All Mine

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Summary: Touya feels an obsessive urge to protect Yukito from other men. Inspired by a request made by @Nikotek12!
[Takes place when they're in college.]
Warning(s): Violence, kidnapping, ATTEMPTED sexual assault, out-of-character behavior

(Touya's POV)
"Ooh, look at that cute café over there!" Yukito exclaims.

Yukito and I have been really overwhelmed with college exams lately, so we decided to go on an all-day date to Tokyo. It's a nice break from school and a chance for my perfect boyfriend and I to spend time together.

"I'm starting to feel hungry," I say. "Wanna eat there for lunch?"


Hand-in-hand, the two of us enter the small café. It's decorated very cutely, with baby blue walls and cream-colored decor.

Yukito looks around the restaurant excitedly. "It's so pretty in here!"

          "Not as pretty as you," I smile, squeezing his hand.

          He blushes warmly. As we approach the counter, the barista greets us.

"Hi!" he says. "What would you like order?"

"I'll have a slice of the chocolate cake," I reply.

The barista nods. "Got it. And what can I get for the cutie with the glasses?"

I stiffen and clench my fist. "Cutie"? What the hell?

"Oh, um..." Yukito awkwardly mumbles. "I'll get a piece of the strawberry shortcake."

"Coming right up!" the barista grins.

As the two of us wait for our desserts to be ready, I notice that Yukito seems a little off.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"U-Um, nothing, I'm fine," he responds.

I gently grab his chin and turn his face towards mine. "Yuki, I can tell when you're upset. Was it the barista?"

"Yeah, I guess..." Yukito sighs. "I just feel like-"

"Your order is ready!" the barista interrupts.

I shoot an annoyed look at him as I go get our slices of cake. I notice the barista scribbling something on the receipt. He makes a point to walk over to Yukito and hand the receipt to him.

"I wrote my number on here," the barista says to my boyfriend. "Call me!"

"Oh! I, erm..." Yukito begins. He worriedly glances at me.

I kiss Yukito on the cheek. "Can you go find us a table, baby?"

Yukito smiles. I hand him our food and he and hurries to an empty table. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of the barista ogling my boyfriend. Furious, I turn to the asshole barista and lean in close.

"Listen here, buddy," I whisper menacingly. "You better leave him alone. If you so much as look at him one more time, I will beat the ever-loving shit out of you in front of everyone. Got it?"

He nods nervously.

"Great!" I pat him on the shoulder and walk to the table that Yukito saved.

          "Well, what did you say to him?" my boyfriend asks as I sit down.


Touyuki OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now