Chapter 9

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At Norville's house...

Norville: "Mustn't conform to a heard, must you, Ardor? Well, guess who's gonna be the next victim for today. (standing up from his bed) Hand me the death note."

???: "(visibly appearing) May I be at your service again?"

Norville: "Ah- long time no see, Veorra.

Veorra: "Another victim you want to hunt down, ay?"

Norville: "Yes, I have another one perhaps."

Veorra: "Okay, tell me their name and I'll gladly write it in this book."

Norville: "Alright, but I can write in this- I have such tidy handwriting, you know."

Veorra: "I do know that, Norville- and that is why I brought a pen. Now, tell me their name."

Norville: "Risuka Saundor."

Veorra: "Very good- (handing Norville the journal and quill) you may write her name now."

As he opened to a page where Niviro’s name remained listed, Norville without hesitation wrote Risuka's epithet, along with her surname 'Saundor' with the intention of hauling her into the abyss with Savill in her demise and snarl them up in their own intestines that they're unable to abscond the bloody void that the demons, along with Veorra, trapped them in.

Berlin: "(walks to the lounge) Hey, Ardor- dinner is ready if you're hungry."

Ardor: "Coming, mom."

Berlin and Ardor headed to the kitchen to dine on cabbage-sitting ribeyes and sit on the sofas while watching television.

Berlin: "Oh- and I forgot to tell you, how was school?"

Ardor: "Well at first, it was fine- except Norbury's rules were a little more strict."

Berlin: "Oh I completely understand- his rules used to be that strict back when I was at your school in my junior year."

Ardor: "Wait, really?"

Berlin: "Yeah, now he seems much older now because back when I first had him on my junior year, he is perhaps twenty-eight."

Ardor: "I see."

Berlin: "It's been a while since I met him- (realizes the channel switched to the news) Wait a minute, why is it on the news?"

Ardor: "What?"

Newsbreaker: "Breaking news; there has been a mystery going on this week. A student's corpse was found in the bathroom at Faraday High School. His name is Niviro Savill- eighteen years old and a senior, been killed in the boys' bathroom afternoon. By cause of his murder, the school has been closed-"

Ardor: "That is the same case that happened in my school."

Newsbreaker: "Due to frequent murders that happened throughout Furore-"

Berlin: "Oh my god, is this what happened at your school?"

Ardor: "Yes, that's what happened!"

Newsbreaker: "He was flayed- his eyeballs were snatched out of his skull, his brains were ripped out of his head even if a nearver could never rip it out without tearing his head open."

Berlin: "(viewing Niviro’s censored corpse on the television) Oh goodness... that looked real bad- 'hope he'd rest in peace."

Ardor: "(reading the text that says 'another murder case') Wait, there's another one?"

Berlin: "Another what?"

Newsbreaker: "And there's another student that has been found dead near Faraday High School in the park. Her name is Risuka Saundor, seventeen-year-old junior- found hanging in the tree."

Ardor: "(alarmed) No no no... this can't be happening..."

Newsbreaker: "Now if you find the killer who has been behind all of this, please call the police."

Ardor: "This has to be fake news!"

Later that evening...

Ardor hurriedly sprinted into the park near Faraday to search for Risuka, ensuring that she was still alive- yet unaware of the reality of a distorted nightmare she was facing through the showery night.

Ardor: "This has to be fake news- Risuka can't be dead!"

Anxious, she bumped into a tree and stepped away- to look out over chains swinging from the towering branch tying the ends around Risuka's bruised neck the same way a noose is tied.

Ardor: "(petrified) No... no, Risuka! (turning away) No... this is a nightmare. This is a simulation- life is a simulation!"

She ran back home quickly, terrified with tears welling up her eyes and finding it arduous to trust her vision any longer at what she had just saw. Dismay filled the scenery as the darkened skies sat in the corner, viewing the tree of death- while the chains continued to swing, along with Risuka's dead body.

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