Chapter 11

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In the darkened halls of the museum, a hive's worth of goblins clambered and howled, nearly a thousand hidden among the shadows, hanging from the ceiling, standing on the tiled floors, tiny misshapen feet sticking to the walls. Among them, stood a tall troll and other changelings. Jim only recognized Strickler, wondering just why he'd brought him along. He frowned slightly, thumbing the homemade charm bracelet his mother had made him. It was made of beads and different stones, Agate, amethyst, rose quartz, and obsidian. Some wood was wrapped in twine, carved with a rune he'd once seen Douxie drawing out during his time in the bookstore.

"Whelp, pay attention." Jim's head snapped up, his pointed ears flicking up toward the sound. The pinkish Changeling, Nomura had whispered the instructions, making him look back toward his mentor. Strickler stood tall, meeting the eyes of Bular the butcher, who seemed to be angry. Jim frowned, confused and suddenly nervous. He wasn't sure why he was here, or what they were doing, but he knew what the bridge was. He knew what it held locked away.

"Must you use brute force on the boy? I've been making his loyalties clear, he'll give me the amulet if he is the Trollhunter as you say." Strickler hissed through clenched teeth, glancing at the nervous youngling among the crowd of his brethren. He cleared his throat, glaring at Bular. Red eyes stared into orange, neither of them backing down until Bular relented with a huff.

"Very well Stricklander, take the amulet. I've agreed to allow this farce for so long, I don't understand why you demand I leave the boy alive." The butcher hummed, allowing Strickler to step past him. The winged changeling walked with elegance, gracefully evading the small goblins that stood far too close to Jim for comfort.

"Young Atlas, it's time to weigh the world off of your shoulders." Jim blinked up at him with wide and confused eyes, a clawed hand held out toward his student. He kept himself from tearing up, the gentle smile he gave the boy vanishing under the circumstances.

"The amulet boy, give it." Jim stared, seeming to freeze like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. The panic in his eyes was noticeable to Strickler, and for a moment he felt guilty for betraying him.

"T- The amulet? You think I have it?" Strickler sighed, nodding as he reached up to the mane of his cloak and pulled out a feather-like knife.

"I will not ask again Jim, the amulet." The whelp swallowed nervously, taking a step back before reaching into his satchel. He hesitated, seeming to be looking for the amulet. The museum was held in bated breath, and then chaos broke loose as the young whelp turned and started running, blue magic humming as his armor formed around him.

"Get the amulet, quickly!"


Trollmarket was bustling when Jim arrived, too panicked to shift to human form. He was in his armor, his trollish form larger than his human form and very obviously sporting a tail that was coated in armor. The young whelp was hiding on the crystal staircase, too afraid to enter Trollmarket's streets.

He was the Trollhunter, he was fine. Right?

No, you're not safe yet!

The magic was slightly calming against his stone skin, but not enough for him to return to his human form, the intricate carvings upon his skin lit up with the amulet's blue magic. It was familiar, and calming as the armor sat on his body. He stood at the edge of the stairs and peered down into the bustling troll market, with a swallow of his nervousness he pulled the amulet from his chest and hid it away in his bag, beginning to descend the stairs.

Run, Run, Trollhunter! They'll come for you! Run! Run!

Getting down the stairs was easier than expected, as he subconsciously shifted from two legs to all fours, bounding down the stairs in a panicked frenzy. Various trolls turned to see the young whelp running down the crystal staircase, some gasping in surprise and others jumping out of the way to make a path for the youngling. The small blue troll looked panicked, his mane standing on end as he ran through the market, his path obvious to those who were paying attention. But why was he heading to the forge?

Faster! Faster! Get to safety! Get away from their prying eyes Trollhunter!

The forge opened easily for the youngling, its doors open to all those in need. The Market's trolls returned to their night activities as the youngling vanished, paying no mind to his panicked state.

In the forge stood Draal and Aargh, the two sparing with each other, one with a spear and the other with bare hands. Jim scurried into the shadows away from the arena, eyes wide and watching the two larger trolls. He carefully crept through the darker parts of the forge, trying to sneak past the two dueling trolls.

Get away from them! Hide! Find your humans! Get away!

Scurrying past the two larger trolls, keeping his body tensed into the shadows as he moved, he slinked into Blinky's library and hid away in the tunneled-out dwelling of the troll hunter's trainer. Feeling safer among the familiar library, he sighed in relief and finally shifted back to his human form. He rubbed his eyes, turning away from the curtain that acted as the door, only to come face to face with Blinky himself. Six wide eyes stared into terrified blue ones, silence reigning in the library before Jim turned and started running once more.


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