The unlikely Double Date

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Under the gentle glow of the setting sun, Shubman and Ishan found themselves outside a quirky café in the bustling city of Chennai. Dressed casually, they awaited the arrival of Disha and Yashna, the anticipation palpable in the warm evening air.

With casual practice scheduled for later and the delightful team dinner with Mahi bhai still lingering in their memories, the duo was in high spirits. The hangover from a few drinks the night before convinced Rohit to call off the practice, providing the team with some much-needed relaxation.

"Are you sure we have to do this? I mean we can go back home. I'll come up with an excuse," Shubman says tapping his feet nervously as the duo was seated in the corner of the almost abandoned café which still gave out homely vibes.

"Shubi, Calm down. We are not playing the finals against Australia right now, We're hanging out with two people,"Ishan reassured, trying to ease Shubman's nerves.

Shubman sighed, "I know, but it feels like a different kind of match, you know? Meeting new people, creating a good impression. What if they don't like us?"

Ishan chuckled, "Relax, Shub. We're not auditioning for a role; we're just having coffee with Disha and Yashna. They seem cool, and I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

The café's warm ambience and the comforting aroma of coffee started to soothe Shubman's anxiety. He took a deep breath, "You're right, Ishu. I need to chill. Let's just enjoy the evening."

As the duo sipped on their coffee, the door chimed, signalling the arrival of Disha and Yashna. Shubman nervously adjusted his collar, while Ishan flashed a welcoming smile.

"Hi, I'm Disha." She smiles and puts her hand forward with a warm aura as Yashna smiles slightly having a much hideous personality.


"Ishan here." He says as he reciprocates the smile and warmth from the latter as Shubman does the same.

The conversation flowed smoothly as they exchanged stories, laughter, and shared their interests. The initial awkwardness faded away, and Shubman found himself genuinely enjoying the company of Disha and Yashna. Ishan, as always, was effortlessly charming, keeping the atmosphere light and enjoyable.

The café's ambience, with its soft lighting and soothing background music, created the perfect setting for their meeting. The occasional bursts of laughter from their corner added to the warm and welcoming atmosphere.

"So, how did you guys meet?" Shubman asked, genuinely curious about Disha and Yashna's story.

Disha chuckled, "Well, it's a classic tale of childhood friends turned into something more. Yashna and I have known each other since kindergarten. We went through all the ups and downs together, and eventually, our friendship blossomed into something deeper."

Yashna smiled, her eyes reflecting the fond memories. "Yeah, we navigated the tricky waters of friendship and love. It was a journey, but we're here now, stronger than ever."

Ishan grinned, "That's sweet. Friendship turning into love is like a Bollywood movie. Cute, right?" He nudged Shubman under the table, giving him a sly grin.

Disha laughed, "Yeah, except Bollywood movies usually have more dramatic scenes. Ours was pretty chill."

Yashna chimed in, "And Shubman, how about you? Any interesting love stories hidden in your cricket diaries?"

Shubman blushed a bit, "Uh, nothing like yours. I'm just trying to survive cricket and maybe find someone who can handle all the craziness."

Ishan teased, "He's still figuring it out. Maybe he needs a Bollywood script too."

As the evening progressed, Disha shared more about her passion for art, revealing that she was an aspiring painter. Yashna, on the other hand, talked animatedly about her love for adventure sports, proudly mentioning her profession as an aspiring pilot. 

Shubman was quick to jump in, "Wow, skydiving and flying planes? That's insane! Shubman here is afraid of heights."

Ishan rolled his eyes playfully, "Hey, I never said I was afraid. I just prefer to keep my feet on the ground."

Yashna laughed, "Fair enough. Not everyone is cut out for jumping out of planes, I guess."

The group laughed together, and the atmosphere became even more relaxed. The initial worries about making a good impression were now replaced with genuine enjoyment.

"Tonight was amazing! We should definitely do this again," Ishan exclaimed, expressing what everyone felt.

Disha nodded, "Absolutely! Let's not wait too long. Until then, take care, you two!"

As they parted ways, each with a smile on their face, Shubman said " It wasn't that bad. I was overreacting for no reason."

"I agree. Sometimes shub, you just go with the flow."

Under the stars I A Shubman gill x Ishan kishan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now