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Thalia found herself in yet another class with one of her housemates, this time with Isaac and Alex. As the class ended, she followed them to the car, wondering where Jackie was.

"Where's Jackie?" Thalia asked the group of seven boys, but none of them had an answer. "Get in," Cole said, rolling his eyes when he saw Thalia hesitating. "We'll wait only two minutes."

Feeling too tired to complain, Thalia got into the car and sat between Isaac and Alex. "Hey, I got you the algebra notes since you weren't there," Alex smiled at her. They didn't talk much, but he was kind and genuine, just like Nathan and Danny.

"Thanks," Thalia sincerely smiled, touched by his thoughtfulness. She hadn't even asked him for the notes.

"Why did you miss class?" Lee's question caught her off guard. She didn't think any of them cared enough to ask. Thalia glanced at Cole, and the silence that followed was long enough for everyone to notice. However, only Isaac seemed to overthink it.

"I... uh-" Thalia stumbled over her words, searching for an excuse. "I was-" she began, but Cole interrupted her.

"She was helping me with something," Cole interjected, trying to put an end to the conversation. The others didn't seem to pay much attention to their brother/cousin's words, except for Isaac, if he wasn't overthinking before he certainly did now. The answer seemed to catch him off guard, and he turned suddenly towards Thalia.

She could feel his gaze burning on her skin.

"We have to go," Cole started the car, ignoring Thalia's complaints and attempts to call her sister to find out where she was. Finally, Jackie answered.

"Where the fuck are you?" Thalia asked, frustrated.

"Hey, wait," Jackie motioned towards the car, but Cole didn't stop. "She'll have to learn to be on time," he simplifies replied.

"It's okay, a friend is going to give me a ride," Jackie reassured her sister.

"You're a dick," Thalia muttered to Cole, rolling her eyes and leaning back in her seat. Isaac, on the other hand, couldn't stop thinking about what Cole had said earlier. He had noticed that Thalia's hair wasn't as perfectly in place as before. Could it be possible... No, it's impossible, Isaac thought to himself, trying to dismiss the thought.

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In the kitchen, Kathrine suddenly asked Thalia, "You like horses, right?"

Surprised by the unexpected question, Thalia laughed and replied, "I can actually ride. I did it for five years." She smiled at Kathrine.

"We have horses, so if you ever wish to ride again, just let me know," Kathrine said before leaving the room in response to Benny's call.

Excitedly, Thalia asked, "Is she serious?" with the enthusiasm of a child enjoying their favorite candy.

"Yeah, I would show you, but I have to study," Alex said apologetically with a smile before returning his attention to the book. Thalia's smile dropped briefly; the thought of horses made her long for the feeling of being at home.

As the brothers caught sight of her, they exchanged glances, silently questioning who would escort her to the stables. Isaac had no intention of volunteering; for real, he didn't. However, when he noticed Cole about to speak up, he beat him to it.

"I'll do it," he said, nonchalantly brushing off the ensuing skepticism. "Really? But you hate—" Danny started, only to be cut off. "Yes, I'd be happy to," Isaac affirmed as he stood, leading Thalia to the stables.

Thalia eagerly trailed behind Isaac, her heart pounding with excitement. Gratitude swelled within her as they made their way, appreciating his willingness to accompany her. Horses had always brought her comfort, and the prospect of riding again evoked a rush of nostalgic emotions.

Entering the stables, the familiar aroma of hay and leather enveloped Thalia, instantly whisking her back to her childhood. Her excitement bubbled over as she neared the magnificent creatures, their kind eyes and commanding presence entrancing her.

Isaac observed Thalia's face lighting up with delight, a small smile gracing his lips. He had never held a particular affection for horses, but witnessing her sheer happiness made it all worthwhile. He admired her assurance as she approached one of the horses, tenderly caressing its mane and murmuring soothing words.

"His name is Midnight," Isaac interjected, breaking the quiet. "He's among our most gentle and well-trained horses. Would you care to take a ride?"

Thalia's delighted eyes widened as she nodded eagerly. Isaac assisted her in mounting Midnight, ensuring that she was comfortable and secure in the saddle. As they began to trot around the riding arena, Thalia's worries and stress dissolved, replaced by a feeling of freedom and tranquility.

"So... what did you help Cole with today? Homework?" he asked with a nervous laugh once they slowed down.

He genuinely wanted to know, though he wasn't sure why. Isaac could have any girl he wanted. Surely he didn't want Thalia, but he just didn't want her to date Cole because he cared about his cousin. Nothing else.

"Yeah, something like that," Thalia shrugged. She wasn't sure if she wanted to tell him the truth; she didn't even know him. Additionally, he detested the fact that Thalia and Jackie lived with them. Isaac's response was simply, "Oh, okay," tinged with uncertainty.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, enveloping the stables in a warm golden glow, Thalia reluctantly dismounted Midnight. She expressed profuse gratitude to Isaac for the unforgettable experience, her eyes shimmering with appreciation.

"You're welcome," Isaac replied, a forced smile appearing on his face as he remained preoccupied with recent events.

Thalia nodded, her heart brimming with gratitude for the unexpected kindness shown to her. As they made their way back to the house, she couldn't shake the feeling of a newfound connection with Isaac, though she wished it weren't so.

Thalia couldn't shake off the feeling that Isaac's offer to accompany her to the stables was just a ploy to mess with her. She had seen the way he looked at her—the way he seemed to enjoy getting under her skin. It was clear that he didn't want to be her friend, and she didn't want to fall into his trap.

As they reached the house, Thalia bid Isaac a polite goodbye and headed towards her room. She needed some time alone to process her conflicting emotions. She couldn't deny that there was a part of her that was drawn to Isaac's mysterious and rebellious nature, but she also knew that getting involved with him would only lead to trouble.

Isaac may have offered her a moment of happiness at the stables, but she couldn't let herself be fooled by his temporary kindness.

A/n: thank you very much for all the wishes you have given me. So 2 chapters in a day as a present.

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