32 - Idiotic

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The cold knife froze my skin and i was too scared to even breathe "Follow me." The voice was raspy and strangely familiar, the knife was pulled slightly away from my neck so i could breathe, however it remained close and ready. The person finally moved away, and I could turn around, i slowly turned my body to look at the person and my heart dropped

"Did you miss me darling~"

Dae. How the fuck did he find where i lived... I didnt have much time to think as he gave me a glare and pointed the knife at me again. "Are you going to stay frozen in place or are you going to come with me?" My throat was dry and i felt like i couldnt move, i blinked rapidly hoping it was all a dream. "I'm getting impatient Jisung." His words felt like a punch in the stomach, all the memories and pain came flooding back in an instant.

Before I could do anything, he groaned impatiently and picked me up with one arm, the knife still in the other hand. He threw me over his shoulder and began to walk down the stairs. I couldn't do anything about it though, i was like a statue. He opened the front door and walked towards his car. He opened the backseat and shoved me inside without much regard for my feelings.

He put my seat belt on and looked at me for a second before winking "Just to be safe" I was confused on what he had meant but soon after i felt metal clasp around my wrists. That was when i finally felt like i could move again. I looked down and saw handcuffs. My hands trembled as i remembered the trauma that happened not to long ago. It felt like picking at a healing wound. I felt vulnerable again and began to tear up.

He scoffed at my tears and slammed the door and rounded the car to get in as well. Small tears streamed down my face as the car started. "How did you find me..." I whispered; it was barely audible be he seemed to hear it as he chuckled like it was a simple funny joke "The news gave you some publicity." I was confused and tilted my head trying to recall ever being on the news. He seemed to pick up on my confusion and snickered

"Missing for months, 23-year-old Han Jisung found safe after being kidnapped by psychopath" He recalled the headline as if he had rehearsed it a million times. "He's not a psychopath" I muttered under my breath "Well then why did he fucking kidnap you!" He yelled and I flinched, i remembered all the times he would yell at me and tell me off, but then i remembered how caring Minho was for me and i felt a surge of anger

"Because he loves me! You never fucking loved me!" I spoke with raw anger and Dae hated it. "Remember who has the knife you fucking bitch" His voice wasn't loud; it was threateningly soft. I sunk into the seat of the car and watched as we drove past different places. "Where are you even taking me?" I asked after what felt like years of silence. "Back home. Where you belong." I scowled slightly, after all this time of being angry, sad, scared about all the times he hurt me i finally felt anger.

"How is it my home if you treat me like a servant" I spoke coldly, and Dae scowled. "Jisung, I swear to fucking god." He growled. "That's not very nice to swear to god." I replied in annoyance, after that the car ride went silent. After a couple minutes we abruptly stopped at the familiar house that bought me pain for so many years.

He forced me out of the car and dragged me inside. I was so fucking tired of what has happened over the years that i didn't even react. He pushed me onto the bed in the bedroom and i looked up at him blankly. "Why the fuck aren't you reacting!" He yelled, his confidence clearly draining. "I'm tired of your ass." I said simply, he huffed and walked out of the room, sulking like a child.

As he left i quickly took the opportunity to look around, Dae wasn't the smartest in certain cases so i expected to notice something useful. I had learned during my time with Minho that it takes months to get kidnapping perfect, and even then, he was still caught. Dae would be done with quickly. I noticed his phone was still in the room and i chuckled to myself, he seemed quite stupid. I went on to it and immediately went to call the police, but it didn't work

I had noticed that he had some sort of software on his phone to prevent calling emergency numbers. "Maybe he isn't that stupid." I mumbled to myself as i failed to call the police. I tried to remember someone's number, but none came to my mind. I thought it was over but then i remembered the cafe's number, i could call the cafe to get them to call the police! I went to dial the number but i heard footsteps. I looked around frantically and noticed a small space between the bed and the wall.

I had a genius idea to turn on do not to disturb and hide the phone in the small little space so i could use it again when Dae was gone. I shoved the phone in and sat on the floor, the door slammed open, and Dae looked down at me angrily. "No one's going to fucking find you. I put a note in the house warning that if they called the police i would kill you." "You're too pussy to do that" I scoffed, and he pulled out the knife. "Really? I think I can" I immediately backed down

"Have you seen my phone?" he asked suspiciously. If i wanted to survive i would have to put up an act. "No, but once you find it, can i have it!" I said quickly, seemingly desperate. "No." he said bluntly and i sighed dramatically. As he searched i came up with a plan. If i got Haejun to give me Felix's number i could calm them and tell them how to find me. But there was one minor problem. I couldn't receive calls as it could get me caught. I had to call him. I would need a piece of paper to write down Felix's number.

"Can i at least get a piece of paper and like a pen, im bored." I said softly, trying to convince him. "Do you deserve that? You haven't done anything to get a reward yet..." When he said that i immediately knew what he meant and for the first time since I lashed out at him i felt true fear. "No. I'm not doing that." I said simply. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "What if it's something small then?" "Do you promise to give me the paper and pen." I asked suspiciously.

"Of course, darling, just come here."

A/N: I'm failing all my subjects lol, ALSO JISUNG CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?!?

1217 words 

Wrong love | Minsung {Discontinued}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ