Chapter 17 - Roman takes a nap.

Start from the beginning

As they descended the sloping path that led to the periphery of the garden, their destination came into view. A grass-covered clearing surrounded a single, massive door in the center. The Portal. Roman tried to remember the first time he'd woken up, but it was hard to think straight. Had he been here before? It was only yesterday he'd arrived. Yesterday, or one hundred years ago.

A group of Wyatts stood around the Portal, laughing and smoking cigarettes. Charm gasped, but Vain shushed her with a sharp motion.

"We knew this would happen," she whispered. "Hush will get us past."

"Hush will get us past," Hush mimicked. Vain shot him a glare that could draw blood, but he ignored her. Hush was the Utility and Blunt was the Conduit. Their powers worked a little differently. Where Vain's ability let her make shields, Hush used his energy to manipulate people for short periods. If he focused on you and told you to eat an apple, or jump up and down, you'd do that as nice as you please and wouldn't think anything of it. Pretty handy, considering they needed to walk past a group of Wyatts.

"Can you do that many?" Vain chewed at her bottom lip.

Hush snorted. "It's a little late to worry about that. Someone needs to help Blunt. I'm going to pull."

Blunt's lips were fixed in a firm line. "I can do this. Take as much as you need."

Roman and Charm slipped on either side of Blunt and supported him. When the Utility pulled, it was exhausting. They sucked life's energy from the Conduit's body. Even a little was too much. Blunt wilted and Roman figured Hush was working.

"You're taking too long," Vain snapped.

"Christ Vain, it's been four seconds." Hush scowled at her. "Give me a break."

"Stop!" Someone yelled from behind them.

Roman flinched. Even though they were almost a full football field away, the voice cut across the distance. A group of Wyatts. They'd been discovered, somehow.

"They have the Padlock!"

"What?" Charm's face drained of all its color. "You took the Padlock?" She hugged herself and groaned. "You've killed us all."

Patience looked like she was going to be sick. Even Roman couldn't believe what he heard. Vain took Arthur's Padlock? How? How had she even gotten it?

Everything happened all at once. The Wyatts by the Hotel ran at them. At the same time, the ones by the Portal spotted them. They were caught in the middle and exposed, with nowhere to hide.

"We have to go," Vain said. "It's our only chance. The worst they can do is take us back. It's now or never."

Without looking to see if anyone followed, she ran down the sloping dirt path towards the Portal and the Wyatts. Roman trailed behind. Surely, Hush could handle a few Wyatts.

A noise like an explosion broke the stillness; a sharp crack that echoed through the air. Something hot whizzed past Roman's cheek.

"They're shooting at us," Blunt said, mouth agape. "Vain, they're shooting at us. You said they wouldn't."

"It's because of the Padlock," Hush yelled. "If you don't drop that thing, I'm holding you responsible for murdering every single one of us."

Vain didn't respond. She charged right at the Wyatts. One of them pulled a gun from under his jacket and pointed it at her. Roman yelled, only knowing he needed to do something, but his muscles turned to syrup and he stumbled. Vain was pulling from him.

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