"There's a Chanel Klein approaching the premises. How should we respond?"

I turn my attention to Lennox. "Lennox baby, do you know why your mother is on her way to the property?"

All the color in her face drains at the question. "My mother?! She can't see all of those men especially not with their guns I-. How does she even know where I'm at?" Her rambling goes off into her own personal thoughts.

"Have the men hidden. Guns away, she's no threat." Lennox snorts at the statement. "To you. She's no threat to you. Have one guard out to announce her arrival."

"Got it boss." Lennox suddenly appeared at my side.

"Hello Rico." She sticks her hand out to which Rico shakes gently.

"Hello Ms.Klein."

"Oh stop that. The only one who has to call me is this one." She points to me with a teasing smile.

"Enough chit chat go handle that for me Rico." He nods at me, then Lennox which seems to catch her off guard. Soon she'll become more accustomed to the type of power she now holds. Anything she asks for those men will die to make it come true. It's a responsibility not everyone could handle but I know the type of character she has. Firm yet fair, while still being fiercely loyal. As much as they will protect her she will do her best to keep them safe too.

"I should probably change."

I lead her back to my bedroom where we both decide to change into lounge sets. There's no need to get all dressed up today, I'm staying home with my woman today and want to be as comfortable as possible.

In the closet Lennox finishes tightening the ribbed robe that matches her top and bottoms. Walking over to her I wrap another one of her scarves around her head. "Today is about comfort. We'll deal with the rest another day."

Once again a knock on the bedroom door interrupts our time together. I'm tempted to whisk her away. "Mother dearest has arrived." Taking her hand we walk to the living room together.

Chanel Klein sits prim and proper on the L-shaped couch. Looking at her starkly reminds me of her daughter. The confidence both of these women display is inspiring yet still intimidating in the best way possible. Neither of them smile mirroring the same unfazed look. She doesn't even realize how many of her mothers mannerisms she has.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Chanel stands from the couch. She walks towards Lennox pulling her into her arms when she finally reaches her. I am so proud of Lennox, I know they have a complicatedly tense relationship. Last time I saw the two of them together Lennox had tears in her eyes. Right now they seem to be working through whatever battles they face as mom and daughter.

"Lennox darling, you haven't been answering your phone. I have been calling you since yesterday. I saw you being escorted to the hospital on the news." Chanel pulls away from Lennox inspecting every inch of her face.

No wonder she showed up here randomly. If I had seen that on the news I'm not sure if the hospital would have even survived my terror. Chanel must have been panicked especially to not hear back from her, which is partly my fault considering all of the distractions from me.

"I'm fine, it was a client. Rebecca..." Lennox's eyes roam off to the side, likely replaying the conversation we just had. It's freeing to know the truth in its entirety but the question of what happens next is heavy for us. "How did you find me anyway?"

"We should talk in private. Fabian you don't mind do you?" Chanel turns to me, giving me a stale smile. It's not a question, more of a hard suggestion.

Bianchi: Dark KnightWhere stories live. Discover now