☁️Ralf Aron - Adopted

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870 Words

Disclaimer - We're pretending that Paul is an absolute midget. He's like 4. The power I wield as an author to change timelines of the multiverse is concerning.


Ralf had finally got a seat in F2 with Prema. You used to be a driver for the team before you retired in the wake of a huge shunt. You now worked as the media admin for the team alongside Angelina, which was mostly just an excuse to get lots of cute pictures of Ralf and brag about him. 

You were watching Ralf fly around the track in P1. Thanks to the FIA rules about filming the track, you had basically nothing to do so you sat down on a couch in the back and watched, Paul plonking himself next to you. "Hello, Paulie. You ok?" He nods and shuffles even closer to you.  You lift up your arm, allowing him to slot in beside you and rest his head on the front of your shoulder. He feels tense and his eyes are wide. "Are you sure you're alright? You're all tense and stiff." He leans into you further and mutters, "So loud." You get what he means, the cars are loud enough but the shouts of the team are even louder. "Aww, poor thing. Let me get you some good headphones, and then we can sit and relax. Sound ok?" He nods and comes with you as you stand up. "You can stay here, I'll be right back." He has no interest in your offer, shaking his head and grabbing your hand. You smile at him as you walk towards the wall of noise cancelling headphones. You pick up the smallest ones, squat down to his level and put them on his head, and despite them being the smallest on offer, they still look massive on him. Grinning, you point to the couch and hold out your hand. He grabs it and walks back with you.

You sit and watch together, cheering as he powers down the straight. It's a long race and as much as Paul loves watching races, he begins to get bored after a while. You notice that he is distracted and realise that you haven't actually caught up with him in ages. Whilst keeping an eye on the screen, watching your boyfriend absolutely dominate the field, you talk to Paul about all sorts of things, still keeping your arm around him to make sure he is nice and calm.

Without you realising, the cameras zoomed in on you and your little companion. "Looks like the girlfriend of Ralf Aron has somewhat adopted his younger brother, Paul. Lovely scenes down there Crofty." Also to your surprise, Angelina had managed to get a clip of you for the LAP video.

The final lap rolls around and Paul crosses the line, bringing home the win. You and Paul both cheer and hug each other before running out into pit lane, holding his hand tight to keep him from danger. You stick with Paul, knowing that too many people around him is overwhelming.

Soon enough, the podium presentations roll around. You stand at the back to keep Paul out of the crowd and plop him on top of your shoulders. "Go Ralf!" He shouts. Ralf's eyes scan the crowd, looking for your beautiful eyes. He sees you at the back and smiles, his heart melting at you being with his brother.

Once the podium is done and the drivers came back to the garage, Ralf walks over to you and kisses you, an innocent kiss, but still enough for Paul to try and push you two apart. You both laugh and then lean down to Paul who jumps into your arms. "Mine" He tells Ralf, who folds over in laughter. "Is she now?" Ralf responds once he has composed himself. Paul gets a hug from Ralf who eventually has to leave for media duties.

The first question he gets asked is, "Great race out there, did having your little brother and girlfriend here bring you luck?" He smiles at the thought, although slightly confused at how people know you and Paul were there. "Always a good luck charm those two. How did you know that Paul was here?" The interviewer responds, "Some lovely companionship going on between the two. I'm sure you'll see the footage at some point."

He leaves the media pen quite confused at what videos people kept referring to so when he got back to the truck, he went on his phone and searched it up. He found a bunch of people gawking over how gentle you were with Paul and saying that they wanted to be adopted by you as well. He just smiles and knows, you are an absolute score.



I'm sorry but I love this man so much. So good to see him driving again too. Anyways, we passed 1.5k reads everyone. TYSM. Also I'm doing so bad in english right now, even though I'm producing such good work and I'm so tempted to show my stupid teacher how well this book is going just to say fuck you to her but I don't want her to think I'm weird. So yeah, real fun times over here.

Hope you guys liked this one but ye

Look after yourselves, stay hydrated, I love you sm :)

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