Chapter 20 - the warehouse

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"Make sure you give her another one at exactly 3pm. Don't slack around with her medicine. Monitor her pulse and check her temperature  often. Okay ?"  Said the doctor as he took of his gloves.

"Yes , doc " replied the nurse as she went to open the blinds a bit more  for the sunlight to penetrate  the room even more.

"Mr Rivera ?" Called out the doctor to me.

"I was asking if you want us to move her back home ?" He asked again and I just nodded.

She was just lying there like nothing had happened  to her. Her forehead rather had a thick bandage  covering it and her left arm seemed fracture because of the plaster cast.

"Doc , her left arm. She was shot the about 3 m-months ago" I told him and he nodded.

"Yes we are aware. The wound hadn't fully healed yet. So yes we'll  pay special attention to it as well " he explained to me.

"You can see her now" he explained to me and both him and the nurse left the room leaving me  with her and the beeping sounds of the machines attached to  her body.

I could feel my heart ready to explode from my chest. It hurt so much  and I couldn't figure out how much pain she must've been in.

Taking her hand in mine I kissed the back of it and held  it close to my heart.

"Listen to that Alicìa " I told her.

"It won't stop beating this fast until you wake up. So please , please wake up." I said to her.

" and you can do anything you want from now on. You can even call Luca your brother in law anytime you want. I promise I won't ever complain. You can call me that nickname too in front of everyone it's just okay , but please " I begged with her.

"Please wake up " I whispered not trusting my voice anymore.

"This is more than I can handle please. It hurts seeing you like this Alicìa. Wake up" I said to her kissing her hand one more time.

I just sat there looking at her as she slept off all the pain. The more I thought of that pain the more I got the urge to kill whoever did this.

They should pray to whoever  that i don't  find them because if I do-

"Capo , one of the men who attacked her was caught. He's at the warehouse right now"

Noone can  save him from him now not even God.

"I'll be back Victoria " I said and planted a light kiss on the top of her head before walking out.

"Marion and Tom do not step away from her ,even for a minute" I said to them and they both nodded.

Walking to  the  car that was about to leave with me I signalled the driver to get out.

"Take the rest of the day off. I'll meet you tomorrow." I said to him and took the keys.

I was trying to keep my cool until I reached the warehouse but everytime I think of how much pain she went through I felt my leg pressing further on the gas.

I don't know how many red lights I jumped but all I wanted to do was get there and that was it.

Getting  there  I gave the keys to  one of my men who were outside and told him to park it.

"Where is he ?"

"The Southern area. He hasn't spoken  since he got here." He informed me.

I got to him. He was tide up  to a chair with his head hung low like he was unconscious.

"Close the door behind you and turn on the lights" I instructed my men and he did exactly that.

I walked up to the motherfuck and raised his head.  He even felt obliged to take a nap at this very time.

I took a bucket of ice cold water and splashed it over him and he woke up in fright. He looked all over the room until his eyes landed on me.

"Please , p-p-please I have a family" he sobbed.

"And I'm sure you didn't once think about that when you hurt her didn't you ?" I said opening the tap at the otherside of the room  , filling  the bucket with water.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't know  who it was. I would've pulled back if I'd known please." He begged in between his sobs.

"So I'm guessing the name plate on the car didn't mean anything right ?" I asked as I put the water heater into the bucket.

"W-we didn't know. H-h-he promised us a real heavy payment as well." He told me.

"He ?"

"I can't tell you that , I'm sorry" he said and I just chuckled darkly.

"Then I actually  do not see a reason as to why I should keep you alive then" I said to him while grabbing a hand  knife from the table.

"No please,  I'm begging you." He cried even louder  while he tries to break free from the ropes holding him down.

"If you do keep still , I'm sure I won't be long" I said to him as I brought a small table to him.

I placed his right hand on the table. "Now I'm not sure if I want to cut all of it off or just started with the fingers going down" I said while looking at the hand.

" I'm really very sorry. It was never  my intention. Please I was just doing a job for my boss h-" but I cut him short by piercing  the hand knife through his palm.

His screams filled the room  as blood trickled  from his newly found wound. I still kept the knife in place.

"I could go deeper if you'd like" i said as I twisted the knife pushing it further down.

His screams were encouraging  me that's for sure. Every scream he  took brought peace some peace of mind back to me.

"Please , please stop" he begged me and I happily complied and pulled the knife out of  his hand.

It's funny , you know." I said as I walked back to the table and picked up a blowtorch.

"You ask me everytime , please stop ,please don't do this to me , but you always forget one thing I too have a family and that same family I the one you hurt and didn't even stop why?" I asked him as I set the blowtorch  right at his face.

"No , no , no" he begged trying to keep his face away from the damage coming it's way.

"I honestly can stop , trust me I can." I said to him. "But first tell me , who the fuck sent you" I said and I set the blow torch inches away from his ear.

The heat his ear was going through was certainly  immense  but now I could see he was having a battle on whether to tell me or loose his life.

"I'll tell you " I finally spoke up.

I just smiled at him and set the blow torch aside.

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