{You Were Never A Failure}

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Someone once told me that I always had to make a big choice when it comes to saving a person. . . Sadly you can't save everyone but at least you tried, It doesn't mean you should pin yourself as the failure.

Shadow's P.O.V.
I was breathing heavily after the sudden eggman attack, this one was more stressful then the other small ones. . . Sonic! I ran around the rubble while looking for him, picking up some of the pieces until i saw him shielding a small child but he was banged up badly. I got them out of the rubble and helped him and the child to his feet, i recognized the child since I saved her mom a while ago as we went over to the hospital tent for them to reunite with each other. I looked over at Sonic as he looked dead inside, like something was really bothering him and I don't blame him because Eggbrain did a large attack on the city that even Sonic couldn't handle on his own. After an hour or two of finding the survivors of the attack, they were getting patched up enough for the day as there will be a lot of work to be done not to mention the news reporters and journalist had been trying to get into Sonic's tent for hours to interview him. . . Those assholes, I went over to Sonic's part of the tent as he still wasn't bandaged up, earlier he didn't want anyone to touch him at all cause it sounded like he was going to have another episode. I got a spare bandage wrap and went over to him kneeling down in front of him, he didnt look at me not even a glance I tried reaching out slowly cause I didn't know what his reaction would be. . . I gently got his hand and started bandaging it up, his head lifted a bit while I was wrapping it around his injured hand. He had cuts all over his body including his quills, they were minor cuts but his hands and knees were the worst of the damage onto him, He was still silent while I patched him up. I put a bandage on his quill, it was a deep cut but it would heal up eventually. "Your injuries are minor but some aren't, you should heal within a few day-" As I spoke. . . A tear or two dropped on my glove and as I looked up, Sonic was in tears but tried his best not to fully cry out. He was straining himself which isn't good at all, some tears fell but he tried not to make a sound as he covered his mouth with his injured hand.

"I. . . I couldnt save everyone, I couldn't even fight Eggman on my own without anyone getting hurt. . . Fuck I'm. . . I'm a failure, I-I cant-" Sonic tried to speak but his breathing picked up, he was about to breakdown and didn't want anyone to know about his anxiety attack. . . He was very upset, and was also trying to be okay at the same time as he was trying to fake being okay. I felt like I knew what I had to do, i stood up and hugged him gently. . He was surprised with what i did as he looked at me but didn't know what to do. "S-Shadow?" he said while still trying not to cry; "Don't ever call yourself a failure. . . You did the best that you could ever do, you don't need to be perfect you idiot. It's okay to not be okay, it's okay to fail but at least you tried faker. You are you Sonic, you're fast, brave, and kind to others. . . But that doesnt mean you have to hide your other emotions too, so cry. . and let everything go. . That makes you a true hero." I kept my embrace and after a couple seconds, I heard soft cries coming out of Sonic's mouth. After every 3 minutes that got louder and he gripped onto me while crying like a child, loud and free. I rubbed his quills while he cried endlessly, he had been holding in a lot for a long time and in one sitting he let everything go, thankfully. . . It took him a couple minutes to finally calm down, and as he did he gently let go of me like he was numb but I felt his hand on mine. I looked at him and to my surprise he fell asleep from crying but as I tried to lay him down and walk back to my tent, his hand didn't let go. I didn't want to wake him up so all I could do was sit along his bedside while holding his hand, I started getting tired as well but I stayed up for a while in case someone needed me in another tent. . . Minutes past and before I knew it, my eyes closed slowly and I drifted off to sleep.

Sonic's P.O.V.
Today was a disaster, I couldn't save all the people that were hurt and felt like I let everybody down. . . Shadow was there for me and fought alongside me during the gruesome fight. I barely made it out alive but I managed with a bunch of injuries, not to mention Shadow was there while I cried like a child for the first time in years, it strained my heart but it felt good to finally let everything go. I woke up and rubbed my eye but hissed a bit as the pain was still there even after being bandaged up, I sat up but my hand felt heavy and as I looked over I saw he was asleep but was sitting up while holding my hand. He looked uncomfortable but managed to sleep in that position which is reasonable since he works for the G.U.N. Shadow woke up a couple seconds later and the first thing he did was look at me with his tired eyes. "You slept through the whole after noon faker, I guess it already got dark" Shadow said while yawning, he stretched and as he did I saw the scars that he gotten from fighting alongside me and I felt guilty that he also had to step in too. "Don't you have to bandage yourself up too?" I asked and to my surprise Shadow chuckled a bit at my question; "Unlike you, I am the ultimate lifeform. Some of it has already healed so I'll be fine" I chuckled but hissed after a did, my hand felt like it was burning. I looked down and saw that the bandage wrapped around my wound was fully covered in blood, I looked for the wrap and reached out to grab it but Shadow grabbed it before me. "There's no way in hell I'm letting you bandage yourself on your own. Stay still" Shadow took my band and unwrapped the old bandage, he started to clean it but I jolted in pain like the pain was surreal but I never expected it to hurt this badly. After a while he wrapped a new bandage and as i looked at him, I started to see him in a different light. . . I blushed at the thought because over the past few months, he was there for me even though he had the choice to not let me in and it was a very nice gesture, he threw the old bandage in the trash and stood up.

I started to think for a minute then stood up as well; "T-The others! Are they o- agh fuck!" I grunted in pain as my ribs hurt like hell, Shadow held me up and hit my head gently. "Don't hurt yourself more dumbass, everyone else is okay, probably sleeping" Shadow said as he walked to the entrance of the tent, opening it slightly while looking around, I was confused a bit but after a minute he turned back to me; "Wanna get out of here?". . I could've said no, but at the same time I wanted to get out of here so i didnt think twice and left out of the tent with him without question. The streets were silent and the only thing you could hear was our footsteps and the crickets chirping, we were silent the whole trail and I felt too awkward to ever start a conversation. I was also happy that there weren't people around because I cannot take an interview after that mess, while walking Shadow and I's hands brushed against each other as I moved over just a little bit while blushing. "How are you feeling?" My ears perked up by Shadow's question as I looked at him; "S-Still adjusting, today's been the worst. . . especially hearing what the reporters were saying outside of the tent, that i failed the city" I looked down while walking as our path was leading to the woods area. I couldn't hear Shadow's foot steps but my own as i looked around for him, I looked around more starting to get worried then spotted him on a branch of the old oak tree. "Come on, take my hand i got you" Shadow held his hand out as I reached, He pulled me up the tree to a small hill connected to it until a sparkling light blinded me. . . I looked up and saw a million stars in the sky, some were shooting stars, I looked up in amazement as a smile came to my face. "Maybe this will start your night off as a good one" Shadow said while still holding my hand. I held his hand tight while looking up at the stars, It was so mesmerizing that I wanted this moment to last just a little longer, I looked over at Shadow as he looked back at me. . . This guy, who used to be my rival is now the most generous hedgehog I've ever felt this compassionate about. I let go of his hand walked up a bit which left him confused; "Shadow, Can i ask you a question? You can say no to it if you want I dont mind" I was looking up at the sky as he spoke; "Sure, what is it?". . I took a deep breath, shit am i really ready to ask him this so soon? I didnt face him and just asked because. . . If i wanted to know how I really feel about Shadow, I want to understand my feelings. ". . . Can you kiss me?".

". . . What?"

To be continued. . .
Next Chapter: "Can you kiss me?"
Cover Image by: LuicaShips on X

Author's Note: Thank you for reading chapter 5 of "My Sweet Mistake". I hope you enjoying Sonic and Shadow's relationship develop as I want it to go at a slow/medium pace to give you readers some time to read the conflicts that will be in the upcoming chapters. In other news leave notifications on for chapter 6 as it's almost done. . . And has some spicy moments too 👀. See you all later! ^^.

❤️💙﹒⟡﹒𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 (sonadow)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora