› diagnosis: love. kim minji ‹

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> warning : curses, violence, mental illness, blood and murder.
> angst
> part 3 🧎
> plot; there's some flashbacks that will make u understand ig.

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- third person pov -

"let go of me, you dumb fuck!" minji yelled in anger as she struggles against the bindings that are keeping her trapped in the chair, tightening around her body. she stares at the psychiatrist outside the glass with bitterness and hatred in her eyes.

nurse ahn looks at doctor hong with concern, pointing out how minji seems to be getting more and more aggressive. "her schizophrenia is getting worse. she can't stop thinking about... y/n," she worries.

doctor hong seems to take her remark seriously, looking at minji with concern as she struggles against her bindings and glares at them outside the glass. "...we should keep a closer eye on her," doctor hong says to the nurse ahn.

"she might not be coping with y/n's death very well..."

- flashback -

y/n and minji were once in a relationship, but things got messy and complicated. even though they loved each other, the abuse on y/n got worse, eventually leading to a falling out.

now, minji is trying desperately to get y/n to stay with her, begging and pleading with her to not leave her.

"y/n! y-you know that i-i can't do that! i-i'm willing to do anything for us to keep loving each other... please don't leave me!"

"p-please... just let me go..." y/n begs, her voice cracking as if she's on the verge of tears. she can't seem to fight off minji's strong grip, despite her small and fragile frame. "j-just let me...let me go..." she whispers pleadingly, as a single tear falls down her cheek.

minji pulls y/n closer, the grip on her now tightening. "i can't... i can't let you go. i love you!" minji's voice is shaky, her voice cracking and her breath trembling.

"p-please... i beg you..." y/n pleads, her words barely coming out now, as tears stream down her cheeks.

"i-i can't do that, y/n." minji says, sounding desperate and insane as she pins y/n to the wall, her voice trembling and her eyes wide. "we were meant to be together...forever!"

"p-please..." y/n whispers, her body pressed against the wall against her will. she's afraid of minji now. she tries her best to get away, but she can't fight minji's strength.

"i-i won't let you leave me!" minji yelled. she seems obsessed with y/n and will do anything to keep her with her at this point.

with no regard for y/n's protests, minji begins to kiss y/n's neck. y/n can feel minji's lips on her neck, and she tries to pull away, but minji seems insistent on doing this.

the kiss is forceful and passionate, and y/n can feel minji's breaths against her neck - minji's hands also begin to move downwards, holding y/n's fragile frame and caressing it.

as minji's kisses move from y/n's neck towards her body, y/n looks around for any way to escape. she sees the nearby vase and grabs it, wielding it like a weapon as she strikes minji on the head with it.

as a result, minji falls backwards with a loud thud, releasing her grip on y/n's body. y/n immediately runs off as she can hear minji shouting behind her as she escapes.

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