Ch.2 Arrival

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Pic of Niko^^^^^;)

For the next three days all we did was prepare for Niko's arrival. We bought him a freaking new bed and a bunch of other things.
Thankfully the apartment we lived in had three bedrooms so no one had to share. But there were only two bathrooms. One in Angie's room and the other one in the hall. This meant I had to share my bathroom with Niko.
Anyways when it finally came for us to pick him up Angie was a bundle of nerves. She kept asking me if he was going to like his bed, the color of the wall, etc.
After the tenth time of her saying that I finally snapped at her.
"He doesn't have to like it, it's not like he's gonna stay here forever",I practically yelled at her.
"You're right",she said nodding.
After that we left the house and got to the airport with ten minutes to spare. We waited at the arrivals section for Los Angeles. I still couldn't understand why her brother would want to move all the way from L.A. to Orlando,FL. But I guess it didn't matter to Angie. We waited for a few minutes and saw people coming down the hall. Angie strained her neck trying to see her brother. I sat bored to death taking in all the people arriving. A certain person caught my eye. He was wearing blue jeans that hung from his hips and a tight white shirt showing off his muscles. His hair was brown and tousled everywhere. The reason he caught my eye was he looked alot like Angie. I turned as the guy came over and gave his sister a hug lifting her off her feet. She squealed as he spun her and I couldn't help but smile. He finally put her down and I stood up walking towards them.
"...I can't believe you're actually here",Angie gushed.
"I know but I got bored up there all alone",he replied in a deep voice. I looked at his face he had stubble on his chin, a strong straight nose like Angie, but his eyes were green not brown. Angie looked at me and smiled but her eyes looked worried again as if she thought I was going to slap her brother or something.

"This is Kaitlyn",she said pointing at me. Niko turned to me a smile touching his eyes. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding as he extended his hand. I extended my hand and he squeezed it slightly.
"Wait",he said releasing my hand.
"Aren't you the girl that acted rudely on the phone.",he said one side of his mouth tilted up.
I drew back and crossed my arms over my chest glaring at him.
"Yes",I said trying to keep my voice calm. "But if I remember correctly you were the one who acted rudely."
He laughed and then he actually snorted which caused me to laugh and soon we were all laughing. I wiped away some tears and so did Angie.

"Ok well wasn't this fun?",Angie said taking a deep breath.
We both nodded and I looked at Niko. He was smiling down at me with a twinkle in his eye. I blushed turning away before he could see it.
"Let's go get something to eat I bet you're starving Niko",Angie said putting her brown hair in a low pony tail.
"Yeah",Niko said.

I nodded and we started walking towards the car. As Niko passed by me he brushed my hand with his. I looked up but he wasn't looking at me. It must have been an accident I said to myself. An accident that had sparked something inside me.

*Well what did you guys think?
*If you guys have any questions or anything just leave a commet. :)
*Update might come later.

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