Ch.23 Sleepover

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This is how I picture Raphael ^^^
That's Rob Wilson he's a model.
1D doing the Nae-Nae and Whip is what I live for.
All the love - Nana

"Katy?",Raphael said again knocking on the door. My mouth dropped open. He was here?!?!? Now?!? I took a deep breath and looked around my room to see if I needed to fix anything. I quickly walked to the door and opened it.
"What are you doing here?",I asked a bit too harshly causing Raphael to look down at his shoes.
"I'm sorry its just I didn't know you were coming",I rushed hating myself for being mean to him.

"Its OK its just that..well I missed you",he said. I felt my face heat up and I'm sure he was blushing too.
"Um I could go if you don't feel good",he said looking at me. I must have looked confused because he continued.
"This dude said you didn't feel good and that I should go but I wanted to come in anyway",he said smiling at me. I felt irritated that Niko would say that but I guess it was kind of true.

"No its OK do you want to hang out in my room?",I said opening the door further so he could come in.
"Yeah if that's OK",he said and I smiled. He walked in and looked around. I couldn't help but feel nervous. I wanted him to like my room because I cared about his opinion a lot and I didn't know why. My room was good size. I had a queen bed with a baby blue comforter that matched with the pillows. I had a white wooden desk with my laptop on it and a lamp. There was a big blue and white rug covering most of the floor and some black beanbag chairs.

"I like your room",he said turning back to me. I smiled at him and quietly shut the door behind me. Raphael's eyes flickered to the door and back to me. He stepped forward and pulled me to him wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I missed you",he whispered.
"I missed you too",I said biting my lip as he ducked his head down to my neck.

"You're so beautiful",he said biting my neck softly. I moved my hands up to his hair softly tugging at the ends. He started backing us up until his foot hit one of the beanbag chairs and he sat down pulling me onto his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. He started to rub circles on my back.
"How's Micky?"I said as he trailed his hand lower so it rested on my behind.

"He's so wild. Just yesterday some girl came knocking on my door begging to see him. She was hysterical when I told her Micky didn't want to see her. She begged and begged until Micky came to the door. She begged him to take her back that she couldn't be without him. Micky just told her he had a new girl and that she needed to leave him alone. She kepted screaming at him until finally he had to take her home."he said sighing. I opened my eyes to look at the Raphael. He was staring at the wall frowning.

"I've tried to give him a good example to treat women right but he won't listen I guess I haven't tried hard enough."he said. I sat up a little and cupped his face turning it so he would look at me.
"Don't say that I know you did everything you could",I said and he gave me a small smile. I pulled his face closer and softly pressed my lips to his. I let go of his face and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. Our lips molded together perfectly. His tongue poked at my lower lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth and let his tongue explore my mouth.

His hand moved down in between my legs and he started rubbing his hand against my private. I moaned into his mouth as he his hand picked up speed. His mouth left mine and he started trailing wet kisses down my neck until he reached the base of my neck and softly started sucking on my neck. I tightened my grip on his hair as he began to suck harder. I knew he was going to give me a hickey. I shifted on his lap and he stopped sucking on my neck and groaned.

I shifted again and he grabbed my hips and started moving me faster. I put my mouth right under his ear and started softly biting the skin there.
"Kaitlyn",he breathed against my neck. I started sucking on his neck. His hand slipped under my shirt and he started playing with my breasts. I stood up so I could straddle him but I ended up falling off his lap and onto the floor.

Raphael started to laugh and I smacked his leg. He extended his hand to help me up but I pulled him so he was on top of me. I felt his erection pressed up against my crotch and I let out a soft moan.
"Kaitlyn please",he said. I don't know what he was asking for so I just pulled his face to mine so he could kiss me. His tongue invaded my mouth as my hands wove into his hair.

Someone coughed and I quickly turned my head to see Angie and Niko standing in the doorway. Raphael abruptly stood up and pulled me up with him. I hadn't even heard them open the door I thought as I looked at them. Angie looked surprised and Niko looked pissed off his face set in a scowl.

"Sorry to interrupt but there is a boy at the door asking for you Raphael",Angie said smiling at us. I looked over at Raphael he seemed concern and quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me along. When we passed by Niko and Angie I couldn't help but glance at Niko. He was staring at our hands. I felt the urge to pull my hand out of Raphael's but I quickly told myself that was stupid. Angie though was staring at my neck. Holy Shit!! The hickey. I pushed my hair to the side so I could cover it.

Raphael pulled me along until we reached the living room. Micky was sitting on the couch. He looked up when we came in and I gasped. The whole entire right side of his face was bruised and bleeding. Raphael quickly let go of my hand and walked over to his brother.
"What the hell happen?",he said touching the bruises, Micky flinched away.
"I got into a fight",Micky said in a deep voice deeper than Raphael's.
"Um do you want me to get you ice or something?",I said feeling useless as I stared at Micky's face.
"That would be awesome Kat",Micky said.

I walked quickly to the the kitchen and grabbed a bag of ice and wrapped in a rag. I walked to the bathroom to get the first aid kit too. I passed by Angie's door which was slightly ajar. Niko and her were having a heated discussion and I pretty sure I heard my name. I quickly moved on though and grabbed the first aid kit and walked back to the living room.

Raphael was on the phone and Micky sat on the couch gently touching his face. I took a seat next to him and began to clean up his cuts and bruises. I bandaged up his face and gave him the bag of ice.
"Thanks",he said squeezing my hand.
"Anytime",I said. He asked me if he could watch TV and I said yes. Raphael was still on the phone and I'm pretty sure it was with his dad. I studied Micky he had changed since the last time I had seen him about three months ago.

He was much more muscular then I remember. He was tall, taller than my 5'3 frame but not taller than Raphael's 6'1. He had the same messy brown hair that his brother had but he had blue eyes instead of brown. He was an absolute heartbreaker that much I knew. And he was only 16! Imagine when he was 21!

"Ok well you can't go home or dad is going to freak out",Raphael said brushing the hair off his forehead.
"He can stay here",I said.
"Really?"Micky said beside me surprised.
"Yeah if its ok with Angie",I said nodding.
"I don't know what will I tell dad, I can't say he's at one of his friend's house because he doesn't have very good friends",Raphael rambled on rubbing his face. I could see he was tense because his whole body told me.
"You can stay here with us and just tell dad we're staying at your girlfriend's house",Micky said beside.

"She's not my girlfriend",Niko said his eyes darting to my face. I was disappointed to be honest. I mean I know it was only one date but I felt like we had so much more.
"Unless you would like to be my girlfriend",Raphael said nervously.
I smiled at him feeling giddy all of a sudden.
"I would love that",I said. Raphael was my boyfriend. I couldn't help the huge smile on my face.
"Um ok I'll tell me dad",he said and pulled out his phone once again.

I got up and walked over to Angie's room. I heard Niko's voice and hesitantly knock on the door. The voices died down so I pushed open the door and walked in. Angie was sitting on the bed while Niko stood in front of her.
"Um I was wondering if Raphael and his brother could stay here tonight"I said.

"Um...I guess but where will they sleep?"she asked standing and walking over to me.
"The living room",I said surprised that she had said yes.
"I guess than yeah..Ok, is it ok with their parents?",she asked.
"Yeah its fine",I said trying to erase the smile from my face. She nodded once again and I quickly left the room not daring to look at Niko.

I walked into the living room where the brothers were sitting on the couch.
"I guess we're having a sleepover"I squealed.

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