It's Getting Way too Crowded in Here!

Start from the beginning

He didn't even have the decency to deny it.

We walked to my room in companionable silence, passing only a few people on the way, due to the late hour. Twp hobgoblins stood guard outside my room tonight, and I thanked them for their hard work before wishing Lagdon a good night. Tomorrow would be busy and the workaholic needed some rest.

Kishi was already curled up on my over sized bed. At a distance, you may not even think she was roughly the size of a horse. She had looked up briefly when I entered, but settled back down immediately. It was going to be a long trip for her as well. She would be carrying me.

I tried to banish that idea, especially when I was informed that they were going to make a saddle for Kishi to wear. She was my friend, not a pack mule. But even Kishi insisted on it, saying she would feel much better if I were with her for the long trip rather than locked in a wooden box. Apparently it was either ride on Kishi, or these over protective monsters were hell bent on making me a dang carriage. And a carriage would be a huge pain given the lack of roads in this forest.

I had given in. As per usual.

No that I was full size again, I didn't need sleep, but it had become a habit to settle in with Kishi and Mittens- when he and Kishi were moderately civil to each other- and read a book or something. But tonight I was planning on doing something that had been neglected as of late: Visit my mind space.

It wasn't so much that I had forgotten to, just that it had been a hectic few weeks. And when I was 'Little Enna' I couldn't enter the dang place. Every time I tried I would just fall into a dreamless sleep.

I got ready for bed, ran my fingers through Kishi's fur, and clambered up to join her, her warmth firmly at my back. Once I was settled in, the grouchy cat appeared out of nowhere and settled down against my belly, stoutly avoiding eye contact. I'd win him over eventually.

It was surprisingly easy to enter the dreamscape this time. Almost as soon as I shut my eyes I was there. But I could tell immediately that things were very different. Though, at first I couldn't pinpoint why...

The trees were the same, same purple blossoms... There was the dais with its Greacen pillars and the merry fire dancing in it. And it was still dark.

Then I realized that, yes, the trees were the same, but the seemed farther away than I remembered, making a good sized clearing around the temple now. The fire was dancing, alright. A little too much. It looked as if there was a fierce wind tossing it about, embers flicking up and around. And the temple itself looked odd. After a second I realized that it was because it now had a domed roof where it had previously been open to the stars.

Well. it wasn't like this didn't happen every time I came here. Still, something felt very off. Was it darker than usual?

I was mid, lifting my head I gaze up at the normally star strewn sky when I heard something i had never thought I would here in this space: A woman crying like a two-year-old, followed by pleas for help.

My eyes jerked back down just in time to see a small woman with a long mane of curly, fiery red hair, big, tear streaked, blue eyes, and a pale skinned face etched with fear.

"What-?" I managed to get out just as the woman- barely above four feet tall- slammed into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me, and wrapped her slender, yet oddly strong arms around me.

"Don't let him eat me!" She bawled, shivering against my diaphragm.


I heard a deep rumbling noise, and felt my head start to rise again, back to the sky once again. Up, up... up.

Enna is a Land God: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now