Eden smiled at Theodore and as he stepped back, her eyes landed squarely on Mattheo as he approached. Her heart raced and she couldn't help but look at him. He was wearing a black suit, but the shirt was slightly open, revealing the few hairs on his chest. She knew it wasn't advisable for him to be like that, he'd said so himself, his father liked people to be well dressed. Mattheo didn't wear a tie, but Eden preferred it that way.

"Hi," he said, stopping in front of them. Theodore smiled and pulled him into a hug, patting him on the shoulder.

"Did you bring a date?" Theodore asked with a teasing little smile. Mattheo turned his eyes to Eden and looked at her intensely.

"No," Mattheo replied without taking his eyes off Eden. "Nice necklace, Marks." He grinned.

"Thanks, I have to admit it's lovely, I love it," Eden replied. She didn't want to dwell on it, she didn't want Theodore to know it was a gift from Mattheo, but she hoped Mattheo would understand that she was touched. "Are you having a good holiday?"

Eden looked for any injury on his face but apart from the scar on his cheek, there were none. Mattheo shrugged and she noticed that his hand was bleeding.

"You're hurt!" she exclaimed. Mattheo frowned before he remembered. He looked down at his hand and Theodore pursed his lips.

"It's nothing," he replied.

"You should clean it anyway," Theodore said. "Shit, your sister's coming." Mattheo's twin sister was a bitch who was a little too attached to Theodore and she ignored Eden, grabbed Theodore by the arm and dragged him away. Theodore turned back to Eden and smiled apologetically.

"You look beautiful," Mattheo said. "I thought you weren't coming." He wanted to take her in his arms, to kiss her fiercely, but he held back. Eden smiled at him and he felt his heart race.

"I didn't feel like coming to be honest. Let's go and treat your hand," Eden replied. She let him show her the way to the toilets and closed the door, and didn't have time to do anything before she found herself pressed up against the door and Mattheo's lips were on hers. Eden felt like she was learning to breathe properly again and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Why did you come, then?" he whispered. He stepped back and looked at her, his eyes searching for an answer, and Eden placed her hand on his cheek, caressing it gently.

"You know Mattheo, you know why I came," Eden said. Mattheo caressed her lip and smiled faintly.

"I want to hear you say it, Eden, I want you to say it." It wasn't an order, Mattheo's tone was begging and Eden kissed him, he held her close, his muscular arms wrapped tightly around her.

"I needed to see you." Eden felt him kiss her again and she sighed, letting their tongues meet. She struggled to pull away but managed and led him to the sink to run his hand under the water. The blood flowed and she applied a handkerchief to the wound. Mattheo watched her, wanting to ask her the question that troubled him, but afraid to know the answer. He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes.

"Theodore," he said. Eden shook her head, Theodore wasn't her boyfriend, she still had to give him an answer, but she didn't know what to say. She wished it had been easier. "He kissed you."

"Please, I don't want to talk about it," Eden said. "How did you cut yourself?" She opened several drawers and found a bandage for his hand. Mattheo pursed his lips and sulked.

"I broke a glass and cut myself when it exploded." Mattheo didn't feel like explaining to her that it was because of what he'd seen, that seeing her kiss another he considered his best friend had broken him.

"I won't always be around to play nurse," Eden said with a grin. She brushed his hair back lightly and stepped back. "We should get back." She didn't wait for an answer and walked out of the bathroom and back into the ballroom. The orchestra was playing and some people were dancing. She caught sight of Theodore, who seemed to want to disappear as he danced with Mattheo's sister.

Bellatrix approached her son and placed a hand on his shoulder, he tensed. He was her favourite son and she made no secret of it, everyone knew her boy was the one she cherished. She pointed at Eden and chuckled.

"You know what to do," she whispered in his ear. "Remember, your father is waiting for you to prove your good will."

"Yes, Mother," Mattheo replied. He clenched his jaw, he knew very well why his sister had come looking for Theodore, it wasn't just because she liked him, and he pursed his lips before meeting his father's gaze. He was talking to Lucius Malfoy and Mattheo forced himself forward to Eden.

He didn't ask her any questions, just took her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor, pressing her against him and Eden frowned, lifting her head towards him.

"I thought you didn't like dancing," she said.

She felt his hand at the crux of her back and shivered as they turned, bypassing the dancers. Mattheo's face seemed to darken and Eden didn't really understand why he had taken her dancing.

"I don't like it, but I'd rather you danced with me than with that guy who was about to ask you for a dance." Mattheo spun Eden around and pressed her against him again. The redhead was attracting a lot of attention, especially because she was dancing with Tom Riddle's son. Soon that name would disappear, that cold and cruel man would only respond with the name Voldemort.

"Did you find the ring?" asked Mattheo. Eden stepped on his foot and he grunted, but remained upright and continued to dance.

"Sorry, I'm a bad dancer when it comes to dancing with someone." She preferred to dance in clubs, she could do that, but in couples she was the worst. "No, the ring is nowhere."

"What about the diadem? Is it safe?" Mattheo had a cold face and Eden didn't like it. She preferred it when he had that teasing smile, but he tried not to show anything, he could feel his father's gaze and refused to show that he cared about Eden.

"I told you, yes he is," Eden replied.

"Are you sure?" asked Mattheo. Eden let go of him and stopped dancing. She looked at him, her eyebrows raised.

"Why are you asking me that? Do you know something? Have you found out..." she was cut off by a couple shoving her and Mattheo grabbed her arm to hold her back.

"No, I haven't found out anything, I don't know anything." He gripped her arm a little tighter as his father approached.

"Mattheo, what's wrong with you? You're hurting me!" Eden saw his eyes widen as he realised he was holding her so tightly and he let go.

"I'm sorry, I..." His father's imposing figure appeared in front of them and Mattheo looked down. Eden opened her mouth, she had never been this close to Voldemort before and she shivered.

"Well," he said in a soft voice. "May I have a dance? I feel it's important to meet my son's friends."

"Father..." Mattheo looked up, but a look from Voldemort was enough to silence him. Eden couldn't refuse. Rumour had it that a man had refused to serve him wine and cut out his tongue. Elina's words came back to her. Rumour had it that a man had refused to serve him wine and cut out his tongue. Perhaps she could try to get some information then, she straightened and held his gaze, even though Mattheo was trying to get her attention to refuse.

"It would be an honour, sir," she replied.

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