You Had Me at "Hello"

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Summary: Touya and Yukito meet each other (this has nothing to do with the song "You Had Me at Hello"!).
[Takes place before the original Cardcaptor Sakura anime.]
Warning(s): None

(Yukito's POV!)
I stand at the gate of the big high school.
          "Seijou High," I whisper to myself, a smile forming on my face. It's my first day of high school since my grandparents and I moved here, and I can't help but feel excited. I briskly step through the school's gate and front doors, and I hurry through the school to my classroom. When I reach my class, I catch the teacher's eye.
"Ah, perfect timing!" she says. "Mister Tsukishiro, would you please come here?" I smile and nod as I walk into the classroom and stand next to the teacher.
I grin at my new classmates. "Hello! My name is Yukito Tsukishiro, and I'm excited to get to know you all!" Most of my classmates wave, and some of them say hello. I notice that one of them sitting by the window doesn't even look at me. That's a bit odd....
          "Thank you for the introduction, Mister Tsukishiro!" the teacher says with a happy expression on her face. "Now, let's see where you'll sit...." She flits her eyes around the classroom until her gaze finally lands on an empty seat, right behind the boy who refused to react to my introduction. "You can sit over there, at the desk behind Kinomoto."
          "Alright!" I adjust the strap of my bag and I make my way to the cold-seeming boy. Kinomoto.... When I approach his desk, I stop right in front of him. He finally pulls his attention away from the window and looks me in the eye.
          "Hello! It's nice to meet you!" I smile, holding out my hand. The boy, Kinomoto, stares at my hand for a moment before taking it and shaking it. I note his firm -yet gentle- grip.
A small smile appears on his face. "I'm Touya Kinomoto. I, um... I hope we'll be great friends...." The whole class gasps simultaneously, and murmurs from the other students start to drift into my ears.
"Woah, the Touya Kinomoto is being nice to someone?!"
"How did the new kid do it? Magic?!"
I let go of Kinomoto's hand and smile at him warmly, and I sit down at my seat. When I look at the rest of the class, they all look purely astonished. Even the teacher looks slightly surprised! Is Kinomoto really that aloof...?

Lunchtime finally arrives! I enter the cafeteria, carrying my lunch. Looking around the room, my eyes land on Kinomoto. I notice that he's eating all alone. I hurry over to him.
          "Hello!" I say as I approach his table. "Is it alright if I eat here with you?" Kinomoto looks up, seeming shocked at my arrival.
His expression slowly turns fond. "Sure, go ahead." Smiling, I sit down at the seat in front of him and plop my lunch on the table. Kinomoto peeks at me from behind my big lunch bag and raises an eyebrow.
          "I-Is that your lunch...?" he asks warily.
          "Yes," I nod. "I didn't pack too much today, though, so that's why it's so small!"
          "Small...?" Kinomoto looks slightly concerned, but he shrugs it off. "So, um... where did you move from?"
          "I used to live in Tokyo! My grandparents and I moved here because the big city was just too darn loud."
          Kinomoto replies, "You live with your grandparents? Do your parents travel a lot for work, or something?"
          "Oh." I pause. "No. I never really knew my parents." Awkward silence falls between the two of us.
After a few minutes, I break the tension. "So, who do you live with?"
"My dad and my little sister," he says, his mouth full of food. I notice bit of sauce on his chin, and I can't help but giggle.
"You've got a little something on your chin."
"Huh? Where?" In vain, Kinomoto picks up his napkin and tries to find and wipe away the sauce.
"Haha!" I chuckle. "Here, let me get it." I take the napkin from him and rub away the sauce.
He cracks a smirk. "Thanks."
"You're welcome, Kinomoto!"
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"You can just... call me Touya, if you want...."
I beam. "Alright, Touya! You can call me Yukito." He smiles gently and turns back to his lunch. I can't help but feel joyous for having made my very first friend!
"Hey, uh, after school, do you want to-" Touya begins to say, before being cut off by the school bell. He sighs and stands up, disgruntled about being interrupted. For the first time, I really see how amazingly tall he is.
"O-Oh!" I gasp, staring up at him.
I blush, embarrassed at my reaction. "You're...uh... very tall!"
"What? I'm only a couple inches taller than six feet tall. I'm pretty average," Touya says.
"'Pretty average'?" Sheesh...! "Um, anyways... let's head back to class!"
"Okay," he smiles.

After the school day ends, Touya and I stand at the front of the school.
"Well, I'm going to go home now!" I tell him. Right as I'm about to leave, though, he stops me.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to, um... come over to my house... and maybe spend the night...?" Touya mumbles, twiddling his thumbs like a flustered child. I can't help but blush. I've never been invited to a boy's house before, let alone been asked to stay the night!
"Oh!" I say. "S-Sure! If that's okay with your father, at least."
Touya shakes his head. "He won't mind. He'll be happy, it's been a long time since I've invited someone over."
"That's good to hear," I respond. "Well, let's go!"
"...and the rest is history," I finish, stroking the little girl's hair.
"Oh, so that's how you and Papa met!" she exclaims, hugging my arm.
"It sure is." My husband walks into the room and sits on the bed with us, wrapping his arm around my shoulders with that firm, gentle grip that I've grown to love. "You want to know something?" He taps the child on the nose.
"What?" our daughter asks.
Touya kisses me on the cheek. "I fell in love with Daddy the very first time that he spoke to me." He turns to me and smirks. "I guess you could say you had me at 'hello'."

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