalia declared, her voice carrying a subtle undertone of reluctance. She started towards the door, but Jackie's commanding words halted her retreat. "I need you all."

A sigh, laden with both resignation and loyalty, escaped Thalia's lips. She turned back, her body language a blend of readiness and weariness, awaiting her sister's instructions. "Okay. So, Nathan, do you have the music, and is everything set up?" Jackie inquired, her eyes revealing a mix of anticipation and responsibility. "I got you," Nathan responded, a confident assurance in his voice.

"And, Alex? You're on meet and greet duty. Show everyone where to go when they arrive and hand out their programs," Jackie instructed, distributing roles for the upcoming event. As the weight of responsibilities settled, the room held a collective sense of preparation and purpose.

"Lee, can you put the covers on the chairs?" Jackie requested. Lee, looking puzzled, furrowed his eyebrows. "Covers?" he inquired.

"Yes, they go on the back of the chairs," she explained, a hint of agitation in her tone. "Why?" Lee asked, seeking clarity. "Because they look nice. Asshole, now move," Thalia interjected, her patience wearing thin.

"They're outside with the tablecloths. Isaac..." Jackie continued, her voice lowered. "Don't tell me. I'm doing tablecloths, right?" Isaac raised an eyebrow, already anticipating his assigned task.

Lee voiced his confusion, stating, "I don't get it. Why would anyone want to cover a chair?"

"What do I do?" Thalia questioned, a furrowed brow accentuating her confusion.

"You go help Isaac. It needs two people, and I need at least one I trust," Jackie explained, her directive clear.

"Ehi!" Isaac exclaimed, a hint of offense in his tone, perhaps feeling undervalued by the implication that Thalia was the trusted one. The room buzzed with a mix of tasks, questions, and a touch of lighthearted banter as they prepared for the impending event.

Thalia and Isaac gathered the tablecloths, each carrying a load of crisp, white fabric. As they spread the cloths over the long tables, their movements synchronized with a silent understanding that transcended words.

Thalia, sensing Isaac's lingering confusion, decided to break the silence. "You know, tablecloths add a touch of elegance to the whole setup. It's like dressing up the dinner table for a special occasion."

Isaac, his hands smoothing out the fabric, looked at Thalia with a quizzical expression. "But why cover the table? Isn't it enough to have the plates, glasses, and all that?"

Thalia chuckled, appreciating his candid curiosity. "Think of it like setting the stage for a performance. The tablecloths provide a clean canvas for the dinnerware and create a more inviting atmosphere. Plus, it's a small detail that can make a big difference."

Isaac nodded thoughtfully, absorbing Thalia's explanation. As they continued their task, the air between them lightened, transitioning from the initial confusion to a shared sense of purpose.

Jackie, watching from a distance, couldn't help but smile at the harmonious collaboration between her sister and Isaac. The subtle dance of shared responsibilities and unspoken understanding between them created a serene moment amid the whirlwind of wedding preparations.

Thalia, catching sight of Jackie, couldn't resist a playful comment. "You see, Jackie? As I told you, fuck boys are easy," she recalled, referring to a discussion they had during their first week in town.

Isaac, with a mock expression of surprise, raised his eyebrows. "I'm easy? Nah, I don't think so," he retorted with a playful grin, injecting a light-hearted banter into the atmosphere. The exchange of words added a touch of humor to the scene, a moment of camaraderie amidst the busy preparations for the upcoming celebration.

Blondie//Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now