Tonuk- "Well, it's fairly late now, so, I don't think it's a good idea to take Toru back here, since it's very cold, what do you think of letting it stay with us?"

Ri agreed and they went back home, only to see Toru still playing on the tablet, which they laughed at.

Still, Tonuk was fairly impressed that Toru was able to use the tablet and so, they were left wondering how it was able to understand it.

After dome talking Ri remembered how when some animals saw someone use the tablets, they learned how to use them.

So, since Toru seemed to be good at copying behaviors, like with being able to use vases and repeating words.

Then maybe, just maybe, there WAS another sentient species from where Toru was from, and now this could be proof that they had advanced technology.

After a bit of talking they settled on that it likely was placing stuff on accident, since the game only let you place stuff on one row, and it snapped it into place, so maybe that's how it was able to play for a while.

Still, they were happy about this discovery and took note of telling Gint as soon as possible the next day, since by now he was likely asleep.

So, they decided to get Toru to sleep, taking it to their bed where they got ready to sleep and carried Toru on top of.

Thankfully, it was mostly cooperative and slept close to the bottom of the bed, though Ri pulled it closer to them so it wouldn't be cold, since the nights were getting colder quickly because of winter.

It seemed to be already asleep, which was weird, especially with how deep its sleep was, which is uncommon, but, it does happen with some pack animals, so that was a nice thing to add next morning.


Ri woke up to Toru snuggled up to Tonuk, je was a bit jealous, but still he couldn't really say he didn't expect it, since the Tonovo quite litterally evolved to give out heat when sleeping with others.

Still, he decided to give Toru a small pet and go get the tablet to search something that he was curious about.

It had been a while since they got Toru back from the wild and they weren't allowed to search there since police were researching that whole fiasco with the two hunters.

He found an article talking about the scene, but it didn't say anything he didn't already know, so he sent a message to the police station back on his planet asking about their progress and on when they would be allowed to see what Toru was up to for a whole 6 weeks.

While the message was traveling, which would take 3 minutes to get there and a lot more for them to answer, he decided to call Gint and chat with him for a while about the whole thing with the tablet.

Eventually, Gint got to his job and had to finish the call, leaving Ri to himself again, since both Tonuk and Toru were still asleep.

He decided to go to the office and start drawing to pass the time, but when he got there he saw as the few pages he had out were completely covered in random scribbles.

He put them aside after a small inspection, since they were obviously from Toru, and yeah, they were just random scribbles, though it was weird how it completely filled all pages, but avoided staining the desk, though he assumed it was maybe luck.

He was about to start drawing after preparing his stuff until he heard Tonuk get up from bed, so he decided that he would do it later and instead make breakfast.

He quickly prepared a bunch of vegetables for the three of them, leaving some for Toru, who was following them around.

They finished eating, but had to wait for Toru to finish as well, as it ate slowly, though Ri noticed something concerning

Ri- "Hey, did you notice that Toru sucks its fingers when they have like, stuff on them?

What if it eats the ink we have?
That could be dangerous"

Tonuk agreed, bringing his knuckles to his mouth and thinking for a moment.

Tonuk- "We should probably not let it use your ink then, but yeah, I guess we'll have to figure out how to let it draw later on"

Ri- "Well, basically all ink is made with chemicals that are bad if you eat them, so, I guess we'll have to figure something out later on.

Actually, we could just let it draw on the tablet"

Tonuk agreed as Toru finally finished eating and they cleaned the dishes.

They got ready to leave for the shelter, deciding to take Toru with them now that it was slightly warmer.

Ri- "What do you think of getting Toru to get to know Tegnuk?

Since yesterday they saw eachother and it was surprisingly calm"

Tonuk agreed and they went inside the shelter, talking with Tegnuk and getting him to agree to meet Toru.

Fun fact:
Due to the cold, both the Tonovo and Dije evolved ways to share warmth with eachother to survive and as a way to bond with eachother.

The Tonovo developed a system where, when pressed by someone other then themselves, their bodies automatically send blood to the spot that's pressed, warming up the area, though quite a large percentage of them can do it consciously without the need to press on a specific place.

The Dije didn't evolve for as much time as the Tonovo, so their methods are simpler, instead simply twitching rapidly to create warmth to share.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now