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Luca's pov -

I'm in the pantry over eating because Im worried about aurelia I feel like something bad is happening to her when she left everyone was devastated xander wasn't even angry anymore I sometimes caught dad crying in his office and Salvatore keeps asking me if she's going to come back acting like I can communicate with her in my mind, I was eating my sour patch kids when someone calls my phone.

I quickly look at the name but there wasn't it was a no caller ID call I usually don't pick those but something in my gut was telling me to pick up so I did and I'm so glad I did because aurelia started talking she told me she was sending me a location and that I needed to come alone I was going to the living room where most of my brothers were " I'm going out guys for some fresh air I might be back late" I say they all nod understanding how I felt about aurelia leaving.

I went upstairs and threw a random hoodie on and took my car keys and left, yes I am fifteen but I got my driving licence early because I wanted to anyways I was still on call with her and heard her coughing a lot I wonder if she is ok, I got in my car and drove to the location she sent me but the location is where the Russian leader is staying why would she be there?

I stepped on the gas just thinking if my twin could be in danger. I get there in like thirty minutes I drive in and get out of the car the scene infront of me was bone chilling I ran to my sister" AURELIA WHAT HAPPENED!" I hugged her tightly but she winced I let go and inspected her wounds someone sliced her eye and it was still bleeding her face was covered in black smoke and she kept coughing. She had a lot of explaining to do but right now I had to make sure she was okay I put everyone in the car and drove to the hospital.

I checked them all in and they got taken to different rooms of course I put aurelia in a private room because she was my sister and I needed to talk to her. I stood outside her room until I heard yelling, I rushed inside to see what the commotion was about.

" no I don't want it taken off! " aurelia said " I'm sorry mam but we need to take it off to see if you have any other injuries!" The nurse said back, I walked to her bed which she was sitting on and held her hand." Why don't you want to take it off lia?" She shook her head " it's nothing I just don't want it taken off, I already know ow what's wrong with me and its got nothing to do with the rest of my body" she looks at me with puppy dog eyes begging me to not get this done " fuck fine but if there's something wrong you need to tell me, promise?" She smiles and nods.

Im not sure if I should be doing this what if something is wrong but she told me nothing was wrong I'm just praying she's telling the truth.I ask the nurse to examine her without taking her clothes off she wasn't complying so I pulled her out of the room and held a gun to her forehead watching her shake in fear was amusing " you are going to examine her without taking her clothes of or else your brain goes splat you understand?" I used my mafia voice to make sure she would listen which worked, " y..y..yes s..sir" she said nodding her head with fear.

I put the gun back and watch her walk inside complying with my wishes and not taking lia's clothes off.

After the examination + medication

Aurelia's pov  -

I watched as that same ugly ass nurse walked out after giving me my medication I didn't like her one bit I mean she was nice at first but then she started prying and asking if there were any other injuries I told her that there weren't any but of course she insisted until luca came and sorted the whole thing out.

Luca sat in a chair next to my bed I just looked at him he was staring deep into my eyes it was a bit weird at first but I got lost in his blue swirly eyes they were very pretty and well blue, " are you going to explain twinie" He said to me I focused on the situation and smiled " your eyes are really pretty" I say trying to change the convo he chuckles " thanks but now onto the subject you're trying to change" oh shit I guess it didn't work, actually why am I trying he's going to find out anyway " why were you at that mansion? What were you doing in that mansion? And how did the fire start?"

I sighed and opened my mouth everything spilling out " I'm the American mafia leader and I'm an assassin and I race, I own multiple fahion and cosmetics companies and hotels not only that but I've graduated school and university but still went to school to avoid my abusive stepfather and mum, I killed morosov that's why I was at his mansion he also burned the mansion down when me and my second command was in the house and I do a lot of things I shouldn't be able to do at this age" I end my sentence breathing harshly looking at his eyes widen with everything I just said.

" Wait so you already know that we're the italian mafia?" I nod " you're the American mafia leader?!?" I nod again my head lowering " Please don't tell the rest of the family I know you're disgusted but please don't tell them" when i look up his eyes are filled with rage? " YOU WERE ABUSED?!?" i quickly covered his mouth and give him a stern look " lucas  I promise all the scars are gone they stopped a few years back" I lie hoping he won't tell the rest of the family his face calms with relief " I'm sorry we weren't there when that happened" with one Stray tear falling I got up and wiped it.

" don't say that you couldn't have known" I smiled at him and he smiled back " the family misses you dad has been crying in his office, xander isn't even mad anymore he just wants to hug you he looks at your baby picture in his wallet a lot aswell, lorenzo goes out and dosent come back till dawn, salv is really sorry and wants to apologise, ellijah is not eating, aiden + andré are silent  and don't say a lot but to make this simple we just miss you." He says with tears in his eyes

Tears drop from my eyes " they m..miss me?" I say sobbing a bit inbetween I never thought I was that important to them. Luca holds my hand and nods " they miss you a lot they want you back home even if you don't talk to them or like them anymore they just want to feel your presence"

I stand up and give him a big hug and  " please promise me you won't tell them what i told you" He looks at me with an unsure look " I promise I will tell them at some point " He looks at me and nods he then takes my hand and walks me out of the hospital.

" what about the bills and the others?" I ask  he looks at me with an amused face " oh I already payed for all of them and I'm getting my guards to get them back to their houses" I nod and lay my head down on the seat.

I was going back home to my family


The hug she gave him  -

The hug she gave him  -

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Cutee 💖💖

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Word count - 1433

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