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Later, as the gathering settled around the Thanksgiving table, Kathrine suggested they go around and share what they were thankful for. When Thalia's turn came, she took a deep breath and admitted, "I'm just grateful for everyone at this table... and Will." Her eyes met Hayley's with a playful smile, a moment of warmth amid the complexities.

The expressions of gratitude continued around the table, from Cole's lighthearted mention of the Broncos to Danny's appreciation for a movie-filled long weekend. Alex brought humor into the mix, expressing gratitude for not having to cook, prompting a playful exchange with Thalia about the successful efforts of her and Isaac in the kitchen.

Nathan shared his newfound understanding of the Native Day of Mourning, contributing a moment of reflection. When Lee's turn came, he hesitated, expressing a lack of enthusiasm.

"I'm grateful that the ladies love me for my charm and good looks, right Blondie?" Isaac teased, earning a roll of Thalia's eyes and a blush that didn't go unnoticed.

As Isaac shifted the focus to being grateful for being part of the family, Lee remained silent. The moment hung in the air, a subtle tension beneath the surface.

The game was interrupted as they started to eat. Conversation flowed, and as the topic turned to Manhattan, "Too bad you're not moving back" Lee said to them.

"Actually, we might be..." Jackie admitted.

"¿Ustedes dos se están mudando?" (You two are moving back?) Isaac asked with a somber tone. Thalia, feeling a pang of pressure, looked down and stumbled over her words. "I- I don't know..."

Amidst the ensuing chatter, Thalia's mind swirled with considerations about her uncle's offer. As Kathrine shared a touching moment about Angelica's support, Thalia couldn't help but ponder the impact of potential changes on the intricate dynamics of the Thanksgiving table. The air was filled with unspoken questions, the weight of decisions hanging over the holiday feast like a silent plea for understanding and acceptance.

As Kathrine continued to share stories of gratitude, the atmosphere remained charged with unspoken tension. Thalia, lost in her thoughts, grappled with the weight of the decision looming before her.

Lee's silence added a layer of complexity to the Thanksgiving gathering, his reluctance to express gratitude hanging in the air like an unresolved chord in a symphony of emotions.

Amidst the chatter, Isaac's playful banter shifted. His eyes, usually filled with mischief, held a tinge of concern as he stole glances at Thalia. As the conversation meandered to other topics, Isaac couldn't shake the feeling that the heart of the matter remained untouched.

In a quiet moment, away from the communal table, Thalia found herself locking eyes with Isaac. The unspoken words hung in the air, a shared understanding of the crossroads they found themselves facing. Thalia, feeling the weight of the unspoken conversation, took a deep breath.

"Isaac, this decision about Uncle Richard's offer... it's not easy," she confessed, her eyes reflecting a mix of uncertainty and vulnerability.

Isaac, usually quick with a quip, responded with a sincerity that matched Thalia's tone. "I get it, Blondie. Change is never easy, especially when it comes with such big decisions."

Thalia nodded, grateful for Isaac's understanding. "I just don't want to disrupt everything, you know? This family, these moments... they mean a lot to me."

Isaac placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Whatever you decide, we're here for you. No matter where life takes you, this family will always be a part of it."

As Thanksgiving continued, the air held a mix of uncertainty and camaraderie. The gathering, once a testament to family warmth, now faced the shadows of potential change. The unspoken decisions lingered, waiting to be addressed in the quiet moments that followed the feast, beneath the moonlit sky of a Thanksgiving night filled with both gratitude and the palpable weight of the unknown.

In the aftermath of Thanksgiving, the decision weighed heavily on Thalia and Jackie. Eventually, they came to a united choice – they would not be moving with their uncle. The family dynamics, imperfect as they were, held a charm that they weren't ready to let go of.

As the news spread through the household, Lee entered the room, breaking the news with a hint of surprise. "So, uh, word is you're staying," he remarked, his tone a mix of curiosity and something else.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Thalia responded with a playful eye-roll, masking the emotions that lingered beneath the surface.

Lee, realizing the impact of his words at the table, took a moment of vulnerability. "No, I'm sorry. What I said at the table, it wasn't personal. It's just... it's hard to get attention around here sometimes," he admitted, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his unspoken frustrations.

Jackie, ever empathetic, offered a reassuring smile. "I totally get it, Lee. We all have our moments. But we're here for you, too."

The room held a brief pause, a moment of shared understanding among the siblings. In the wake of the Thanksgiving whirlwind, honesty and forgiveness emerged, creating a subtle shift in the family dynamics. The unspoken tensions that had lingered throughout the day found a moment of resolution, paving the way for a renewed sense of connection.

The evening settled into a quiet rhythm after the Thanksgiving festivities. In the dim glow of the room, Isaac finally made the call to his dad, a conversation that had been delayed throughout the day. The weight on his shoulders lifted as he hung up, a mix of relief and a hint of vulnerability.

Thalia, perceptive as ever, approached him with a knowing smile. "Everything okay with your dad?" she inquired, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

Isaac nodded, a lopsided grin forming. "Yeah, all good. He sends his regards, as always." The relief in his voice was palpable, a burden lifted.

Thalia, sensing there was more beneath the surface, invited Isaac to share. "You can talk to me, you know. If there's anything on your mind."

Isaac hesitated for a moment, then exhaled. "You know, when you and Jackie were considering moving back, I realized how much I've come to rely on having you around."

Thalia, a flicker of realization in her eyes, listened intently. The air between them held a charge, a silent acknowledgment of something unspoken.

"I guess what I'm saying is, I'm happy you're not moving back," Isaac admitted, his gaze meeting Thalia's with a vulnerability that sent a shiver down both their spines.

Thalia felt the weight of his words, an unspoken truth hanging in the air. "Isaac, I...," she started, but the words caught in her throat.

Isaac, ever the playful spirit, decided to diffuse the intensity with a teasing grin. "Gotcha all choked up, huh, Blondie? Don't worry; I won't let it get to my head."

Thalia rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips. "As if you need any more reasons for your head to inflate."

Isaac chuckled, the teasing banter acting as a shield against the vulnerability in the room. "Guess we're stuck with each other, whether we like it or not."

Thalia, feeling a mix of emotions, teased back, "Consider yourself lucky, Isaac. Not everyone gets to be stuck with me."

As they bantered, an unspoken understanding lingered in the room—the shared truth that admitting feelings, even to themselves, was a step too far. The air, thick with unsaid words, crackled with a tension that neither was ready to fully confront. Yet, in that moment, surrounded by unspoken truths, teasing banter, and a shared appreciation for each other's presence, Isaac and Thalia found a fragile balance that left them both with a subtle sense of contentment.

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