Chapter 3

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Natherine: “You got everything, right, Ardor?”

Ardor: “Oh- yes, I got them.”

Natherine: “Even your… water bottle?”

Ardor: “(realizing she forgot to bring her water bottle to school) Oh. I forgot to bring it- I only bought strawberry bubble tea.”

Natherine: “Just strawberry bu- Ardor! You’re supposed to bring your water bottle- how could you forget about that?!”

Ardor: “I-I’m sorry- I was late to school… I was in a rush!... and I accidentally picked bubble tea instead of a water bottle. I’m sorry, Nat… I-I know it was-”

Natherine: “(holding Ardor’s shoulder) Hey, it’s okay. We all learn from our mistakes, you know. (long pause) You know it’s natural to make a mistake- that’s what they all say.”

Ardor: “That made sense.”

Norville: “(walking up to the girls) Girls, I just want to ask if you have any sticky notes for my next class because I forgot to bring them.”

Ardor: “Oh- I have those in my locker. I’ll go get them real quick. (walks up to her locker, opens it, and searches for her sticky notes)”

Natherine: “Oh- hey, Norville.”

Norville: “Hey, Natherine- it’s so good to see you there.”

Natherine: “Of course! How have you been?”

Norville: “As usual.”

Natherine: “Same here, but may I ask why you need those sticky notes for?”

Norville: “Well- my next class is algebra, and not gonna lie, it’s really boring and I need something to draw on.”

Natherine: “I understand- I do the same thing.”

Norville: “You do?”

Natherine: “Yes, I mostly draw blue roses, sapphires, and cats.”

Norville: “That’s nice. Well, in my freetime, I sometimes do creepy drawings… you know-”

Natherine: “I know what you mean."

Ardor took out the sticky note, closed her locker, and handed it to Norville.

Ardor: “Alright, I got this one if you need it.”

Norville: “Oh- yes, I need one. Thank you.”

Ardor: “No problem!”

Norville: “Alright, I’ll see you guys later. (walking to his class).

Natherine: “Alright, see you, Norville! (to Ardor) Come on, babe, we’re going to get to class, okay?”

Both the girls walked to their classes, Natherine to weight training class, and Ardor to documentary class with her friend, Malervick. Along with their classmates, they sat at their desks while the teacher, Madame Zephora Leigh, presented another crime documentary to them.

Leigh: “Good afternoon, class. So, for the documentary class, today we’re going to be learning about one of the serial killers of history (clears her throat) of 1871 through 1922, by the name of Ashton Creedmoor.”

Malervick: “(staring at the portrait of Ashton Creedmoor) Hold on… That is one of the crime documentaries I’ve read.”

Ardor: “You did?”

Malervick: “Yes! Ever heard of Ashton Creedmoor?”

Ardor: “Oh yes- I’ve heard of him!”

Malervick: “Yeah, I heard that he is a vampire! I forgot what year he was born, but he was born in the mid 1200’s.”

Ardor: “Woah.. That’s so long!"

Malervick: “I know, right?! He ages slower than vampires, but lives longer! What a shocker!”

Ardor: “You wanna hear another shocker?”

Malervick: “Tell me now.”

Ardor: “Vampires can live up to a thousand years.”

Malervick: “That’s so long, man!”

Niviro: "Hey- guys, be quiet. The teacher is talking.”

Malervick: “Sorry.”

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