{Forgotten Memory}

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I released my anger out to Sonic, which caused us to argue for the first time since we've been together. . . I didn't mean to because this week. . Was the week that Maria died. This week would be the hardest week because even if it happened 50 years ago the pain will always be there.

Shadow's P.O.V.
A couple days passed after I yelled at Sonic, I didn't go back to the apartment after that and stayed at Rouge's place. From what I heard, Sonic is staying with Tails for the time being after everything and. . he's anxiety attacks got worse. I was laying on the couch while watching Tv, I hadn't done anything for the duration of my stay well I did some things around the house for Rouge and she didn't mind how I was considering she was the first person I told about. . I teared up and hugged a pillow, as I did Rouge walked in with some grocery bags; "Hey Hun, how are you feeling?" Rouge set the bags down and walked over to the couch, she noticed that I was sort of crying and rubbed my head softly which made me cry more. "Shit. . . Its all my fault. . I got angry at Sonic and I know for certain that he's never going to talk to me again" I said softly, my eyes were tired and dark circles were under them, strands of my quills were perked up and messy. . I let myself go badly. "Sonic isn't the type to hold a grudge like that, I know he'd forgive you but for now you two need some time apart. It helps you two develop and improve" As Rouge said that I sat up and gently laid my head on her shoulder, thanking her for that and she just nodded; "Now I bought some lavender soap, go wash up and I'll brush your quills because Honey, they are bugging me" I smiled a bit as I went to grab them and went to take a shower. I was glad to have Rouge here, but I wouldn't tell her that since it would boost her ego, over the past few days I had been taking care of myself, helping Rouge out and have been contemplating about whether i should call Sonic or not, and as always I give him his space.

It was a week later as I was on the couch looking at G.U.N. jobs that were hiring for jobs when suddenly a knock came from the door; "I'll get it, coming!" Rouge exclaimed as she walked to the door, I heard a muscular voice which got me to turn around and saw that it was Knuckles. Rouge and Knuckles were sort of in a relationship, and by sort of I mean they keep their relationship kind of a secret. . I was one of the ones who caught them in the act. "Hey Shadow, didn't expect you to be here i thought you'd be with Sonic" My ears perked up but went down as I looked down, Rouge nudged him hard in thw chest as Knuckles grunted in pain; "Shut it Knucklehead, come here" Rouge grabbed his arm and pulled them to her room. I picked up my phone and looked at the messages Sonic and I would send to each other, then went to the pictures we took when it was his birthday, I put my phone down and sighed while laying back as Rouge and Knuckles came out of the room and sat on opposite sides of me; "Hey, sorry about what i said. I didn't know the situation" Rouge cleared her throat as Knuckles spoke again "Ugh, and if you wanna punch me you can heh" I chuckled a little as Rouge rubbed my back, I gave Knuckles a fist bump before he left. As soon as Rouge closed the door she got a phone call which she answered near me; "Hello? Oh hey Tails, Nothing much just with Shadow. How's Sonic doing?" My ears perked up as I wanted to hear, but by Rouge's worried expression I knew that he wasn't good at all; "I see. . Yeah, yeah lemme write it down" Rouge went to her room and shut the door, I looked at the TV in a daze as i was lost in thought until I heard Rouge's door open. "K, I'll send it to you and get the other stuff. Okay, bye Tails" Rouge hung up as she went over to me and sat down, she could tell that I was upset visibly; "Sonic isn't doing great but he's been positive" Positive. . . he's acting like he's okay when he's really not, and I can't help him with it. . I wonder what he's doing.

Tails's P.O.V. (yay new point of view :3)
I got off the phone with Rouge as I looked over at Sonic who was laying on my bed in a ball, I know my best friend well and for the past few days he's been holding his emotions in. Everytime he was very upset, he'd always excuse himself to the bathroom or run outside only to come back an hour later, he would always have his bag with him which i speculated that there was something in it. I went to the living room to look for his bag, I found it near the couch. . I know i shouldn't be going through people's things but I had to figure out what was going on with him. As I searched in it I can tell he didn't have much in there but his things, I was about to take my hand out I heard a rattle sound, i reached my hand down again and pulled out a pill bottle. . It was restocked as it felt full, I looked at the tag on the front and noticed that they were anxiety depressants. . . Sonic has an anxiety disorder and. . didn't tell me? I went to my room and threw the bottle on the bed which caught Sonic's attention, as he saw it his face went white; "You had an anxiety disorder and didn't bother to tell me? That's why you were going on the bathroom and ran, to take those!" I yelled, I didn't want to raise my voice but I felt like Sonic didn't trust me that well enough to tell me; "I. . . . I wanted to but. . I didn't want to worry you at all. ." Sonic looked down as I sat beside him; "Who else knows?" I asked, Sonic looked up at me and told me the only one who knew which was Shadow but it was an accident. I rubbed Sonic's back as he waa trying to hold in tears. "He's mad at me now, I didn't know how much Maria meant to him. . I should've given him space, I shouldn't have pushed him to tell me what was wrong because I thought I did something. . ."

I thought about it for a minute as I stood up and went to make a call in another room so Sonic wouldn't hear; "Hey Rouge, about the thing we talked about you think we can start getting that together next week?" The week passed as I came back in the house; "Sonic, I need you to go somewhere for me if that's okay?" Sonic looked over at me and stood up; "Sure, where?" I showed him a picture of the spot which was a hill that was connected to the old oak tree; "I was here earlier and forgot something, can you get it for me?" Sonic nodded as he took the picture and ran out. "Okay, I hope you did your part Rouge" I went out a couple minutes later and flew far behind Sonic, as he was almost there I went over to Rouge who was in another tree which had a view of the hill. "Did you get Shadow to come?" Rouge nodded as we watched what was going to play out. . Hoping it'll work.

Sonic's P.O.V.
I was at the middle of the hill since the tree was halfway up it, the hill that Shadow and I. . You know first kiss and stuff. I started walking up the hill as I heard footsteps also coming up, as I got to the top of the hill. . . My eyes were focused on one thi- no, person and it was Shadow. We both caught a gaze as I looked down in shame but noticed a small picnic blanket was on the ground which a basket but before i looked down i saw he was carrying something, Shadow sat down as i was still standing; "The food will get cold if you just keep standing there faker, it's chili dogs too" He picked one up and i caught a whiff, I looked over and saw it as I went over to sit down, taking it from him as he handed it to me. Our hands brushed against each other which made me blush. . We ate in silence for a while and as we were finished there was just empty silence. . ". . . Im sorry" we both spoke at the same time as we looked at each other, I was tearing up a lot as Shadow smiled and held his arms out to me, I hugged him tightly and stayed in his nice warm embrace. . I haven't felt his touch in so long that I didn't want to let go. "Let me talk first, im sorry for the way I acted, I was very rude and didn't mean to lash out on you. . The week before was one of the hardest and-" I let go of Shadow as he looked at me; "It's been hard for me too, I kept taking the medication whenever im not around you and Tails found out about them. . But now, I feel like I don't need it anymore when I can come to you for help. . If you'll take me back that is" I pulled out the pills out of my bag and held them, Shadow's hand was holding mine as I looked up; "Are you sure?" He asked, I smiled and nodded as i stood up. I looked at the pills and then chucked them deep in the forest, I looked over at Shadow and smiled while sitting down and as I did I looked over and saw a case. "Hey, what's in there?" I pointed at the case as Shadow looked over; "Oh, that. . Well" He opened it and pulled out a acoustic guitar, he put it on and then. . Looked right at me with a bit of fear but also love

"I want to sing a song i wrote 50 years ago, a song. . I wrote for Maria about how I feel about myself."

To be continued. . .
Next Chapter: A Song for You
Cover Image by: IndigoniteØ

Author's Note: Hey! Sorry for the long wait but happy 2024! Thank you for reading chapter 8 of "My Sweet Mistake" on Christmas Break, I wrote chapter 9 during that time and it'll be posted too! A song will be played so play it while reading! Cya on Chapter 9!

❤️💙﹒⟡﹒𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now