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Amalia stood atop the podium, basking in the radiant glow of success smiling down at her team below her, who were celebrating her remarkable accomplishments. Champagne sprayed in all directions, creating a glittering rain that drenched her in a cascade of effervescent joy. A triumphant grin adorned her face as she basked in the moment.

Beneath the fizzy shower, Amalia seized a bottle of champagne retaliating spraying the sparkling liquid back at her fellow podium drivers and the team below. Laughter and cheers filled the air as the celebration continued, the atmosphere charged with the electrifying energy of victory.

Descending from the podium, Amalia made her way back to the paddock area. Amidst the cheers and congratulations, a familiar voice called out her last name. Startled, she turned around just in time to find herself enveloped in a tight embrace from behind.

As she was released, she turned to face her unexpected well-wisher. To her surprise and delight, it was none other than Charles Leclerc. His eyes sparkled with genuine pride and warmth as he spoke, "Lia, congratulations! I'm so proud of you. You did it!"

Overwhelmed with emotion, Amalia returned his embrace tightly. At that moment, amidst the cheers, the stickiness of the champagne that coated her, and the trophies she held in the embrace of a fellow racer and friend, Amalia never felt more at peace.

"You gave me a run for my money, Leclerc. Almost took me out a few times," Amalia, with a wide grin on her face teased.

Charles, sharing a chuckle, replied, "Well, I couldn't have made it too easy for you, could I?"

"Thanks, Char, really. It means so much coming from you. From racing in karts together who would have thought we would be here together fighting for the rookie championship." Amalia expressed her gratitude, a genuine warmth in her eyes.

Charles, with a friendly pat on her shoulder, said, "Anytime, Lia. I can't believe you're leaving me next year for Formula 1! You're going to be living all our dreams."

"Just wait. You'll be with me in no time. But first, you're going to do so well next year. I can see you winning it all," Amalia reassured him, confidence shining through her words.

"Thanks, Lia. You better go. I don't want to keep you from the celebrations. I'll see you later to celebrate tonight though," Charles said with a nod, acknowledging the festivities that awaited her.

Amalia smiled appreciatively and, with a final exchange of encouraging words, made her way back to the jubilant crowd.

Amalia walked back to her team, and as soon as they caught sight of her, they surged forward, lifting her high into the air on their shoulders. The cheers and applause around her were deafening, but amidst the cacophony, Amalia felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the people who had supported her throughout the year. They had been the pillars that held her up during both triumphs and challenges.

As her feet touched the ground, Amalia was quick to express her heartfelt thanks to each member of the team. She then made her way to where her dad stood, waiting with a big smile. With uncontainable joy, she ran toward him and jumped into his arms, clinging to him like a koala.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions—joy, happiness, excitement, and a tinge of sadness—Amalia couldn't hold back tears. In her father's embrace, she found solace and release. "Papa, I did it!" she exclaimed through tears. She tightened her grip on him, not wanting to let go of this precious moment. Her father, with a proud smile, gently stroked her hair and held her even closer.

Her dad, holding her even tighter, spoke with pride, "Mein Liebling, you did so well. I knew you could. You're so strong, just like your brother."

"Thank you, papa. Do you think Axle would be proud of me?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions.

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