Chapter 2 ~ Night Owl

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Nyx POV:

"Monic equations." My maths teather explained, "Are very simple and easy to solve if you know how to do it. Yes, they can been seen difficult, but," she indicated to the whiteboard, "Using this formulae."

"Blah blah blah blah." Cal whispered under his breath next to me, "Honestly, mate, this is so fucking boring. I'm going to sleep." And with that, tipped his chair back and started to loudly snore.

"Mr Le'bronze, I can hear you." My maths teacher stated.

"And I don't care." Cal whispered under his breath as I snort a laugh. "You'll get detention." I warn.

"And does it look like I care?" He cockily shoots back, and I just shake my head.

"Also, you forget...the chances the fire alarm goes off.." He grins.

I sigh. "Really? Then they'll just put you in next week, and I need you in next week, as there's some thugs out in the alleys again."

He dramatically rolls his eyes, "Sure. But remember-"

"Mr Le'bronze that's 40 minutes after school!"

"Fuck." He mutters under his breath.

"Told you." I whisper tauntingly.

He throws me a death stare.

I reply with my middle finger.

"And you, Miss Thompson!"

"Fuck this." I swear under my breath as Cal laughs his head off.


"And that's it for today. Next lesson, make sure you have your anthologies. We'll be studying...Remains by Simon Armitage." Our English teacher lets us out for break as soon as the chatter from the other classes start to slink into ours.

"Isn't that the one about the guy's shit, and how he deals with guilt after killing someone, 'probably armed, possibly not?'"

"Basically." I groan as I take a seat on the bench outside of class.

"So...I think we should-" Cal begins...

"That we should not break into the science office? Agreed. They have hidden cameras."

"Aw, fuck it, you're no fun, Nyx." Cal interrupts, but I continue,

"-And instead steal from the art one. How do you think about making some of the teachers pay - specifically, shall we say, the one that everyone says has a small dick?" I whisper back, and Cal just grins wickedly.

"I knew I love you for the right reasons." Cal laughs with me.

"Uh, DUH! You'd be dead without me, just admit it." I playfully smack his arm, and he laughs, but not as fully as last time.

"Thompson. Le'bronze." The school's 'player' walks over, gelled black hair, dark eyes that girls swoon over, ruffled uniform that's a result of moments with one of his many girlfriends in the storage room.

"For the last time, we don't do molly. Go ask Duncan, he might have some." Cal groans.

"Tut, tut, Le'bronze. You think that's all I want?" His gaze travels down to me, and I snap, "Really? Go make out with your fan club. I'm not interested."

"Pity. We could have so much fun, you and I." He says seductively, that would probably work on most girls, but not me.

"Enough, Quinn. Leave. Her. Alone." Cal spits at him, fire brimming in his eyes.

The player sighs. "Oh well. Worth a shot. Offers always there." And he struts off, leaving a pissed off Cal and a horrified me.

"Well shit. That was fun!" I joke sarcastically.

Cal just grinds his jaw.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now