
I'd hate to start this letter with a sour attitude. Or, well in our case, a bitter one. But, I assure you, I have a good explanation for my silence. I've recently learned from speaking with the King that I'm experiencing difficulties with my grievances. Which, I can understand if you'd no longer accept that as an excuse. But, I'm not writing to you to pry or to force you to look past my mistakes. But, to remind you of how dearly you mean to me. And, the best way I can show it is by letting you in. Which, is quite hard for me to do so I ask that you be as patient with me as you can.


"Of course, I'll be patient with you!" Crunchy Chip strongly assured, slowly comprehending she wasn't present to hear him. "You're the best cookie I've ever met!"

The trainee looked back with a smile on their face. "Really?!"

"Not you."



Something tells me you're already reading this aloud. You've always had a wild spirit, but I can admit you got some of it from me. It excites me as I begin to fill my pages with emotion because you'll react to it with just as much passion. However, sometimes my feelings can't be expressed through ink. They need support from tone and feeling.


"So what you're saying is that you want to see me?!" He smiled yet again at the letter.

"Excuse me, Captain, we seem to be in the woods now." The trainee informed, patiently.

The tamer stomped his right foot against the ground and whined furiously. "I knew I should've relocated somewhere where the woods were farther." Rolling his eyes, he whistled a call to alert the hounds to come from hiding. "Ready?"

"You know it."

"Okay, I need you to run to that lake over there and back," Crunchy demanded as he pointed in that particular direction.

"But, that's nearly a mile."

"Please don't use math terms, I chose to tame cake hounds for a reason." He requested, tirelessly.

At the hounds appeared from the bushes, the trainee managed to get them all into the starting position. Leaving the lead tamer back to his letter. "Finally, some peace."


Yes, that means I'll be coming to see you soon. I managed to clear my schedule for the remainder of the month and will be arriving on the 20th of August. I'm sure you're curious about how. And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure myself but I'd be more than happy to still share my story with you.

I had a rough night, one rough enough to impact my temperature. One rough enough to impact my sleeping position. The grief was more invasive than ever, I barely returned to my original breathing pattern. I've questioned why I of all cookies had to deal with such a problem, but then I remember how dear I make every cookie to me. It starts to become pathetic after a while, and for that reason alone, makes me want to feel a lot less.

Walking outside her room, the watcher was well-dressed and prepared for the day. As for her mind, all it wanted to do was go back to sleep. To be shut off from all the noise seeping through the thousands, and thousands of thoughts in her mind. Every waking cookie at this time of day could very well assume she was awake just by how she moved. Her fast pace covered so much of her slowness to heal. Her calm expression hid so much of the pain residing on her lips. The bites remained out of sight just like cuts that decorated the inside of her skin. So, how dare you question the watcher's mood? Can't you see how content she is? Look at how focused she was on her breakfast this morning, her life is practically all put together. Just take a moment to breathe in the same air she does and your day will turn itself around. I dare you to work yourself to her figure if you plan on wooing any man. The eyes, all of the eyes, see what they want to see. And that is how the watcher wants the world to react to her. Someone with the same flood of jelly, but can never be bestowed with her rank. It's too much to bear for anyone, and if anyone would take on a burden for the good of the people, it would be her. Help isn't an option for her anymore, it's outside the box now. It is foreign of you to believe Caramel Arrow Cookie, the First Watcher of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, could ever plead for guidance.

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