December 13th

37 3 33

Mean girls in a nutshell

Requested by Elexa_Ruby

Lez go

Cady: Hi! I'm Cady! I'm supposedly the main character but no one really gives a shit about me.

Janis: hey. I'm gay. That's brought up many times. as an insult.

Damian: what do I contribute again?

Regina: Hi! I'm heather- I mean, regina. my boobs are real

Gretchen: Hi! I'm heather- I mean Gretchen. I'm Regina's obedient servant- wait shit wrong musical





Karen: Oh hi.

Aaron: hi

Fandom: we don't care.

Janis: mean is easy.

Damian: fr

Janis: DEATH

Damian: Janis, we talked about this.

Her parents: we're moving away from africa

Cady: omg, starbucks and venti lattes

Damian: sit with us

Cady: ok

Plastics: sit with us.

Cady: no

Plastics: yes

Cady: ok

Cady: i see sexy man

Cady: i sing song about sexy man

Me: YOU MEAN SEXY WOMAN! *yeets Janis at her, coz I ship*

Cady: regina is an apex predator

Janis: no cap

Cady: ur a sexy man

Aaron: ur a sexy woman

Me: SHE'S OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE! AND THAT'S REALLY SAYING SOMETHING! *yeets him out of the way and throws janis at Cady again coz I ship*

Gretchen: gretchen in the bathroom- wait shit wrong musical

Gretchen: in short, I have low self esteem

Regina: forgot to mention, we hate everyone, including each other

Karen: SE-E-E-E-E-E

Karen: SE-E-E-E-E-E


Karen: im a sexy mouse :D

Me: good job sweetie. have a cookie. 🍪 

Regina: kiss me

Aaron: ok

Cady: piss off then, you alexander hamilton wannabe

Janis: cake.

Me: asexual vibes.

Cady: here is food

Regina: ew

Cady: it makes you thinner

Regina: I need to lose three pounds. BRING ME A WHOLE BOX!

Cady: regina hates your guts, btw

Gretchen: she bought you those high heel shoes just to make fun of you cause she knew you wouldn't be able to walk in them

Gretchen: and she's not really blonde, her natural color is dark blonde

Gretchen: also she told me she cheats on Aaron. Every Thursday she says she has SAT Prep, but really, she's hooking up with Shane Oman in the North Shore Lion's Costume

Cady: She makes him wear the costume?

Gretchen: No, they're both in the costume. And I never told anybody because I'm such a good friend

Cady: the Omen pamphlet

Janis and Damian: HAVE YOU READ THIS?

Cady: you fat bitch

regina; rude


Gretchen: party?

cady: sure

Aaron; you're dropped

Cady: you fucking suck

Janis: no you

Cady: gasp

Regina: arson

Regina: hey whatever the fuck your name is, I found this book cady wrote

Damien: omg, it says im gay

everyone: argue argue argue. angry noises.

Teacher: talk it out

Janis: I have literally one non-toxic friendship, and it's with fucking Damian. fml.


Regina: fuck you

Cady: sorry

Regina: you can take that apology and shove it up your unshaved-

Bus: kaboom. youve been hit

Janis: she dead


Cady: no one likes me, and for pretty good reason.

Cady: i made the burn book

Principal guy: you can't go to spring fling

Cady: fuck you, but ok

soem guy, idk, never watched the musical: join mathletes

Cady: k

mathlete lady: what's 70 x 63 divided by 52 - 36 + 97

Other school: its *keyboard smash*

Cady: no, it's blue, because ice-cream isn't grass

mathlete lady: ye

Aaron: im homeschooled now

Cady: i can't go to the spring fling

Aaron: ill sneak you in babes

Cady: regina, sorry you got hit by a bus

Regina: all good

Cady: yay

Principal: you won spring fling queen even though you weren't supposed to be here in the first place

Cady: this tiara is shit. imma tear it up and throw it at the crowd.


Janis: the end

Damian: moral of the story, don't annoy people


Hope you all enjoyed!

please comment some more chapter idea!

What's your favourite TV show?

Either Squid Game or Total Drama (I saw the first episode of the new season) 

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