Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

June 16th.

Louis is deeply regretting his decisions of drinking last night. Especially when he remembers he's on a nine to five with Harry Styles. Once again, Louis doesn't mind Harry. He just doesn't understand him... and he is also an alpha. The idea of spending eight hours with him while being hungover sounds like a terrible idea.

Last night was fun though. He did karaoke like he wanted to and probably kissed half of the men in the room. Louis can't help it, he knows he's hot and the men know that too. Besides, he knows he has a great arse and that's just a bonus!

"Hey, Lou," Harry smiled as he entered the small shop. It's a lot cooler today than it was yesterday. Although, it is still way too hot for Louis' liking. He will probably spend the next eight hours complaining about how hungover he is and how unbearable the heat is.

Louis hates the nickname Lou and especially when Harry calls him it. It's reserved for Liam only and occasionally Zayn. Zayn is a beta. They met towards the end of secondary school when Louis was failing maths and needed a tutor. Zayn is smart, hot and fantastic at art and design. He's the creative director of the record shop. The interior design and artwork is all down to him. Aside from his family and Liam, Zayn is the only person who knows Louis is an omega. In fact, he's been the most supportive of the 'change'. Most likely because he is a beta himself and Louis is grateful for his existence.

"Morning, Haz," Louis grins. He knows Harry hates that nickname, "how's the cats?".

"The cats are amazing! Thanks for asking. I took Honey for a walk yesterday. She loved it but it was far too warm so it was only a quick one. I'm not that horrible," Harry responded. Louis immediately regrets asking the question because who takes their cat for a walk? Harry apparently.

Today is delivery day and perhaps the worst day of the week. Counting stock in this heat should be illegal. Louis always enjoys seeing the new vinyl variants but scanning them in is always exhausting. Especially when he orders way too many vinyls than needs be. He can't help it, he's secretly a vinyl collector himself. "Harry, can you help me scan these vinyl in? Please." Louis begs. He doesn't want to do this job solo and the shop is as equally as quiet as yesterday so Harry might as well help out.

"Only because you said please," Harry winked. Louis hates him. The wink was definitely unnecessary. Louis doesn't even feel guilty about his hatred for Harry. He isn't in the mood today and his hangover isn't being of much help. Alphas are all a bunch of pricks. They're only the slightest bit tolerable when he's drunk (that's why he kissed multiple last night). They are selfish and greedy and only care about themselves.

Louis feels like he could throw up his guts. He's getting too old for nights out (he's twenty-two) or maybe he just drank way too many jagerbombs last night. It was Liam's idea to get blackout drunk and Louis just went along with it. "Thank you," Louis mumbled in response. Time can't go any slower.

"Did you see the Reading and Leeds line up?" Harry smiled as he scanned in '(What's the Story) Morning Glory?' They talk about concerts and festivals quite often. It is one of the only things Harry actually talks about besides his cats. "Two Door Cinema club are amazing live. I think I'm gonna go. We could go together?"

(Note; the Reading and Leeds lineup is the 2011 line up! August 26th-28th)

Louis let out a quiet chuckle, "sorry, but I refuse to go to Reading and Leeds with you. Aren't I too old for your crowd anyway? Isn't Niall an alpha also?". He's only met Niall once or twice when he has popped into the shop to see Harry. Louis can't remember if he had a scent or not.

"No. He's a beta. I don't know what your hatred about alphas is all about. We're not all bad. I promise... And you're literally twenty-two, mate". Harry rolled his eyes. Louis just groaned in response. Three years is such a huge age gap - Okay, it's not the biggest age gap. He doesn't care. He's not doing Reading and Leeds anyway. His heat is scheduled for the 29th August and it's too risky to go to a crowded festival. It would be completely and utterly stupid. His mum would murder him if she found out he went to a festival surrounded by alphas that close to his heat.

"I'll think about it", Louis responds to keep Harry happy. He isn't his mate, and there is no way in hell Louis will be attending that festival. He won't be able to get supplements in time to push his heat back or induce it. The doctors are always full and it isn't a need, just a want. Louis refuses to waste a precious appointment. Someone could need it more.

"Good. I'm going to convince Liam, Zayn and Niall to come too. It will be fun. We all love music. Well, Niall loves food and getting drunk. So it will be perfect. You should really consider it."

Louis nodded. He hates being an omega. He hates his heats. He hates the vulnerability and how weak they make him feel. He's always grumpy, tired and touch deprived afterwards. Sometimes he considers finding a partner to help him through them. Clearly, he doesn't trust alphas enough to do that so he has never advanced on that thought. One day he will find someone to help him through his heats. Until then, he will push through. It's not the end of the world and there are other omegas in the same situation so he doesn't feel alone.


5pm comes around quicker than Louis thought it would. After 1pm, the shop quickly picked up with customers. They took their time with stocking the shelves and each took an extra long lunch break. With Louis being the shop owner, he can do what he wants and can be as lenient as he wants. To be honest, he prefers to run the shop solo so he was quite glad when Harry agreed to having an extra long lunch break. "I'll see you later, Harry. Get home safe," as much as Louis dislikes Harry, he does worry about his safety more than he would like to admit.

"See you. Think about Reading and Leeds," Harry grinned as he wandered off into the distance. Louis will not be thinking about Reading and Leeds.

Or so he thought. The first thing Louis did when he arrived back at his flat was search the web for the line-up. Risking his heat is extremely dangerous. It is seriously not worth it. Even if some of his favourite artists are performing. He's sure Harry will spam Instagram with pictures and videos anyway. And if Liam goes, Louis is sure he will record plenty of videos just for him. He can watch it all back on YouTube once his heat is over anyway. It is really not the end of the world.

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