Chapter 19 - coming home

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" Ah , Rivera , my man" said Tony who had come to visit me.

"How you doing ?" He asked and he pulled me into an unwanted hug. "Come bro , loosen up you're in Mexico. You love this place " he said.

Antonio and I know each other through our fathers. They were both friends and business partners. We would either meet here in Mexico or back home in Italy.

"So tell me. How's the wife and the whole marriage thing?" He asked me.

"It's exactly what it should be man" I said to him and he laughed.

"You mean, painful and loud like mine and Caroline ?" He asked with a full smile on his face. I just chuckled and shook my head.

"Mine is nothing like that." I said to him before taking a seat on the couch.

I have a house here in Mexico. I used to stay for a couple months this side too since I also had businesses here hence the house.

"So how long are you here for?" Asked Tony as he helped himself to a bag of nuts which he found somewhere. He always has food on him.

"I actually am leaving tomorrow noon. I came here 3 days ago" I said to him and his eyes popped out of their sockets.

"You came here back then and never bothered to tell me. Nah , not cool man " he said sinking into his seat.

" I was really busy.  man. I was working on a really tight schedule. I wouldn't have had time to meet you."  I explained to him which he seemed to understand.

A maid then came in with cold beers and served both me and Tony  and placed the extras on the table.

" You know J.J ?" Asked Tony and I looked at him with full on shock.

"The fuck you mean I know J.J ? I named him Jason Junior. I was there when your son was born " I said to him looking at him confused.

"Alright , so he's turning six in a couple months and guess what he's asking for?" He said with a smile on his face.

"I dont know  ,  a gun?" I asked while I took another sip of my beer.

"It would've been better if he'd asked for that man. He's asking for us to get him married to Tito's  daughter Danielle." He said and I literally  spit out my beer laughing.

"Shit , no" I said and he took a full gulp of his beer before shaking his head. "He says he rather be Jewish than not marry her. I mean the girl is 22 already. What does he want me to do" he complained  and I just laughed at him.

"Shit parenting is hard" I said to him and he chuckled. "You will  suffer it too. A wife means babies on the way  , yes" he said.

"It's only a matter of time" he added before drinking his beer.

"Yeah , but your shit is fucked  up " I said before one of  my men walked into the building holding a phone.

" Capo,  they've been trying to reach you from home." He said before handing me the phone. Judging by the looks of him. It must be bad news.

"Talk to me " I said. I had recognised the number. It was Tom.

"Capo , we've been trying to reach you for the past two days. It's about  the Donna " he said to me and my heart literally  stopped.

My grip on the phone became too tight. "What is it ?"  I asked him.

"We were attacked while trying to bring her to safety yesterday. She's still in the hospital. She hasn't woken up yet." He informed me and my heart literally got torn apart.


"I'm on my way" I said and smashed the phone into the wall again.

"Fuck !" I yelled pulling on my hair so much that my root hairs began to hurt.

"Whats wrong Enzo?" Asked Tony as he followed me outside.

"It's Victoria,  she was attacked. She's in the hospital and she hasn't woken up yet. I'm leaving for Italy now"

"Who is Victoria ?"

"MY FUCKING WIFE  TONY!!" I yelled at him and he just nodded.

"Call me when you get there brother. She'll  be okay " he said and pulled me into a hug before I got into the car and the driver drove off.

Getting to the airport seemed to take forever.

What had even happened  that led to her being attacked ?

Where were the guards when this happened ?

I wasn't even there to protect  her.

"Fuck " I said and balled my hands into fist and tightly closed my eyes but all that haunted me was her face. Her laugh. Her voice calling out to me.

"How much longer ?! " I yelled to the driver.

"We're here  Capo" he replied as he parked  a few meters from the jet.

"Capo the deal wasn't finished  you can't leave without mak-" but I couldn't  stand to hear him speak of a stupid deal when I'm worried about my wife.

So I shut him up  by sending three bullets through his skull.

"Anyone who has a problem with me leaving tell me now" I said to them and they all bowed their heads.

Mario was already in the plane along with some of my men.

"Tell him to take off" I said to Mario and he nodded.

My mind was clouded with her thoughts.

The pain she must've gone through when  she got hurt made me so furious I wanted to find out who did and rip them apart with my bare hands.

"Capo , they said  before the attack. The car she'd  taken out earlier that day was completely damaged and there was a note that was left on the car. " said Mario as he showed me  a picture of the note.

"We have a reason to believe that the same person  who left this note for Alicìa  is the same person who later attacked her when she was being escorted home." He added.

"Where the hell were her guards when all of this happened. ?" I asked him.

"Tom says that she'd had given them strict instructions to not follow her." I explained.

"And they freaking  listened to her ?"

"Tom couldn't do anything at that time as he was assembling some of the new troops for training at the grounds. When he heard of it that's when this happened ?" He explained  to me.

"Any leads of anyone who could be behind this yet ?"

"Not that I've been informed of. They're still working on it "

I stood up from my seat and went to the bedroom. That's where Alicìa  slept when I first took her home.

I sat on the bed with my head in my hands.

"If this is some sort of punishment  that I left without telling you then I'm so sorry Alicìa. I won't ever leave without telling  you ever again.  I promise. Please just be okay for me" I said.

My vision  got blurred  from the tears that were about to fall.

I closed my eyes and let the pain I was feeling consume me.

"Just hold on Alicìa.  I'm coming  home and whoever has done this. I promise they'll  pay a heavy fine for it "

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