Chapter 3

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Hello, again! I promise I won't pop in after/before every chapter. I really hope you enjoyed the first and second part. Two Door is one of my favourite artists! ;)

A. X

Chapter 3

June 21st.

It's been a busy few days at work and Louis is ready for a long nap. Harry has somehow convinced everyone to go to Reading and Leeds and Louis isn't in the slightest bit jealous. "Louuu!" Liam called, "Harry wants to know if you would like to join us at the pub later?". Louis can't say no to the pub, even if Harry is involved.

"I would love to go!" Louis replied and started getting ready. That's his plan of taking a long nap cancelled. They won't be leaving for a couple of hours but Louis likes to look and smell good just in case he bumps into his future lover (he knows it won't happen). He's never actually been to the pub with Harry before and he assumes Niall will be there too. He feels slightly better knowing that Niall is a beta and not an alpha like he had previously thought. Speaking of smelling good, Louis can't stop thinking about Harry's scent. It always fills the shop up like he's making his mark and Louis absolutely despises it. Sometimes he wishes he could make a comment about it.

A couple of hours soon pass and Liam is ready to go. They order an Uber because a fifteen minute walk down the road is far too long for them both after a long exhausting day in the shop. The pub, Silver Street, is comforting and warm. It has red sofas that rest nicely against the wall and small wooden tables that are big enough to home multiple pints of beer. Black bar stools are littered across the dimly lit room. "You actually came," Harry smiled as they greeted each other. Louis isn't surprised that Niall's here. It seems like him and Harry are inseparable.

Louis has no idea what Harry means by, 'you actually came'. All he can think about is the freezing cold pint of Stella Artois that he's about to order. "Pint, Li?" Louis asks.

"Sure. I'll have a Budweiser and don't spill it on the way over. I know what your clumsy arse is like." Louis just rolled his eyes in response to Liam and ordered their drinks at the bar. He hopes Zayn will be joining them later.

He finishes paying for their drinks and heads back over to their designated table, "that's one Budweiser for one handsome man," Louis joked as he placed his bum down on the cold metal stool. He hasn't drank since the 15th and he's been craving a freezing cold pint. It's his favourite part about summer.

"Thank you. Harry wants to know if you've considered Reading and Leeds yet?" Louis wants them to let the subject go. He should tell Liam the real reason he won't be attending the festival. He makes a mental note to remind him at a later date.

"No. I'm not going. It's way too expensive and I'm sure it will be very busy. Everyone raves about Reading and Leeds and there are some great headliners this year. I can watch the set on YouTube. Sorry, Haz," Louis faked a pout. He really wants to go. He just can't.

Louis downs his drinks and heads to the bar to order another one. He wants to be tipsy or on the edge of being drunk. It's starting to become insufferable with Harry's musky scent beside him. It isn't too bad when they are in the shop as he can easily escape the situation if needs be and make a comment about needing a smoke. He orders another Stella and makes his way back to the table, "I was thirsty".

"Looks it, mate," Niall responds, "the next rounds on me". Louis can't argue with that even though he's never met the fella. Maybe it's Niall's way of putting on a good first impression because Louis is surely impressed. He loves free shit, especially alcohol.

"Can't argue with that one," Louis grins. He looks at Harry to find Harry is already staring at him. It's kinda odd, Louis thinks. He wonders how long Harry has been staring and why. He's gone back to being quiet, "what's up, Haz?" Louis decides to ask.

"Reading and Leeds would be so fun with you," Harry begs. Louis shook his head. He is not attending that damn festival no matter how many times Harry insists.

"I don't know why you want to go to a festival with your manager. It is a bit weird. Don't ya' think?" Louis feels a little mean saying it's a 'bit weird'. They are kind of friends at this point. Louis says 'kind of' because he still dislikes Harry and it is certainly not because he's an alpha (it unquestionably is).

"It's not weird. You're making it weird," Niall states. Louis knows Niall isn't wrong and decides he is ready for a smoke.

"I'm going for a smoke. Stop begging me to go because the answer is no. I've said it a thousand times. Let's drop the subject," Louis gets up and leaves the building. He doesn't wanna smell Harry and he wants to go home.

Liam pretty much gets on his knees and begs Louis to stay. He settles down when Zayn arrives and he has a couple of pints in system. By midnight, he is basically drunk and it isn't a pretty sight. He's already scouting the pub for his next kiss. It's his favourite day of the week (Saturday) because Silver Street always play indie music and it's his favourite genre.

Louis makes his way to the dance floor as 'She Moves In Her Own Way' by The Kooks starts playing. It is one of his favourite songs at the moment, "didn't expect to see you here," Harry drunkly giggled. Louis just stared at him in response, "don't blank me!". Harry smells so fucking good right now. He looks extra good in this lighting too - Louis can't believe he is thinking about how Harry looks and smells right now.

"How drunk are you?" is all Louis responds. Harry looks wasted. He must be a lightweight.

"Drunk enough to say that you look very hot tonight," Harry giggled again and Louis thinks he is going to combust. He needs to leave the room. Someone pinch him if this is a dream.

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