Chapter 4

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Sorry for the lack of updates! I have been busy with completing some university work before Christmas. It's officially complete and now I have plenty of time to update! Woohoo.

Merry early christmas, A. X

Chapter 4

June 21st.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Louis doesn't believe Harry. He is definitely having some sick dream. Harry is completely and utterly plastered out of his mind. Louis almost feels sorry for him. Where is Niall?

"My 'pologies," Harry slurs as he grabs his best mates hand and leaves the building. Louis is in a state of shock.

"You alright, mate. Looks like you've seen a ghost," Liam chuckles as he wraps his arm around Louis. Louis is certainly sober after that conversation - if you can even call it a conversation. He doesn't feel like drinking anymore. No offence to Harry (all offence to Harry) but he has surely ruined the mood. Louis wants nothing more than to be wrapped up in his cozy warm bed. Tomorrow he will be nursing a brutal hangover.

"I'm good. I just feel a little sick, that's all. Shall we head off? You're working early tomorrow," Louis reminded Liam. Louis' heat is coming up within the next couple of days so they have both agreed that it is best if he stays off work. Quite frankly, Louis is very lucky that this is the case after tonight's events. The thought of seeing Harry's face makes him want to bury himself in a hole.

Liam agrees and they order an Uber back to the flat. The Uber ride was a quick five minute journey and Louis is glad to be home. Maybe he is being dramatic because Harry only called him hot but he feels like he is going insane or something - like he is going to burst because what-the-actual-fuck. He is definitely getting close to his heat because the only thoughts that are roaming in his head are 'Harry smells good' and 'Harry looks good'. Louis physically cannot escape his own mind and he wants to cry.

Tonight has been a disaster. He should've gone for a nap instead of drinking. He knew it was a bad idea and decided to go anyway. Next time he won't make the same mistake. If Harry is there, Louis won't be there. The only 'good' thing about tonight is that everyone has finally let Reading and Leeds fest go. Louis is very glad about that. Although he's sure it will be mentioned once he is back at work. Until then, he can forget all about it.

Louis takes a quick brisk shower and does his nightly routine before heading to bed. He doesn't bother setting an alarm knowing he has no need to be up early tomorrow and he has a lot of sleep debt to catch up with. He could also do with a good night sleep.


June 22nd.

Just like Louis thought, he woke up with a raging hangover and possibly the worst headache of his life. It is almost 1pm and he really doesn't feel like eating anything today. The thought of food is making him want to throw up. He knows that some shitty food will probably help with his hangover but he can't bring himself to even consider eating. He needs to get this alcohol out of his system.

He doesn't want to think about the aftermath of last night and once again, he is glad he doesn't have to see Harry's face. Speaking of Harry - Louis is still thinking about that damn man. He can feel himself getting wet at the thought of his scent and he wants to bawl his eyes out. Louis is feeling too vulnerable. Something inside of him wants to get out of bed, take a cold shower and head to the record shop to see Harry. He won't, he's too close to his heat and he has a feeling it's going to start early. His heats are rarely early. He always feels vulnerable and emotional just before his heats and his reaction to Harry calling him hot is 100% a representation of this happening.

If he told Liam that Harry called him hot, Liam would most likely laugh at his reaction. Louis never acts this way when people call him hot. Especially when they're drunk so why is Harry calling him hot any different? They barely have any connection and Louis hates him. He is a weird man who only cares about his cats - Louis tells himself.

He needs to distract himself and he needs to care for this stupid hangover. The second Louis steps out of bed he throws his guts up. It's a disgusting sight. He feels relieved the second it happens until he remembers he has got to clean it up. He is never drinking again and he means it this time. Last night was the definition of a shit show. Once Louis has cleaned up his mess, he decides to order McDonald's as it's easier than cooking an entire meal in which he does not have the effort to do so. He should also drop Liam a text to grab some finger food and water that Louis can eat and drink during his heat because his fridge is empty.

Soon enough, Louis' food arrives and he demolishes it in seconds. His appetite is seemingly back and he feels much better. He decides that today he is going to do nothing other than watch Netflix and cuddle up in bed. He deserves a lazy day after non stop working.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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