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Summary: Yukito confesses his feelings for Touya.
[Takes place in episode 66 (of the original Cardcaptor Sakura anime) after the school festival ends.]
Warning(s): None

(Yukito's POV!)
          "Hey, Touya?" I gently shake Touya to wake him up. "Can you hear me?" My best friend cracks open a sleepy eye and sits up slowly.
           He yawns, "Is school already over?"
          "Yes," I nod. "You pretty much slept through the whole day. Are you feeling okay?"
          "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just kind of tired.... Oh, have Sakura and her friends already left?"
          "I saw them out at the entrance of the school. I asked Sakura if she wanted me to walk her home, but she insisted that she was fine," I reply.
          "I guess I'd better get going, too," Touya says, standing up and stretching. "Do you want to walk home with me?"
          I blush slightly. "Um, actually, I was wondering if you would like to stay over at my place tonight...?"
          "Sure, what's the occasion?"
          "I just have something I would like to discuss with you, that's all."
          "Okay. Let's hurry, then. It's getting dark out." Touya pats my shoulder and the two of us exit the classroom. My thoughts whizz around in my head, and I think about all the possible things I could say to Touya when we get home. All the possible ways I could tell him that I'm madly in love with him. All the possible ways to ruin my friendship with him, more like. He'll never return my feelings.... Wait, stop that! I shake off my negative mindset and I try to focus on all the ways this could go right. But it's hard to concentrate walking next to Touya. Gosh, it's hard to do anything walking next to Touya! He always makes my heart race, yet at the same time, he makes me feel so calm and at ease. He's... he's just Touya, and that alone makes me feel giddy.
          "Yuki? Did you hear me?" Touya asks, catching me off guard.
          I snap back to attention. "Sorry, what?"
          "I asked if you had a good time today."
          "Oh, today was fun," I smile. "Thanks for asking." Touya and I exit the school property, and I take one last gaze at the big building. Today was an... eventful day, with all of Sakura's shenanigans, and the "Cardcaptor" stuff.
          "Hey, are you coming or not?" Touya teases.
          I laugh softly. "Yes."

(At Yukito's house...)

          "You can just set your stuff by the door," I say when we enter my house. Touya sets his bag on the floor of the tiny foyer, and he follows me to my living room. I plop down on the couch and pat the spot next to me, motioning for Touya to come sit down.
          "I need to tell you something," I say after he gets settled.
          He faces me. "You can tell me anything." I suck in a deep breath and carefully consider what I'm about to say.
          "Sakura confessed her feelings to me today. I mean, I obviously said that I don't return her feelings, that would be weird if I did.... I also told her that I wasn't the person she loved most, and that she would eventually find someone who she would care about more than anything, and who would feel the same about her."
          "Oh," Touya replies. "Thank goodness that she finally told you. Is that all that happened?"
          "Well... Sakura also asked if I had someone that I love more than anything, and, well... I do," I mutter.
          He sucks in a small breath. "Oh. ...Who is it, if you don't, um, mind me asking?" I gaze directly into Touya's brown eyes. God, he's so handsome.
          "I'm sorry," I choke out, tears forming at my eyes. "I don't... I...."
          "Dude, Yuki, what's wrong?"
          "I'm in love with you," I spit out, salty tears running down my face. Touya doesn't respond. He simply stares at me with a stunned expression on his face. Oh my God... I really freaking messed up.... Moisture pours out of my eyes and I bury my face in my hands.
          Then, Touya abruptly grabs my chin and forces me to look right into his face. "Yuki, I love you so damn much, you know that?"
          "I love you," he says. "I love you, I love you, I love you. I love your kind heart. I love your sweet personality. I love your beautiful eyes, your soft hands, and your amazing smile. I love you, Yuki. I have never, ever loved anything as much as I love you."
          "Oh, Touya," I sob, throwing myself into his arms. "I'm sorry for being so emotional like this. I love you so, so, so much. You're so awesome and... I just love you more than anything." I sniff and wipe the moisture from my eyes, pulling away from him. Touya and I gaze at each other for what feels like eternity. Kiss him. Without a second thought, I grab Touya's shirt and put my lips on top of his. He hesitates in shock for a second, but then he returns the kiss. It feels so magical, like we're becoming a single being. I wrap my hands around Touya's back as his hands massage my cheek and neck. Finally, we break the kiss.
          "Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask him with a wide grin on my face.
          Touya smirks. "Only if you'll be mine."

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