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In the bustling corridors of the school, a rumor about Alex had taken flight, claiming that he had teared up upon witnessing a scene involving Cole and Paige. Thalia, caught in the midst of the gossip, encountered Grace wearing a smile as she emerged from the bathroom.

"C'mon, Thalia, I need you for something," Grace beckoned, leading Thalia toward Nathan, Lee, and Isaac.

"Hi, guys! Isaac... You, Thalia, and I are beer-pong buddies, right?" Grace inquired, causing Thalia to release a sigh of relief, dreading the impending revelation about the kiss.

"Yeah, for life..." Isaac responded, fixing his gaze on Thalia, who struggled to avoid eye contact. Isaac felt a sinking sensation; he believed there was something between them.

"If we can ask you anything, right?" Grace continued, prompting Isaac to nod anxiously, prepared to comply with any request from Thalia.

Grace then probed Isaac about the rumors surrounding Alex. "Well, I'm not... going there, so..." Isaac attempted to deflect.

"Don't you have something to do?" Lee interjected, clearly stressed, disliking the tension within the group.

"Don't look at me. I don't even know what she wants," Thalia exclaimed, raising her hands and shaking her head, signaling her cluelessness. "Lee, that's important," Grace added.

"You said you're not going there, so there is something..." Grace pondered, and Thalia hoped she wouldn't make a rash decision.

Nathan rolled his eyes. "No, Grace, that's a bit of a stretch..." he tried to dismiss, but Grace remained skeptical. "Am I wrong?" she asked, receiving silence from the group, all averting their gaze. "So there's really something... I'm just trying to help Alex; I want to clarify the rumors."

"We don't snitch," Nathan shrugged when she looked at him. "Yeah, I'm not gonna tell you anything," Lee declared impassively.

Thalia shook her head. "Don't bring me into this. I don't want Cole to get hurt," she asserted when everyone turned their attention to her.

Isaac pondered the situation; he didn't want to harm Thalia, but seeing her concern for Cole made him spill the beans. "Well, Alex snitched first..."

A mix of disbelief and astonishment filled the air as Thalia, Lee, and Nathan tried to prevent him from saying more. However, Isaac continued, admitting nonchalantly, "He told Uncle George that Cole is sneaking girls inside the house..."

"So Paige was probably one of the girls..." Grace grinned maliciously, thanked them, and left. Thalia attempted to call her, urging her not to do anything foolish, but Grace reassured her.

"Isaac!" Thalia widened her eyes, looking at him. "Why are you creating more drama? Cole has had enough," she said, shaking her head in disappointment.

"If you care about Cole so much, why don't you go kiss him instead of being so annoying?" Isaac retorted, his jealousy evident.

A heavy silence descended among the four of them. Thalia's eyes glistened with tears as she processed Isaac's words. "I wish I did, instead of wasting my time with someone who doesn't care about my feelings," she uttered with a broken voice, leaving Isaac with regret.

Lee and Nathan stood speechless, having stumbled upon the revelation of the kiss. "You guys kissed!" Lee exclaimed, breathless.

"So the rumors are true, then..." Nathan whispered, unsure if it was the right moment to delve into the conversation.

Isaac couldn't find words; he stormed off angrily, noticing that the girl he sought wasn't present in his next class.


The theater resonated with an uneasy tension as Thalia, driven by a blend of concern and curiosity, stumbled upon a live stream unveiling a fiery confrontation between Alex and Cole. With determination etched on her face, she swiftly made her way to the scene, accompanied by Isaac, Danny, Nathan, and Lee. The cavernous space of the theater magnified the murmurs of onlookers, intensifying the overall sense of apprehension.

Upon arrival, the brewing storm unfolded before them. Alex and Cole, locked in a gaze filled with animosity, hurled bitter words that echoed through the theater's hollowed halls. Urgency coursed through Thalia as she tried to navigate the swelling crowd.

Sensing the imminent explosion, Isaac positioned himself beside Thalia, a human shield against the impending clash. Danny, Nathan, and Lee formed a collective barrier, their shared goal to quell the storm before it reached its full intensity.

The atmosphere thickened with tension, a palpable energy charging the air. Thalia's gaze darted between the warring brothers, her heartbeat matching the rapid tempo of uncertainty. Raw emotions etched onto their faces painted a vivid canvas of unresolved conflicts and lingering resentments. A collective hush fell over the crowd, an uneasy anticipation for the impending eruption.

In the midst of the chaos, Thalia's voice rose, pleading for a ceasefire. The words hung momentarily, freezing the combatants in a fleeting pause. However, the brewing storm erupted, transforming the theater into a battlefield of emotions.

As the chaos unfolded, Thalia, an unwitting pawn in the larger skirmish, was found herself caught in the crossfire. The group frantically attempted to separate Alex and Cole, their arms straining and bodies contorting in a frenzied dance to untangle the clashing brothers. In the midst of this tumult, Cole, fueled by the intensity of the moment, swung his fist with the intention to connect with Alex. However, a cruel twist of fate intervened, redirecting the punch meant for his brother squarely onto Thalia's unsuspecting face.

Time seemed to grind to a halt as Thalia emitted a sharp, involuntary sound of pain. The collective gasp from onlookers reverberated through the theater, shrouding the once tumultuous scene in an uneasy silence. Their actions, borne from the heat of the moment, had taken an unexpected turn, leaving everyone frozen in shock.

The abrupt stillness shattered when the authoritative voice of a teacher echoed through the theater. "You seven in my office," the command sliced through the lingering tension. The teacher's stern gaze bore down on the group, compelling them to leave the chaotic aftermath and face the consequences of their actions.

As the group trudged toward the teacher's office, Cole, stricken with remorse, muttered an apologetic, "Shit, I'm so sorry." He approached Thalia tentatively, guilt etched across his face. However, she left him standing there, her focus shifted toward Jackie, who had witnessed the entire episode.

Concerned, Jackie reached out to Thalia. "Are you okay?" she inquired, a mix of worry and empathy in her eyes.

Thalia, still processing the whirlwind of emotions, managed a strained smile. "It's okay," she replied, her voice carrying a surprising calmness. A resilient spirit seemed to emanate from her, as if she refused to let the unfortunate incident dictate her response.

As they continued towards the teacher's office, Isaac persisted. "Let me see," he urged, his eyes scanning Thalia's face for any visible signs of injury. Thalia, however, remained tight-lipped and continued walking, her pace quickening. "I'm fine." The sting of betrayal and the physical pain mingled within her, fueling a simmering anger that overshadowed any immediate concern for her well-being.

As the consequences of the fight loomed, the group faced an uncertain future, their relationships strained by the consequences of impulsive actions and the unexpected turn of events in the theater.

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