28 - Felix

39 1 2

⚠️| Suicide mentions, swearing, blood


"Okay what the fuck, sorry, but how are you even here?"

My hair was a mess and I had dried tears on my cheeks from the incident before making me look more disheveled than ever

"I was bailed out; I'm not meant to be near you though. But I miss you Sung, I want you back."

The words he said broke me, because all this time all I wanted was him. I needed him back. But then my mind filled with Felix's face. He was still outside waiting for me, and if he saw Minho in here; he would lose his shit and go all taekwondo mode on him.

"Fuck, Felix is outside. I have a new phone number, give me your phone."

I watched as Minho immediately nodded his head and fished out his phone from his pocket, watching as I punched in my phone number. I looked around for a split moment before I hugged him with my hands around his shoulders, his arms snaking around my waist in the process.

I missed the familiar feeling, it felt as if I was being starved, however I finally got it back. I finally got Minho back. I looked up at his bright brown eyes, it seemed as if a spark had ignited in his eyes, and with that I got a spark of hope in my own eyes.

"I love you Minh-"


Shit. I got caught up in reuniting with Minho that I forgot Felix was still outside waiting for me, I quickly gave Minho a sorrowful look before running out of the bathroom. I tried to fix my hair as I left but it was still a mess. I looked at Felix and he gave me a chuckle.

"I was really convinced you fell in the toilet dude."

I shot him a deathly glance and he immediately stopped which made me giggle slightly, I don't understand how he could fear me sometimes. He grabbed my hand gently to not trigger me and we continued to walk home.

I felt at peace as we walked, I finally got to see Minho, and he's not mad at me or trying to hurt me. He just truly misses me. I smiled freely but then remembered the incident. I just tried to leave. I need to stay, for Felix, for my friend, but mostly for Minho.

We continued walking, not going too fast or too slow, it was a perfect walk. It was dark and slightly cold making a smooth wind brush my scattered hair out of my face. As we walked, I could feel I was being watched, like the day I got kidnapped but less intimidating.

I turned around slightly and saw Minho following us from a distance. I was slightly alarmed at first but then I felt safe. He was like a guardian angel trying to protect me. It was around this area where that strange man spoke to me. So, I assume he's worried about me.

Oh god, I really do love him.

I turned to face forward again with a sad smile on my face. I was happy, I'm still alive and I've got two people trying to protect me. However, guilt still filled me, Felix just witnessed everything, everyone at home saw the letter by now, and Minho isn't aloud near me even if I am the love of his life.

I noticed we were nearly home, and I began to feel anxious, I looked down and could feel my hand trembling. I was about to keep walking when Felix stopped me and squeezed my hand, I turned around and he gave me a sweet smile.

"Hey Ji, I know your scared what everyone will say, but they won't be mad. If anything, they'll be happy your back in one piece. Okay? They love you so much they could never hate you. Now, come on let's get inside before we catch a cold."

I nodded and took a shaky breath, I held onto Felix's free hand as he unlocked the door and immediately Jeongin ran towards me, he hugged me tighter than he ever has before and sobbed. Eventually everyone else walked over and I nodded at them before they also joined the warm hug.

"Sung don't ever do that again! I was so worried! You can't leave me like that!"

Jeongin was muttering out any words he could in his state of panic, I knew how much this would've been affecting him, so I hugged him back placing a small kiss on his forehead to calm him down and show him I was here.

He smiled at me and looked down at my arms, the red started to stain the bandages and Felix took me up to the bathroom to properly clean my wounds. He eventually finished and then started a bath for me. I smiled weakly at him and hugged him.

"Felix... Thank you so much. If you didn't come, I would've done it..."

He hugged me and whispered sweet words to me before he stopped the water in the tub. He looked at me with a sweet smile and I saw the same sunshine I always saw, except it shone brighter, like he was complete. Because of me.

"I know your mind and heart thought it was best, but your body stopped you just long enough before something really bad happened. I'm happy you're here, now though, you should have a bath. Just relax sung, I'll see you in the morning to check your cuts, okay?"

I nodded, giving him a final hug before he left, I got into the bathtub and just let it all out. I was so grateful to have Felix caring for me, he truly was my sunshine. I can't ever let him lose that special part of him.

Soon after I got dressed and headed over to my bed with a smile, I went to put my phone on charge and go to bed but I got a notification. I opened it to be blessed with the best message ever.


I love you Sungie.

A/N: yoooo, almost Christmas yall 😈 

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