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Leonardo's pov -

I gasp when I see her stomach it's littered with scars and bruises with different colours but there's one massive scar that says ' slut ' which is absolutely disgusting, what did my little sister go through? Xander punches a wall breaking it and steps out of the room I assume to go on a killing spree, elijah just stood there looking with tears in his eyes, I started to hear sobbing from the others.

My beautiful baby stopped struggling and just sat there with her head turned away from us. "darling who did this ?" She didn't reply "who. Did. This?" I asked again more sternly, again silence, the doctor told us to leave so he could check her wounds I walked the boys out as they were stuck in  a trance looking at how much harm she was previously in.

The second I closed the door all hell broke loose.

Salvo's pov -

What happened to my baby sister? why does she have scars and bruises all over her body ? These questions and more were rushing into my head while tears were flowing out of my eyes.
It looks like she was in a state of shock because once everyone saw she turned her head and became still and silent not making a sound, even when dad was asking her questions.

Xander left do I'm assuming he went to get some fresh air or something to calm himself down.
Luca doesn't know yet so we will have to tell him soon of maybe not at all because if we reached like this imagine how he would react she's his twin so he might react differently to how we did.

When we walk out of the room I lean on the wall with my eyes closed, my brothers   start shouting and screaming, punching walls and destroying everything  the hospital staff came and tried to calm them down with dad but it wasn't working so they have up.

Xander's pov  -

When I saw her vandalised stomach I saw red, I smashed a wall and got out of there slamming the door on the way out.
Whoever did this to my baby sister is a dead person walking I will find them and kill them myself.

I walked out of the hospital without anyone stopping me as the workers could see it on my face that anyone that annoyed me would be dead. I sat in the car and called one of my soldiers.
" find my sisters adopted parents right NOW" I yelled I heard a yes sir and hung up.

I started the car and speeded off to my base, I needed to let off some steam and the only way to do that is by torturing and beating up bad people.

It was about a 10 minute drive considering that I went over the speed limit, I got out the car and walked to the base, I went into the basement where the smell of iron blood hit my nose I was used to the smell so i didn't care. I walked past cells reading crimes the person has committed I smirked when I saw a cell with the label SA and abuse to all ages, in the cell was a male looked like he was in his late 40s, 48 to be precise.

I grabbed him out of the cell and put him in the torture chair where I secured his arms and legs, his face looked terrified which made me let out an evil chuckle, I walked to the tray filled with torture devices and grabbed the tweezers.

⚠️ warning ~ this bit is gruesome and nasty please don't read if not comfortable with torture!⚠️

I pulled out each toenail and fingernail I could, his screams filled the air which made me smile with delight, I cut of all his fingers which he used to abuse people with and watched the blood ooze out of the stubs left.

I pulled his trousers off and cut his small dick off and shoved it into his own mouth which was really satisfying for me, at this point he was barely hanging on as he was screaming and crying the whole time which took most of his energy as I continued cutting away at his skin and face.

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