23 - Affinity

80 4 2

⚠️| Kidnapping Mention


I woke up the next morning and Minho pulled me back; this was turning into one of his habits now. I fell back down onto the bed, and he hugged me closer than ever. I went back to sleep before feeling him get up, I let him go as he walked into the kitchen.

I sat out and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I lazily walked out of the bed and met Minho in the kitchen. He winked at me as I walked in, and I playfully groaned "Ughhhh your so cringey Minho" He smiled happily "Thank you~" He brought over breakfast and we both started to eat.

The day went along as usual and nothing interesting happened until I got a message from Jeongin.

Homo (Sapiens)


@J.Quokkaa @L.Min You should let us come over (Please im begging)


Why so you can play spin the bottle again




LMAO SORRY (im not sorry bitch)


Whats going on I was sleeping


Wake up and pay attention




Whoops, anyways @L.Min @J.Quokkaa ANSWER


I don't mind, it's up to Min


Why not



2 minutes went by and a knock was heard coming from the door, I opened it and Jeongin practically jumped onto me. "JISUNGG!!!" He smiled and I could help but laugh at his actions

Minho watched from behind and smiled softly, everyone else came inside and we all sat on the couches "So Innie, why did you want to come over so bad?" Minho asked and Jeongin shrugged "Why not?" I chuckled at his words.

Jeongin laughed, I looked up at Chan and he sat with his chin over his palms admiring Jeongin from afar. I noticed this and pulled out my phone to message Chan

You like him don't you

Chan grabbed his phone out due to the notification and once he saw it, he looked up at me with wide eyes. I simply shrugged and pointed at my phone, urging for him to message me back

Yeah, please don't tell anyone

I think everyone knows, the way you look at him is screaming that you love him

How could I not? He's so perfect, his smile brings light to the world, and he never fails to make anyone happy. When I'm around him he makes me feel instantly better, as if he's a walking ray of happiness. It's crazy how perfect he can be and not even realize. The problem is I know that he'll never love me back, I'm not in his league. But even if he won't love me back, I don't think I'll ever feel this feeling about anyone else.

I looked up after he sent the message, he looked at me with a sad expression. Jeongin stood up and walked over to Chan who hadn't realized yet that the boy he was messaging about was basically right behind him

"Get off your phone, old fart" He joked with a light chuckle, he was about to give it back when he saw his name written in a large text to Jisung. "Chan? Are you saying stuff behind my back? Jisung?" He looked over to me and realized what he saw

He probably didn't see the whole message and began to overthink as he usually did in a situation about himself. Chan sighed, passing Jeongin the phone for him to read what he was talking about. Jeongin quickly took the phone to see what they had said but soon his fear turned to happiness

He read the whole message and looked down to Chan who was sitting on the couch looking down feeling embarrassed. "Chan, can I talk to you... In private?" Jeongin asked nervously and Chan slowly agreed. Chan looked over at me with a worried expression and I could help but feel guilty.

If I didn't mention Jeongin, Chan wouldn't have been found out by Jeongin, and at this point I have no idea what the outcomes are going to be...


I nervously led Chan into the kitchen and closed the door "Chan why didn't you tell me earlier?" It was all I could ask, I looked over at Chan who looked down "I was scared" I sighed, it was finally time I told him

"Chan I've been in love with you for years."


I looked down and took a deep breath "I haven't dated anyone because I've been waiting for the day that you tell me you liked me back, the problem is you never looked at me other than in a friend way so I thought you thought of me as one."

"I've been waiting for you Jeongin"

"Well, you didn't exactly make it obvious"

Chan chuckled and I looked down in embarrassment, it felt like he was laughing at me, not with me. "Even Jisung knew, He caught me staring at you when you were laughing..."

I continued to stare down feeling embarrassed when I felt his cold hands touch my chin to make me look at him. "Jeongin, I love you so much. You read that message, I was being genuine" I couldn't resist it and I hugged him.

"Chan... Have you had your first kiss"

"I was hoping to have it with you, Innie"

I pulled away from the hug and kissed him, it could've lasted forever, however of course Hyunjin walked in. "OH GOD MY EYESSS!!!" He squealed and I pulled away to chase Hyunjin out, at this point everyone knew what was going on, so we didn't deny anything.



Everyone had left around 10 minutes ago, so Minho and I lazily cuddled on the couch when someone knocked on the door "I swear to god, if Felix left his phone AGAIN" I was confused because I didn't remember Felix ever leaving his phone here

He opened the door slightly and saw someone he definitely wasn't expecting, I tried to see who was at the door, but the next words told me everything that I needed to know

"Lee Minho, we have reason to believe you are responsible for breaking and entering, along with kidnapping a boy named Han Jisung."


1066 wordsss

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