Start from the beginning

"Jiang–Xiong, take care.." — Nie HuaiSang said

"He is watching you. Good luck." Jiang Yanli said as she patted Jiang Chengs shoulder walking inside the room where the rest are.

They all seat to their seat place, Jiang Cheng who seems to be seat next to Lan XiChen. Jiang Cheng glanced beside him and sees Lan XiChen with a straight face and focus face not bother to glance beside him.

Soon a Senior Lan came with a beard on his chin, holding some scroll on his hand, "ahem... Everyone is here?" Asked the Grandmaster Lan Qiren.

[ Lan Qiren, a Senior of the GusuLan Sect very Well–Respected ]

Jiang Cheng stared at the senior Infront of them, as Lan Qiren seat at his seat place with a proper face and put the scroll down at the table.

"Today, I will be talking about rules of the lan sect." Said Lan Qiren as he started to rolled the scroll opened.

"Since nobody looks at the sect rules carved on the stone wall, I will repeat them right here, one by one." Said Lan Qiren as he touches his beard.

"Let us see if anybody still uses not knowing as an excuse for violating them." Jiang Cheng doomed as he let out a groaned.


"Since certain people disapprove of the material of my classes, very well, then. I will talk about other things." Said Lan Qiren, as he looks for someone to distribute and answers the questions that he would like to ask them. His eyes stoped where Jiang Cheng was and called out to him, "Jiang WanYin"

Jiang Cheng immediately stand up "here." Lan Qiren stared at him for a bit and begin to question him.

"What was the profession of the qinghenie sect's founder?" — question 1

"Butcher." — answer

"The heraldry of the LanlingJin sect is a white peony; which type of white peony is it?" — question 2

"Sparks amidst snow." — answer

"Who was tge first in the cultivation world to focus on the rise of his clan rather than his sect?" — question 3

"The founder of the qishenwen sect, Wen Mao." — answer

Lan Qiren stared at Jiang Cheng and before he continue to ask him a question, he closed his eyes "as a disciple of the YunmengJiang Sect, you should have long since been able to recall these like the back of your hand. It is nothing to take pride in even if you answered them correctly." Said Lan Qiren. Jiang Cheng who was nervous and a single sweat drop from his side of his face.

"You must carry on, Jiang–Xionh! Please don't give Lan Qiren the chance to call on the others." Said Nie HuaiSang hoping for not to be called next when Jiang Cheng can't answer the final question.

Lan Qiren cleared his throat and stared at Jiang Cheng. "Let me ask you again." He said as Jiang Cheng was ready to answer the question that Lan Qiren wanted to ask.

"There lived an executioner who lacks neither parents, wife, nor children. Before he died, he had executed over a hundred people. His death happened in the public and, to punish him for his deeds, he was left on the streets for seven days. His resentful energy accumulated and he began to haunt the living. What should be done?" — last question 4

Jiang Cheng was surprised from the question, he thinks of something before answering the question,.. it was quiet for a couple of minutes, Lan XiChen who glanced beside him for a little and back to his uncle.

Lan Qiren who was waiting for the answer, he decided to call out to another and to answer his question.

"XiChen, you can tell him what should be done." Said Lan Qiren as he called out to his Nephew. Lan XiChen stood up and bow with a respect of his uncle.

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