chapter thirteen

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𝐌attheo took the boat back to the bridge and almost fell into the water on his way out, which made Eden laugh

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𝐌attheo took the boat back to the bridge and almost fell into the water on his way out, which made Eden laugh. The redhead's cheeks flushed and her eyes were bright with happiness. She felt as if she had experienced a piece of her parents's history.

"Thank you," she said as she walked. "I like that Mattheo, you should let him out more often."

"Well, I like that Eden, you should let her out more often," Mattheo replied. "You look more like an angel than a demon right now".

He nudged her arm and Eden rolled her eyes before stopping at the sweet stall. She took a lollipop. Mattheo simply paid for it before heading back. There were fewer people in the streets and the silence was comforting.

"You're walking too slow," Mattheo grumbled.

"My feet hurt, I thought these shoes were good for walking, but they're too small," Eden replied. Mattheo sighed and stopped before turning back to Eden. He pointed at her shoes.

"Take them off."

"What? No, I'm not going barefoot." Eden watched him approach and looked up at him, seeing his smirk.

"I'm not asking you to walk, I'm asking you to take them off, just do it and stop protesting," Mattheo said.

Eden sighed and removed her shoes. Mattheo tied the laces together and put them around his wrist before bending down slightly.

"Get on my back," Mattheo looked at Eden and she climbed onto his back, wrapping her legs around his waist. He continued walking in silence and she rested her head on his shoulder, looking out over the sleeping city. It was nice to walk like this and she watched Mattheo's profile.

His face was relaxed and he seemed a long way from the boy he was portraying. He had been attentive and kind and Eden found it hard to believe that this was the same boy who had broken Oliver Pettigrew's tooth. They crossed the wall to the wizards' side before returning to the castle.

Eden got off Mattheo's back and picked up her shoes. The floors of the corridors were cold and she shivered as they climbed the stairs. They stopped outside Eden's common room and she turned back to him. The redhead started to say something but Mattheo grabbed her face and kissed her.

She responded to his kiss, feeling the door brush against her back and Mattheo resting his forehead against hers, his eyes closed.

"I don't feel like sleeping," Mattheo breathed.

Eden chuckled and smiled before taking his hand and leading him down new corridors and into the bathroom. She turned on the hose and undressed before stepping into the shower.

"So, are you coming?" she asked.

She closed her eyes and let the water run over her body as Mattheo undressed before joining her. He pressed his chest against her back and pulled her hair aside to kiss the back of her neck and shoulder.

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