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The morning sun cast a soft glow on the aftermath of the turbulent night. Thalia and Jackie sat by their beds.

Jackie, nursing a cup of coffee, turned to Thalia. "Last night was insane. Do we even know why Alex punched Cole?"

Thalia, her gaze fixed on the smoldering ashes, shook her head. "Not really. Something about you, though." She hesitated, a mixture of confusion and contemplation in her eyes.

Jackie arched an eyebrow. "Me? That's bizarre. What could he possibly say about me?"

Thalia sighed, her breath mingling with the morning air. "I wish I knew. And speaking of confusing, there's something else bothering me. What happened between Isaac and me last night—was it genuine, or just a fleeting moment in the heat of things?"

Jackie's expression softened, and she placed a comforting hand on Thalia's shoulder. "These moments force us to confront what we feel. Maybe it's a chance for you to figure out what you truly want."

"Do you think Katherine would even be okay with another relationship in the house?" Thalia asked, a hint of worry coloring her voice.

Jackie, taking a thoughtful sip of her coffee, offered a reassuring smile. "I think Katherine values our happiness. As long as it doesn't disrupt the harmony of the house, I don't see why she'd have an issue. Besides, you deserve to explore whatever makes you happy."

Thalia nodded, with an unsure smile.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Thalia and Jackie sought refuge at the Lark, hoping for a semblance of normalcy among friends. As they approached Grace, Skylar, and Kiley, the air buzzed with the aftermath of the bonfire drama.

"Seriously?" Jackie's skepticism rang out as she observed Grace, Skylar, and Kiley deep in discussion about the previous night's punch. "Can you blame us?" Grace responded with a mischievous grin. "That bonfire fight between Cole and Alex was the most exciting thing to happen in Silver Falls ever."

Jackie sighed. "First, it's figuratively. Second, you can blame yourselves. Friends shouldn't add to the gossip."

Amidst the banter, Skylar reassured, "I wouldn't worry. This'll all blow over soon, and you'll be able to move on. Like how I'm moving on from the whole Nathan thing."

Grace, always one to stir the pot, added, "Rumor has it you're not really done." Skylar frowned, seeking confirmation from Kiley, who chimed in with a confirming smile.

Skylar, surprised, sighed, "Interesting that I'm the last to know about my own relationship status." The conversation pivoted, and the spotlight turned to Thalia and the unexpected revelation.

"However, I heard that two people who say they can't stand each other kissed at the bonfire," Skylar smirked, directing the attention toward Thalia.

Thalia shot a disapproving look at Jackie. "It wasn't me," Jackie quickly defended herself.

Skylar and Grace, seizing the moment, exclaimed simultaneously, "So it's true!" Thalia, however, set the record straight, "Kinda, but we didn't even kiss at the bonfire. That's false. We kissed yesterday after it.... Ugh, I hate rumors."

Grace, undeterred, smiled. "Oh, come on. I don't get why you three are complaining. It's so cool to have rumors about you."

The unified response from Jackie, Thalia, and Skylar was swift and clear: "It's really not."

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