Intro & Requests

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This is where you can leave requests for this book (if you want to). You can be as specific as you like, from just saying what musical, to saying what song and who you'd like to sing it. 

I will do, 

- Songs sang by characters from other musicals/ TV shows/ movies, or sang by any of my OCs 

- Memes (because who doesn't love memes?) 

- top five lists 

- Characters reacting to songs 

- My opinions on certain songs, characters, ships and musicals themselves 

- fanart collections 

- musicals in nutshells 

- Preferences/ scenarios for characters from musicals 

- Incorrect quotes 

I will not do, 

- One shots (They just won't be good.) 

- Smut/ lemon (Writing it makes me uncomfortable. If you want to read it, you're in the wrong place.) 

- anything insulting my babies Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, John Laurens, Heather Chandler, heather McNamara and Lydia Deetz. 

That's it really. 

The musicals I would find easiest to / most likely to write chapters about would be, 

- Heathers 

- Hamilton 

- SIX 

- In the Heights 

- Dear Evan Hansen (But probably just songs and memes, since I haven't watched it in a while) 

- Mean Girls (Same as DEH) 

- Beetlejuice 

Plus any cut songs from them 

You can request chapters related to other musicals if you'd like, but it will be less likely that I'll do them/ they'll be good. 

So I'm just going to leave this chapter here and let some requests come in, write a few chapters, and publish my first real chapter on December first. 

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