December 25th

27 4 10

depressing Hamilton shit

Requested by French_Baguette_2010

Lez go.

After Washington passed away, Hamilton received a letter the general had written to be delivered to him after his passing.

Hamilton tore open the letter. His eyes scanned the words.

His vision blurred as he realized what happened.

His eyes were glued to one sentence.

I'll miss you, son.

Not knowing how to process Washington's death, Hamilton just focused on that one sentence. That sentence that he was telling himself he hated.

He started tearing up the letter.

"Don't call me son!" he yelled "I fucking hate it!"

He kept tearing up the letter, screaming about how much he hated being called son and how if anything good came from the death, it was that he would never be called the nickname again.

The letter was completely torn. Shredded. Gone.

Hamilton threw the pieces onto the ground. He stomped on them, the dirt on his boots smearing across the paper.

His breathing slowed as he realized just what he did.

He dropped to the ground and frantically grabbed the bits of paper.

He tried to fit them back together. He tried to rebuild the letter. He tried to restore his last link to Washington.

But he couldn't.

It was destroyed.

Tears poured down his face.

He clutched the pieces to his chest as sobs escaped his mouth.

He had lost so many loved ones.

His mother.

His father.

His cousin.

John Laurens.

And now Washington.

A single sentence escaped his mouth.

"Call me son one more time."

Y'all, this was shit 🤣

anyway, today's question.

If you do celebrate Christmas, what was your fave thing you did today?

If you don't celebrate Christmas, what's something nice someone did for you recently (If you do celebrate Christmas and want to answer this too, that's cool.)

For the first question, I made a chocolate dipping station for dessert at Christmas lunch with my family, and it was so yum!

And, something nice that was did for me lately was, I went to a store, and there was a skirt I really liked, but I wasn't sure where the sizes were written, so I was a little confused. And, I have a little trouble asking for help, so I didn't want to ask for it. But, a person working there came over, helped me out with the sizes and finding the changing rooms, and after i tried it on, they asked if it fit, I said yes, and they went 'yay'

Lol, that was long. Sorry.

But yeah. It was really nice. And the skirt was half off, so that was great!

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