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In the next few days, news outlets, fans, and reporters delved into Amalia's press conference. As expected, she faced sexist and rude questions at the conference, and in hindsight, she could have handled some of them better.

While many Formula 1 fans stood up for her, showing unwavering support and solidarity, Amalia couldn't ignore the criticism from others. Despite her best efforts to remain composed and professional during the press conference, the scrutiny and backlash weighed heavily on her.

As the media frenzy continued, Amalia found herself bombarded with disparaging headlines and critical commentary. Articles dissected her every word and gesture from the press conference, magnifying any perceived misstep or moment of vulnerability. Tabloids sensationalized her personal life, while pundits questioned her qualifications and competence as a driver solely based on her gender.

The onslaught of negativity took its toll on Amalia, testing her resilience and resolve. Despite her best efforts to focus on her racing career and block out the noise, the constant barrage of criticism chipped away at her confidence. She felt like she was constantly on trial, forced to defend herself against baseless accusations and unfair scrutiny.

As Christmas approached, Williams had decided that she deserved a break, especially after the intense scrutiny she faced following the press conference and the street from the media she had been in. Sending her away for the holiday seemed like the best scenario, allowing her to spend time in her hometown in Germany, see her family, and provide Amalia with much-needed rest.

However, unknown to the Williams staff Amalia felt a sense of dread about returning home. She hadn't been back in years, always consumed by racing and the demands her mother placed on her for modeling. The thought of being back in the house which echoed with memories of Axel, filled her with apprehension.

The last happy Christmas the Schröder family spent together was before Axel passed away. Back then, everything felt perfect, but now, the dynamics had shifted, and Amalia found it difficult to be around her mother for more than a few minutes at a time.

Packing up her belongings, Amalia found herself wrestling with a whirlwind of emotions. The prospect of returning home stirred up memories and anxieties she had long buried. Lost in her thoughts, a notification from her phone broke through her reverie.

Picking it up, she saw a message from Mark. They had been chatting more frequently lately, and getting to know each other better. She had learned that he was American but had moved to England for soccer and was currently playing at Tottenham Hotspur F.C. much to Amalia's surprise. His messages provided a welcome distraction from the tumult of emotions swirling within her. Despite her reservations, their conversations had been comforting, helping her to momentarily escape the pressures of her racing career and the media's comments on her.

They had discussed her recent move to Williams and everything she had going on. They had even gone on a few dates, which Amalia found surprisingly enjoyable. In Mark, Amalia found a sense of companionship and understanding that she hadn't realized she was missing. His presence offered a reprieve from the chaos of her life, allowing her to momentarily forget her worries and simply enjoy the moment.

She would love to take him with her to Germany but it would give her mother another thing to critique and she wanted to save him the trouble for now.

have fun at home love
I'll see you soon
I'm going to miss you

Smiling at the text she sent him hearts back and letting him know she would also be missing him. Grabbing her suitcase Amalia locked her apartment door behind her not wanting to keep the chauffeur waiting any longer. she had stalled as much as she could.

𝐿𝐌𝑉𝐞 𝐿𝐌𝐟𝐞 𝐿𝐞𝐺𝐞𝑁𝐷𝑆 - 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎 𝑜𝑛𝑒Opowieści tętniące ÅŒyciem. Odkryj je teraz