☁️Brad Benavides - Game Night

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855 Words

Request from: elsiiqq


After being alone for two weeks while Brad was at the factory doing media stuff, he had finally come home a few nights ago. He was going to be back on the plane in a week but you were really wanting to make the most of the time you had together, so tonight was game night.

You didn't invite anyone over so you were only doing two-player games but that wasn't an issue. You had twister, jenga, and wet heads set out. As a special treat, you both went to the store and each chose a couple lollies or sweets to have during the games.

With the food set out and the games set up, the only thing left to do was to play. The first game to be played was twister. You went first before Brad ended up right beside you on his first turn. "Hello there. Nice view I got here." he whispers in your ear. You laugh, trying to keep your body from collapsing. A few more rounds pass and both of you have contorted your bodies in unimaginable ways. When Brad spins the wheel, he has to fully cross both of his arms. Try as he might, he makes the distance but can't hold it for long, falling into your side, the both of you landing in a heap.

You bodies are exhausted from the effort of keeping your bodies in such strange positions, opting to take a break while you recover. You are sitting on the couch and resting against each other. You really didn't want him to leave you again but he didn't have an option, that's what his job needed of him.

Enough time had passed that you were both ready to move onto the next thing, jenga. It was an extra large version of it which upped the anti. A preliminary game of paper-scissors-rock ensued to decide who starts, which he promptly lost.

He gets up off the couch to take his turn, pulling a simple loose block from the side. That was too safe of a move so you decided to get the stakes high from the get go. You reach out and nudge at a quite secure peace, very close to the bottom. The tower sways softly as you pull the foundational piece away. "This is going to be over very quickly." Brad remarks, taking note of the structural integrity of the stack, or the lack thereof. It's now his turn again so he slowly moves forward and in revenge, takes another foundational piece; the tower now visibly unstable. This continues for a few more rounds with both of you choosing the hard way. Finally it comes to an end. Brad got too confident and tried taking a piece out from the middle, leading to the entire thing falling in him. "Ahhh! No! That hurt oh my goodness!"

Finally after a quick rest (and more snacking), it's time for the final game. This had been left until the last one as the nature of wet heads is that you will get wet. The premise was that you answer questions and if you get it wrong, you pull a stick out of the conpartment at the top which may trigger water to pour out. 

You decided to do trivia about each other. "Where and when did I score my first F3 points?", "What was my favourite food when we got together?", "What is my middle name?". Basic questions, except you knew each other too well so neither of you were really playing the game. After far too many rounds with no incorrect answers, you decided to do general knowledge trivia, something you were both mediocre at.

"What year did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand occur?",  "What is the chemical symbol for lead?", "Who was the 13th president of the United states?" These questions were the downfall.

This is when the water started pouring. It's your turn to answer so Brad scrolls through his phone to find a decent trivia question. "What's the only type of parrot that can't fly?" You look at him, mouth agape. "How would I know that? Surely I get a clue?" He just shakes his head, smirking at the knowledge that you are about to get drenched. Giving up you declare, "A fat one." He laughs, reaches over a pulls out the rod.

A squeal is ripped from your body when the freezing cold water drips down your head. He laughs at you and passed you a towel. You dry yourself off and then decided to return the favour. You finish your round and then reset the plastic game to play again.

Once it's secured to his head you pull up the questions. You rattle them off, Brad getting a few of them before messing up on a science question. You take immense pleasure in this bit. You lean over and grip the rod, pulling it out and letting the water cascade onto his buzzed hair. He squirms at the temperature and grabs the towel, drying his wet body.

You both decide to dry off after a sweet shower and a bit off food before snuggling into bed.

"I missed messing around with you."



Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates! I'll try to keep to the schedule but I am travelling so please be flexible. Good to get another request out, the list is getting shorter so keep sending them in.

Look after yourselves, stay hydrated, I love you sm :)

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