13 - Discussion

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⚠️|Nightmares, Abuse, SA, Controlling behavior.


I walked into the café with a smile on my face, I hugged Felix before getting to work helping some customers. I was having a wonderful day, and nothing could have changed that

However, I was completely wrong as Dae walked into the café, I looked at him in fear and took a step back. I turned around to find Felix, but he was nowhere to be seen. In fact, the whole café looked like it was abandoned other than me and the devil in front of me.

"Why are you here." I asked in a confident tone to hide my initial fear, he just moved closer to me with a smirk as I moved back. "Why'd you leave honey?" The nickname sent shivers down my spine, and I secretly scanned the café for a possible exit.

Suddenly he ran towards me and grabbed me by the shirt, he pinned me to the wall and looked at me evilly "You can't go anywhere now." I tried to move but he was much stronger, I whined as I struggled beneath him, he threatened me as he brought a pocketknife out of his jacket.

I flinched at the sight and slowly stopped struggling, I had sunk into the wall as he chuckled maniacally. At this point he had control over me, and I couldn't help but let anxiety fill my body. He grabbed my waist tightly and I trembled.

It wasn't the same feeling I had with Minho, he would be gentle when he touched me, however Dae wasn't careful at all, he was harsh, and it made me grimace in pain. I felt the rage build in my body as he held me.

I couldn't take his behavior anymore, so I screamed out when he began to creep his hand under my shirt. "STOP, DAE!" I threw my hands in front of me to try to hit him, but he just disappeared. I realized he was gone, and I began to cry.

I dropped my head to my knees and sobbed before realizing I was sitting in an unfamiliar room, and I felt the presence of someone else. Shit. I looked up and saw the strange look on his face, how could I be so careless.

"I'm s-sorry for waking y-you" I continued to sob even more as he pulled me into a gentle hug. He eventually pulled away and looked me into my eyes "I want to help you Sungie, tomorrow you will tell me what is going on. Okay?"

I hesitated for a moment before dropping my head and nodding. He grabbed me into a hug and laid me down "Go to sleep, I'm here. Your safe" I smiled lightly as I fell asleep again; this time with no nightmares.


I woke up and looked around and Minho was gone, I got out of his bed slowly and walked downstairs. As I got downstairs and looked at the front door for a moment before continuing to walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Minho smiled brightly at me, and I just smiled back and sat down at the table as he brought out a plate of pancakes. "Here you go, love" I smiled at the food and thanked him before eating.

"So, are you ready to tell me what's been going on?" I almost choked on my food as he said this, I wasn't expecting him to bring it up so soon, I looked down for a minute before he interrupted my thoughts. "You can tell me after breakfast." I just nodded slowly and continued to eat.

Soon I finished my food and Minho took my plate, I fiddled with my sleeve as the moment I dreaded drew closer. I looked up and Minho grabbed my hand and led me up stair into his room again, he sat me down on his bed and sat just across from me while holding my hand.

"You can tell me anything." He smiled calmly and reassuringly, and I felt slightly more comfortable at his kindness. I nodded and took a couple of breaths before starting to explain to him.

"So... I used to date someone named Dae" Even saying his name sent shivers through my body, I felt my breathing get heavy and Minho seemed to notice too. He grabbed my hands tighter to calm me down. "Take your time"

I nodded before continuing. "He wasn't the best partner. He would constantly abuse me for any small mistake and would sometimes... touch me." Tears started to well in my eyes and I sniffled for a moment but continued.

"He would treat me like an object sometimes because he only liked me for my body. I sometimes get nightmares about it, and it has been affecting me a lot more recently. I'm sorry." I looked up at the ceiling to try containing the tears stinging my eyes.

He just stared at me for a moment before sighing. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, and now this..." He looked away with a guilty expression, and I just stared at him for a moment feeling slightly bad about his reaction.

"It's okay, I've gotten used to it here." I replied and he looked back at me quickly with a shocked expression. "Your fine here? After everything I've done?" I just nodded. "Listen I know you hurt me a couple of times, but it's not the same. It feels like you're trying to protect me almost." I looked into his eyes and finally saw an expression forming in his eyes.

His eyes were filled with relief at my words, he started shaking his head. "Fuck, why did I trap you here..." He whispered and before I could respond he began to talk again. "I'm sorry though, I still can't let you go. I need you safe, with me" He looked me in the eyes, and he looked the most possessive I've ever seen him.

His grip tightened even stronger as he repeated his words "I'm sorry. Not until your trustworthy enough."

A/N: That was kind of hot ngl. AMYWAYSSSS. This chapter took me 4 HOURS, I just could not think :( 

1034 wordss!!!

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