Chapter 29 - Shadow isnt a secret

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I got her to our room and put her to bed.  I got in right beside her and gathered her into my arms.

I kissed the top of her head and sighed. "Why do bad things happen to the best of people ?"  I asked myself as I looked at her sleeping figure in my arms.

"Nothing like this should ever happen to you Alicìa. "  I said before I fall asleep with her.


"Good morning " I said to her as soon as she opened her eyes.

She gave me a warm smile that melted my heart and rubbed  her eyes.

"Morning" she said with her soft voice.

"Are you feeling better ?" I asked her and she nodded.

"What happened yesterday. I know  it was because you didn't take your medication on time but what  were you stuck thinking about. ?" I asked her.

"I was scared that my dad would hurt you. I was looking for you everywhere in this house and when I couldn't find you I panicked. I was worried that my dad would hurt you. I got these images of how dad killed my mom and they were  now of how he was killing you and that terrified me" she explained with her eyes glossy.

I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"It's okay baby , I'm right here" I told her and she just nodded.

After moments of enjoying each others comfort she literally pushed me off the bed.

"I think you have work you need to take care of " she said while she looked at me with an beautiful  smile plastered  on her face.

"I do have work to take care of" I said to her getting up from the ground.

"But my wife has already broken my back. I don't think I'll be able to go anymore " I said standing at the edge of the bed.

"Oh really , well as a retired doctor I'm sure I can be of assistance " she said as she got to me.

"Well , I think it's nothing that  a kiss can't fix." I told her and she smiled before settling her hands  on my shoulders.

"I don't usually do this to my patients but I guess you're the lucky one" she said as our lips connected.

I would never get tired of this. I pulled her even closer by wrapping my arms around her waist.

"No , no ,no " she said pulling away.

"You'll be late. I'm sure Mario is waiting for you" she said.

"Yeah yeah. " I said but before walking away from her I quickly stole another kiss from her.

"It's just a little extra from my beautiful wife " I told her before she could protest.

"I'm going to find some cookies" she called after me as I walked into the bathroom.

I heard the bedroom door close before I started getting ready.

30 minutes later , I was tying my shoes  when Alicìa  walked in with a cookie in her hand.

"Those are bad for you" I said to her as i stood up. "Who said  its for me ?" She said.

"Who are they for anyway ?" I asked.


"Me ?"


"No , I don't eat cookies " I told her and she just chuckled.

"What, the big bad Mafia Don doesn't eat  cookies. Is that even possible ?" she teased.  "It's okay , I won't tell anyone " she whispered as she motioned for me to open my mouth.

"No , I don't eat cookies" I said to her .

"Well if you don't eat this one  then no kisses for a week no for 3 months. Not even a tiny bit on your cheek" she said.

I quickly took the cookie from her and ate it.

"I think this means more kisses " I said to her before pulling her to me and connecting our lips.

"You taste like cookies " she said to me.

Just the my phone rang from the bedroom. "Let me get that"

It was Mario's  call.

"We're  waiting for you in the screening room" he said.

"I'm coming"  I said to  him before ending the call.

I turned to meet Alicìa  leaning against the door to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower " she said "byeeee"  she said but I called out to her.

She walked to me and I quickly pecked her lips.

"I'll see you soon. I'll be in the screening room if you need me" I told her just in case she wanted to look for me. She nodded and walked back to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

I got to the screening room and found the pictures we got from Alexio pinned to the wall along  with other pictures I hadn't seen before.

"Who are they ?"  I asked the guys.

There was Mario , Tom , Tony.

"These are the gangs back home in Mexico. They are mainly  based in Leòn and  Puebla. These guys have formed into one huge group and they are beginning led by someone from here in Italy"  explained Tony.

"My informers have picked up the name Shadow. He's been the main talk and from what I've gathered he's the one who is leading these gangs" he added.

"We've been hearing that name quite a lot ourselves."  Said Tom.

"Yeah , and we've also registered that  Luca  is also behind this" I said.

"But Luca is saying  that he isn't the mastermind of this whole thing. There's more to it. There's someone else."  Said Mario.

"Which makes me think again to how Mom is also involved"i said..

"Do you think she's Shadow. That doesn't sound convincing at all" said Mario.

"Wait guys , you're  forgetting how that prisoner  told us how Luca was talking about someone  faking their own death then working from the shadows." Said Tom.

"Hence , your mom and Luca are all ruled out. " said Mario getting them off the board.

"Then who?" Wondered Tom.

Just then Tony   exhaled heavily  while looking at a picture in his hand.

He moved toward the board and pinned the picture  before he showed it to us.

"It's him" he said in a very low voice.

"WHAT!"  All three of us exclaimed.

"Anthony,  this isn't a joke" I said to him.

"I know it's not. I saw him back home when he was in Leòn. I was just as shocked when I saw him. I thought I was seeing things." He explained.

"I even went up to him but when he saw me he began to open fire. We couldn't talk so we resort to shooting. When my back up then arrived he'd escaped and left no trace of himself."

"I tried to use the cameras to capture his movements but he couldn't be found at all.

However some of my sources  say he came back here and is living in a house about an hour's drive from the old estate." He told us

"Just  like what Alexio said " said Tom.

"Who is Alexio" Asked Tony.

"That's not the point  Tony." Complained  Mario.  "The fact that's he's here and not 6 feet under. Why  is he even back ?"

"We don't know yet. But we sure are gonna find out," I said looking at the picture.

"I never thought I'd see him again" I said.

"But seriously guys , who is Alexio ?" Asked Tony.

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