› uncomfortable. lee hyein ‹

798 36 18

> warning : pedophile and harassment.
> fluff and angst
> i feel uncomfortable when grown ass men attended to newjeans fansign LIKE BRO...
> plot; y/n and hyein have crushes on each other. when they're having a fansign event, and a man creeping out y/n, hyein steps in to put a stop to it.

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- third person pov -

"unnies! i'm so excited to meet our fans tomorrow!" y/n said, as the others let out soft squeals in response.

"i know, right?! i'm so looking forward to talking to our fans! it should be a lot of fun." hyein responded, gazing at y/n with a loving gleam in her eyes.

haerin caught hyein's gaze and couldn't help but smirk, looking around to see if anyone else noticed as well – and she wasn't wrong, hanni had too.

haerin's smirk grew wider as she caught hanni's understanding nod, exchanging an amused glance with her. meanwhile, y/n and hyein both remained unaware of the exchange, their focus solely on each other.

as haerin turned back towards them, she couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the adorable sight before her.

hanni noticed haerin's laughter, she too let out a playful giggle, glancing back at the couple with a sweet smile. the group of friends stood around hyein and y/n, all of them enjoying the sight before them – there was something truly precious about these two.

"what's so funny, haerin unnie?" y/n asked, tilting her head slightly as her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"oh, nothing, i was just..." haerin's voice trailed off as she realized the reason behind y/n's puzzled expression – she had been caught staring. as she tried to come up with a plausible explanation, haerin caught hanni's amused gaze.

"ahem," haerin cleared her throat. "i was just enjoying the view – what a beautiful day, huh?" she said, hoping the others didn't notice her slip-up.

minji looked up at the sky, confused at haerin's comment, before realizing with a groan that haerin had misspoken. "oh, right, it's night," minji said as danielle giggled at haerin's mistake.

haerin looked around, realizing it really was night. "my bad," she said, joining minji and danielle in laughing at herself.

y/n joined in, laughing at her own confusion as well. it was like the atmosphere changed – everyone couldn't help but enjoy haerin's silliness.

"haerin's being boring," hanni said with a chuckle, nudging her friend's shoulder. "we just saw a pair of lovers or something." she cast a smirk in hyein and y/n's direction, drawing attention to their budding romance.

danielle and minji cast playful glances at hyein and y/n, both letting out a set of "woo!" cheers, teasing the two about their potential feelings for each other.

hyein and y/n both blushed at the sudden attention, avoiding eye contact with everyone else in the group.

hyein and y/n tried to ignore the others' teasing, but the atmosphere was making it difficult. their hearts pounded in their chests and the warmth in their cheeks grew more intense with each passing moment.

y/n cast a nervous glance in hyein's direction before looking back at the group. she could feel the attention on her and hyein, and she felt her panic and embarrassment only growing by the second. but despite the intense nerves she felt, she also felt a warm, tingling feeling in her stomach.

compass || newjeans oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora