Ch. 28

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I woke up alone and cold. I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a couple of times to rid myself of sleep. I looked around and noticed that Raphael wasn't beside me. The blanket that had been covering me was tossed to the side. I sat up and yawned. I stood up and stretched a little bit. I walked over to the kitchen but it was empty as well.

I walked into the bathroom and freshened up. As I passed by Niko's door I heard him talking to someone. I looked down the hall but no one was there. I padded quietly to his door and pressed my ear against it.
"I'm trying I really am",he said somewhat angrily.
"I know and I'm very sorry but you just have to wait"
"OK I will I promise"
"Goodbye",he muttered. I quickly stepped away from the wall and walked briskly to my room.

I leaned back on the closed door and looked around my room. All traces of Micky sleeping here were gone. The bed was made up nice and tidy. A knock on the door startled me and I jumped away from the door quickly.
"Kaitlyn are you in there",came Niko's deep voice from the other side.
"Uhh y-yea I'm here",I stammered.
"Well ok I have to run some errands but I'll be back soon",he said.

"Ok goodbye",I said and heard his footsteps as he retreated. I waited for the sound of the front door closing before I plopped down on my bed.
I picked up my phone and saw I had four unread messages. One from Isaiah, one from Raphael and the other two unknown. I clicked on Raphael's first.

I'm sorry we had to go Dad call I'll call you later babe
I love you

I responded with-

It's ok
I love you too

I clicked on Isaiah's it said-

Can't wait too see you Kaitlyn ;)

Oh! yeah he was coming over today.

I replied-

What time?

After I sent that I was left with the unknown numbers. I clicked on the first one it said-

I'm someone who loves you and misses you.

I read it a couple more times and then it hit me that this person had texted me before saying hey and I had asked them who it was. I was confused by the text so I didn't respond. I clicked on the other one and almost dropped my phone.

How faithful is your boyfriend?

I let my phone fall on the bed and I shakily stood up. Was Raphael cheating on me? He couldn't be he was the one who wanted to be with me in the first place. He asked me out first. I picked up my phone and sent a quick reply.

Who ever this is why don't you mind your own Fucking business.

I dialed Raphael's number. He answered on the third ring.

"Hey baby I though I was gonna-"
"Are you cheating on me?",I blurted.
The line stayed silent until Raphael took a deep breath.
"What are you talking about?",he said his voice low.
"Someone sent me some text asking how faithful you really are? So tell me are you cheating on me",I said my voice cracking at the end.

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