5 - Goodbye

106 6 4

⚠️| Stalking


I woke up in the morning and looked around before slowly getting out of my bed. I went into the bathroom and changed into a nice outfit before leaving to go to the café. I wore a simple shirt and tucked it into my black jeans before I left. I walked outside and felt slightly cold, so I ran back inside and grabbed a fluffy jacket. I locked the door quickly before running outside realizing I was late already.

I arrived at the café when Felix turned the sign to say opened. "I thought you bailed on me dude!" Felix turned to see a very exhausted squirrel smiling weakly at him. The café door opened and in came a very happy puppy. "SEUNGMIN IN THE BUILDING!" As Seungmin yelled, both Felix and I covered our ears as this was his normal behavior. "Why are you here, Snail" I said to Seungmin with a smile as I knew this would set him off. "SNAIL! AGAIN? I TOLD YOU PEOPLE CALL ME SUNSHINE!" Seungmin gasped and held his chest dramatically

"HEY! THATS MY NICKNAME!" Felix yelled back towards Seungmin, and soon after the two began bickering. "You guys spend WAY too much time around Jinnie..." Both boys slowly turned their heads around to stare at me evilly. Soon a customer came in and they both smiled and walked away. 'Those two really need to stop hanging around Hyunjin Hyung...' I chuckled to myself as I completed the costumer's order.

"Is something funny?" A man who looked a couple years older than me asked while looking at me, I looked behind him to see someone who looked only about a year younger than me, he was holding in a laugh. "Channie don't worry! It was probably a misunderstanding!" He giggled and the man's face softened, and he bowed "Ah, I'm sorry if I scared you!" I smiled and handed them their food and drinks. "Yeah sorry, I just thought of a funny memory." I smiled and watched as they walked away.

"INNIE! DID YOU SEE HIS GUMMY SMILE. OH, MY LORD" I heard this and laughed quietly, I turned around and saw Felix staring at me, he laughed at my stupid action and lightly hit my shoulder. I held it and dramatically gasped, I stared at Felix who had a serious face, but it was so obvious It was fake. "And you say I spend too much time with Jinnie!" I laughed as I watched his serious face soften with laughter.

Not long after Changbin and Hyunjin walked in and greeted me and Felix. I smiled as I watched Seungmin pounce out from a bench far away to Hyunjin, pulling him into a tight hug. Not long after, Felix was on break, and I continued working. I watched as Felix pulled Changbin into the break room. "Oh no, no one go into the break room..." I had a terrified face before it immediately dropped into a gummy smile, Seungmin and Hyunjin chuckled at my remark. The café was lonely except for the friends and the other two customers from before. Suddenly the 'Innie' person came up to me and smiled

"Hey, I'm sorry about my... friend... over there! He gets protective sometimes. My names Jeongin, and that's Bangchan over there, but you can call him Chan!" He pointed to the boy who was now staring at Jeongin, he immediately snapped out of his thoughts and waved at me, causing me to smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jisung." I smiled at the two boys and soon after we exchanged numbers with each other and created a group chat. I hadn't felt this happy in a while, and I haven't had one bad flashback in a while now! Everything was perfect... for now.


I waved goodbye to the six boys as I walked home smiling ear from ear, I opened the group chat and immediately we all started messing around in our new group chat

Homo (Sapiens)


What the hell is this group chat name 💀




Dude your like so weird




Calm down bro


Since when was this my username...?


Sorry I changed it (I'm not sorry at all)


I crave watermelon






I gotta go guys, I'm nearly home. See you guys l8r!

I turned off my phone and skipped inside my house. I saw the usual letter on the floor but this time I was in a happy mood, and I didn't want to spoil that, so I picked it up and threw it away. No harm in throwing away at least one... Right? I walked into the kitchen smiling when soon I regretted my decisions...

-Quick 3rd person-

Minho watched as Jisung entered the kitchen, he clearly didn't read the letter. He put himself into this situation...

"Hey Sungie!

I see you had a great day today! I'm ALWAYS watching...

Anyways, if you want to survive, I suggest you run. Don't enter the kitchen...

Have fun my love!" 

A/N: How silly of Jisung, He couldve read the letter... anygays, the story starts now! I'm excited!! 

865 Words!

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