Chapter 15 - distance

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Victoria kept on calling Luca her brother in law the whole time she wanted to mention him. She knew it was irritating but she still did it anyway.

I let her do it because it was far better than have her shaken up with the fact that Luca had his gun pointed at her. Getting home I stopped her before we went inside.

"Mom shouldn't get to know that we met Luca today." I explained to her.

She just nodded and gave me a small smile. "Can we get inside now , my feet hurt" she whined like a little girl.

I just smiled and carried her upstairs in bridal style. I got to our room and placed her on the bed. I helped her remove her shoes and set them aside.

I proceeded to remove her necklace as she helped me with my tie. The silence between us was comfortable , very comfortable.

I removed her earrings and the anklet she was wearing. Then she stood up and made me seat on the bed this time.

She took off my watch , proceeded to take of my suit jacket then she began unbuttoning the buttons of my shirt and the removed it.

I took her hands in mine and made her come closer so that she was standing in between my legs with my head aligned to her breasts.

I unzipped her dress whilst not breaking eye contact with her. Her dress fell to the ground leaving her in just her under garments.

I took in every inch of her. God she was mesmerising. I didn't want to forget her. I wouldn't dare to either.

My hands traveled from her hips , up her spine until I reached her neck and guided her head down for me to connect with her lips.

I could never ever get enough of those even if I tried. I lifted her legs slightly and she managed to sit right on my bulge with her legs on either sides of me.

Reaching out to unclasp her bra my phone freaking vibrated.

I wanted to ignore but it kept on going and the sound was nothing but irritating.

"I think you should answer that " she whispered getting off me and going towards the bathroom.

"I swear Mario this better be important." I told him. He'd just disturbed me. First it was Irvine then him. What is wrong with these people?

"You told me to call you if anything happens " he defended.

"What is it ?"

"It's a actually quite serious. Herman just stopped responding. He's alive but barely" he explained to me.

"Then take him to the freaking hospital why call me?"

"It would be disrespectful to jump protocol Capo"

"You're my right hand man Mario. Fuck protocol" I said and threw my phone across the wall.

I ran my hands through my head and pulled on my hair.

Why can't I just be alone with her. Am I asking for too much.

"Is it really that bad ?" She asked as she stepped out minutes later with a robe and her hair wet.

" it's always bad but it's okay" I said to her and she nodded before she proceeded to her closet.

She came out moments later in very short shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

She climbed on to the bed and snuggled closer to me. " I wonder what I did to deserve this " i teased holding her closer to me.

"That's easy you made me meet my brother in law" she said and giggled.

"Victoria" I grumbled and that made her laugh. She just enjoyed how much I hated her saying that and I on the other hand enjoyed the sounds of her laughter filling my room.

Our room.


I'm already at the warehouse. Alicìa was sleeping when I left so I couldn't talk to her. It's not like I can get anything done when I'm alone with her.

"-and that's the official route until they reach Mexico." Said Mario. "Is that okay?"

"Is what okay ?" I asked him. He just sighed and motioned for the men in my office to get out. "Come back after 45 minutes "

After they'd left and the door was closed behind them he looked at me with a questioning eye.

"What is this Enzo ?" He asked me.

Mario and I met when we were in high school and we've been good friends ever since. He's calm and composed and I would trust him with my life is the situation demanded it.

"What do you mean ?"

"We've been discussing this route for the past 2 hours but you still don't copy. Where are you lost." He asked me.

"I'm not lost you're not being clear" I said to him before I exhaled deeply and covered my face with my hands before looking at him again.

" how can I be more clearer about a plan that you drew up ?" He asked me with a questioning eye.

"If you're still mad that I disturbed you last night the-- wait , what were you even doing last night ?" He asked me with a confused look.

"N-nothing serious" I said as I got up from my chair and walking towards the window.

My men were outside doing whatever tasks they'd been assigned to do at the moment.

"If it wasn't that serious why did you yell, and swear over the phone ?" He asked me.

" shit , Mario. Things have changed now. You really can't expect me to answer a call in the middle of the night like back then." I told him a such a rush. He nodded in understanding.

"It's actually 3 months after your wedding and you didn't even get to go on a honeymoon. Why not go after this delivery ?" He asked me.

I was about to protest with him knowing that planning things without Alicìa would get me I'm trouble with her but he quickly packed up his things.

"I'll round up the men and discuss the plan with them one more time but at 6pm be sure to come and see off the goods before delivery." He told me and walked out the door .

I sat in my chair again and grabbed my phone.

I contemplated on whether to call her and ask if she wanted to go but I'm sure she'd just pester me with the whole brother in law thing.

Instead I called Mario instead. " cancel the honeymoon plans. We're not going there anytime soon." I told him.

"Why , you seemed happy with it?"

"I'm going to Mexico to ensure the goods have been delivered safely." I told him and ended the call.

I don't think whatever has been driving both me and Alicìa is love , maybe we both need to figure out what it is. Away from each other.

I really do love Alicìa but I don't really know what's going on when it comes to this.

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